《IMAGINES ❤️》Code blue


Calling Girlfriend ❤️...

"Hey babe! Where are you? I just want you to remind our movie date later."

"Oh no. We can't go to the movies tonight?"

"No babe, it's okay. I'm sure we can watch that movie some other time. I'm sure you are tired when you get here."

"Yeah, i'm sure. I'll see you tomorrow?"

Kendall was about to respond but you already ended the call. You are planning to surprise her because you got a chance to leave because your surgery ended early as you expected too. All your patients are stable now, you have a job well done for today.

"Yup, love you too.." She let out a sigh and toss her phone on the couch and sat with her sisters.

Cardiac Surgeon

"No show again?" Kourtney asked. "Look Ken, i really admire her because of her profession and for saving so many lives. But she is a busy woman, are you okay that she doesn't have time for you?" Kourtney said to her younger sister.

"Yeah, i agree with Kourt. I mean, you barely see each this past few weeks and she disappears on our family occasions without even saying goodbye. That's rude.." Kim added.

"Because she's on call, what do you want her to do? Stay at the party and ditch her patients to party with us?" Kendall tried to defend you to her sisters.

"Yes! God it's so annoying she's checking her phone every ten minutes, it's like she wanted to leave mom's party. On top of that, she's a little bit boring.." Kylie said as she rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Remember when the first time Kendall intorduced her to us? She wore a freaking O.R scrubs! She forgot to change on her way to my birthday dinner." Khloe said laughing her ass off.

"Kylie it's not like she's checking her instagram and twitter like you always do, even when she's outside the hospital her job never end guys. She's on call 24/7, you guys are the one who is rude to her. And my girlfriend is not boring!"

"Ken your sisters are right. Dating a doctor is hard. I'm not going to sugarcoat it for you, you know it's a huge part of her life. She's always stressed, tired and sometimes doesn't have time to go on a dates with you. How many times she supported you on your fashion shows? One time, in New York but that's it. You are a busy woman too, and we all know that. But she's busier than you." Kris said to her daughter while drinking her champagne.

"Oh come on mom, not you too.." Kendall let out a heavy sigh.

"To be honest, i don't like her for you. I'm sorry to say this, but she's going to break your heart because she doesn't have time for you. She's not good enough for you. I just don't want to see you get hurt." She added.

"Don't you guys think i don't know that?" Kendall said looking annoyed by her lectures of her sisters and mother. "I've been dating Y/N for a year and a half already, yes it's hard to date her but it's worth it. Okay? Dating her gave me a sense of personal growth and character development, i learned how to be selfless and more understanding to the people around me and mostly to her. What i'm saying is-- i will do everything to support her in every kind of way even though my OWN FAMILY doesn't like her. The problem is not my girlfriend, it's you guys. Because you are all closed minded and too over yourselves. I love Y/N and i'm going to be with her whether you like it or not!" Kendall snapped at her sisters and her mother.


What they didn't know is that you heard everything they said about you. You wanted to smile because your girlfriend stood up for you to her family, but you are more hurt because you didn't know that your girlfriend's family doesn't like you for Kendall. You turn around to leave quietly when your phone dinged. All of them turned to you looking surprised.

"Oh shit.." You muttered.

"Babe? What are you doing here?" Kendall asked you.

"Uh.. I-- uhm.. I wanted to surprise you and take you out on a date early so i can spend more time with you. I'm sorry for interrupting your conversation. Ken, i'll just-- leave." You said and hurriedly head outside, your girlfriend followed you as she gave her sisters a glare. She already knows you heard everything..

"Babe! Wait!" You heard your girlfriend called you, you pull your keys into your pocket and opened your door but she shut it. "It had to be said, okay? I'm sorry. Please don't leave.." She let out a sigh and you nodded.

"True.. And baby, i respect and love you so much for standing up for me like that to your family. But i can't be with you Ken, not like this.. They have a point, a good point. I'm never going to be enough for you, you deserve to be with someone who will give you their time and-- and attention that you need. They are just looking out for you.. Now, you have to go back there and apologize to them, especially to your mom." Kendall frowned and shook her head.

"What? Hell no. They should be apologizing to you. Y/N why are you defending them?"

"Because i have a mom and sisters too, i love my family more than anything in this world. I can't even imagine my pain knowing that my sisters got hurt by someone who doesn't gave them the love that they deserve.. Yes your mom might not like me, she might never think that i'm good enough for her daughter but that's what mother does.. Okay? Maybe we need to think things over Ken." You said and gave your girlfriend a kiss on her temples. You head inside your car and left.

Y/N gave me a kiss on my temples, and drove off. I wiped my tears because i'm afraid that i might lose Y/N because of what my sisters said about her. My family doesn't like my girlfriend ever since we started dating, she's invited to our family gatherings but they barely talk to her. She's too nice and positive all the time that makes people use to take advantage of her. I'm so fed up to my sisters talking shit to my girlfriend in front of me all the time.

