《IMAGINES ❤️》My Love [Part V]


You and Kendall are sitting on the bench while you are finishing your project. While she's scrolling on her instagram and resting her head to your shoulder. You glanced on her phone and she's about to take a stolen picture of you. You pressed your lips to her forehead before she captured the picture of you and her. Some people in the university are starting to wonder if you and the model are together. Your classmates are asking you if you are dating Kendall, you always deny that you are dating the model whenever someone asks you. Not because you are embarrassed to be with her, but because you don't want the people to judge her. Especially because she's a celebrity.

Silvia your helper, Pancho and your brother knew about your relationship with Kendall. Even when in your house you still hide your sweetness with each other because of Randy, your sister ordered him to watch your every move. You felt like you have no freedom in your own house. Your sister is not against of you dating women, she knew your condition and doesn't expect you to date men. But Kendall's family has been to a lot of controversies in years, their family is also one of the most powerful and most influenced family in America. The media, reporters and paparazzi are always watching and following there every move. You already know that your sister wouldn't like her, and you don't want her to interfere with your relationship.

Kendall doesn't like it when you are keep denying to people that you are together, it pisses her off. She doesn't want to hide you, but because you grew up in the country where people judge and doesn't accept gay people, you chose to protect Kendall from everyone who will judge her and of course her reputation as a model and celebrity. Besides, she told you that she's not out as gay in her family. She didn't even know that she's gay until she met you. "Are you sure about this?" You asked the model while your attention is in your laptop.

She looked up to you and frowned, "Sure about what?"

"About us.." You let out a heavy sigh.

She put her phone away as she sit properly and held your hand. She scanned your face, she knew that you are worried. She's dating you for two weeks and the model always noticed that you are always scared and hesitant about everything. "Y/N i've never been so sure of anything as i'm sure of you now. I'm fed up with looking for you with everyone else."

You couldn't help but to smile on what she said to you, "What about you?" She asked.

You looked deepy into her eyes and said, "Right now, the only thing that i am really sure about is that i love you."

"Good. You better be sure babe, because i don't have a plan on leaving you. Whatever happens, in good times and in bad we're going to stick together. Promise?." She said to you, and kissed the back of your hand.


"Promise.. Thank you Ken. For everything-- you don't know how much you changed me for the better, you made me a better person than i was before. Nothing can change what i feel about you, that's a promise." You look around to see if there's people around, there's a few people hanging out on the tree but they are focused on their phones and books. You quickly grab her cheek and pressed your lips against hers.

"I will do everything for you, to make you happy Y/N. If you're happy then i am happy." You let out a chuckle, when your phone rang. You saw Camila is calling you again, yes AGAIN. She's calling you everyday and go your house uninvited. She has the nerve to do any of that because she knew your sister likes her for you. She has your sister's blessing, a thing that Kendall doesn't have. Right now..

You let out a heavy sigh and rejected her call again, for god knows how many times you rejected her call. Kendall didn't comment that much about your past relationship with the singer, it's not that she's scared of her. But she respects the fact that Camila was your best friend back then, that's the thing that you love the most about the model. She's very understanding, and kind-hearted. "Do you want to have dinner at my house