"You guys broke up already?" Kylie asked me while grinning like this is some kind of a joke.

"Oh shut your big mouth Kylie. She heard all of you talking shit behind her!" I yelled.

"Ken, don't be so dramatic. She's going to be fine, don't tell me you're girlfriend is a cry baby? Because that is a major turn off." Kourtney said to me while scrolling on her phone and all my sisters laughed at me. That's fucking it! I'm done with all these bitches trying to interfere with my life.

"Dramatic? Are you hearing yourself Kourtney? Are you really like this? No shit Scott cheated on you." I shot back.

"Whoa! Kendall don't even go there!" Kim yelled at me.

"You're out of line Ken. That's not cool." Kylie added, i looked at Khloe waiting for her to jump in because i know she's going to side with my sisters. She shrug her shoulders and didn't said anything.


"Not cool? How about all the things that you said to my girlfriend?!"

"Kendall that's enough.." my mom said calmly.

"Or what? Don't you guys think that i'm not offended to all the things that you are saying to Y/N? Have a little respect to the person that i love. Even though she heard all of you talking shit behind her back, she didn't get mad instead she wanted me to apologize to all of you. But the truth is you guys should be the one who is apologizing to her!" I head upstairs and tried to call Y/N.

It's been three days since i had a big fight with my sisters and mom. Y/N is not answering any of my message and my calls, i tried to go to her apartment but she's not there either. I arrived at my grandmother's house, my mom threw her a dinner party because it's her birthday today.

"Hey Mj! Happy birthday!" I said as i hug my grandma and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Thank you Kenny. I'm glad you made it."

"Yeah, we thought you're not going to attend Mj's birthday." Khloe said and i ignored her.

"I heard you girls had a big fight three days ago? Why?" Mj asked all of us.

"Oh nothing Mj.. Y/N is not worth it to fight over." Kylie said.

"Fuck you Kylie." I said and gave her my younger sister a stern look.

"Kendall, can you stop cursing? It's freaking annoying." Kourtney said.

"I can curse whatever, and whenever i want Kourtney."

"That's enough girls." Mj tried to stop us from fighting when Kim jumped into the conversation. We had an argument again that led to yelling each other.

"Guys stop. You are like a bunch of kids fighting over a fucking candy " Khloe said.

"Wow! Look who's talking?" I said.

"What? I'm the only one who didn't argued with you last time." Khloe said.

"I'm still offended that you are always making fun with my girlfriend!"

"That's enough! All of you just calm---!" My grandmother held her chest, oh my god. She's having a heart attack. She drop on her knees and she's having a hard time to breathe, thank God Rob catches her.

"Call 911!" Kendall yelled at her sisters who froze because of shock. Her mom dialed 911 on her phone, and the model reached for her grandmother's aspirin and made her swallow it. A few minutes Mj passed out, Kendall check her grandmother's pulse and started to do a CPR but she's not responding. Good thing you taught Kendall what to do if someone is having a heart attack incase there is an emergency with her grandmother.

"Mom we can't wait the 911, let's get her to the nearest hospital." Kendall said trying to be calm, you also told her not to panic when someone is having a heart attack. Her mom quickly agreed to her daughter and Corey carried the old lady to their car. Kendall get inside the car with her grandmother to keep doing a CPR to get her oxygen pumping to her brain while Corey is driving.

You just woke up from a nap in the call room, you didn't slept for 16 hours straight because of your on call shift. You are on your way to check on your patients when your pager goes off.

"Code blue level one, lobby. Code blue level one, lobby." You run as fast as you could to get to the lobby, you got there on time surprised when you saw your girlfriend with her grandmother. The nurses put the old lady to the stretcher and you start asking what happened to the patient.

"What happened to her?"

"Heart attack, i did a CPR to her on our way here because she passed out." Kendall said to you.

"Y/N please save my mother, please." Kris said, you nodded at her.

You check the patients pulse, but you can't feel it you leaned in to check if Mj's still breathing, "She's not breathing! Color code!" You yelled and you hop on the stretcher to perform a CPR while rushing her to the E.R.

"Readt the pads, continue the CPR." You said to the other nurse, "Let's start the ventilations here." You said. "Continue the ventilations one every ten."

An hour after, Kendall's grandmother is already stable for now. You noticed that she had an irregular heartbeat, she needs to do a coronary artery bypass grafting as soon as possible but you need the family's consent.

"Mom calm down, Mj is going to be okay.." Kendall said to her mother while they are waiting outside the Emergency room.

"How can i calm down? My mother had a heart attack, i don't know if she's going to make it this time." Kris said while crying, Kendall walk towards her mother and gave her a hug to comfort her.

"Y/N is a great doctor mom, just trust her on this. Alright?" Kris nodded at her daughter, "Corey can you get mom something to drink?"

"Sure. Want to come with me babe?" He asked Kris. Kendall sat down with her sisters. Kylie couldn't stop crying because she is really close with her grandmother, her older sister tried to comfort her even if Kendall is still mad at her.

"Mj is going to be fine, Ky." Kendall said.

"I know.. I'm just worried about her. Thanks to you, you know something about CPR. How did you know how to do that?"

"Perks of dating a doctor." Kendall let out a small smile.

"You know.. I think she's a badass doctor and she's really cool, you are so lucky that you have a girlfriend like Y/N." Kylie held Kendall's hand, "I'm sorry Ken.."

You head out to the Emergency room so you can talk to Kendall's family to let them know Mj's condition. You also need to explain to them the procedure you are going to do with her. You saw Kendall talking to her sisters, you walk towards them and cleared your throat to get their attention.

"Babe? H-how's my grandma?" Kendall asked you.

"She's stable, for now.. Where is your mother?"

"Why? What happened to my mom?" Kris asked you, you look at her and gave her a small smile.

"She's fine Ms. Jenner. Her heart stopped pumping blood round her body, when heart stops pumping blood the brain starved of oxygen that causes her to fall and stopped breathing earlier. The patient has a bloodclot in her heart.. Thanks to your daughter she started to do CPR to your mother as soon as she passed out until they get here into the hospital or else she won't make it.." You glanced at your girlfriend, "There is a possible that she'll have an attack again and we can't let that happen because she will die. I'm suggesting to do a bypass grafting but i need your consent first. If you don't want me to operate, i can recommend you to my co-league. He's one of--" Kim cuts you off.

"What is a bypass grafting?" She asked.

"As i said earlier, she has a blockage in her heart that causes her heart attack. Coronary artery bypass grafting is a type of surgery that improves blood flow to the heart." You answered, Khloe raised an eyebrow. She's impressed with your knowledge and confidence when it comes to your job. "So? What is your decision Ms. Jenner" You asked Kendall's mother.

"Do whatever you can to save my mother's life. I want you to be the one who will run the surgery Y/N. Please.." You were a little surprised when Kris held your hand. You simply nodded at her.

"Alright.. I'll do whatever i can to save Mj. We will do the surgery as soon as possible.. Excuse me." You said to them excusing yourself. You held Kendall's hand a squeezed it, "I'll go ahead babe." You smiled at her.

You are walking towards the E.R when Kendall called your name, "Y/N!" You stopped on your tracks and turned around. The model gave you a peck on the lips, "I know you don't need a goodluck kiss because you are an amazing doctor, but i just want to kiss you." You smiled at her.

"Still the best girlfriend in the universe." You said and winked at her. She watched you walk away until you dissappear in the E.R.

You move the patient to the operating room to start the surgery. The surgery took six hours, you asked the nurse to settle Kendall's grandmother to the ICU in a few minutes. She's already stable, but she's sleeping because of the anaesthesia. You head outside the operating oom and you saw the Kardashian-Jenner family, they all rushed to you.

"How is it Y/N?" Kris asked.

"She's already stable Ms. Jenner, but she's unconscious right now because of the anaesthesia. I told the nurses to settled her in the ICU because we still need to monitor her condition incase there is going to be a complications. But i highy doubt that, just pray for her fast recovery. Two days, if there is no complication we can get her a private room for healing process." You smiled at your girlfriend's family. "Please excuse--"

"Uh.. Ms. Jenner i just got off at the oper-- okay.." Kris gave you a hug, you got surprised and you looked at Kendall who is smiling at you. You rested your arms at the older woman's back. A few seconds both of you pulled away.

"Thank you Y/N. Thank you so much for saving my mother's life." You noticed that Kris is crying, you let out a small smile at her.

"Just doing my job Ms. Jenner.. I hope Mj will get better soon." You said to them.

"Thank you and please, call me Kris or mama K."

Kris Jenner welcomed you to their family, but you don't know about Kendall's sisters. You head to the call room to get a quick shoer and get

change because your shift supposedly ended two hours ago. You checked your phone and you saw your girlfriend texted you few minutes ago.

"Rooftop? Babe i told you, you are not allowed to go there. 😅 I love you too." You replied to your girlfriend.

"What is a pretty girl like you doing here?" You said while grinning at your girlfriend, she let out a small laugh.

"Hey doctor. You did a great job earlier, nicely done.." She said and you sat beside her. "For you, looks like you need this." She gave you a coffee.

"Thank you. I really need this, i haven't had much sleep in three days.." You take a sip on your coffee, Kendall is looking at you smiling. "What?"

"Nothing.." She said and kissed your lips.

"Come on, tell me. What's up?" You playfully nudge your girlfriend.

"No you tell me.. You're the one who told me that we need to think things over."

"Yeah, and i already did.. I'm sorry because i ignore the fact that you stood up for me to your family and i doubted myself because i don't want you to dissapoint you anymore when i'm bailing out on our dinners, and cancelled dates--"

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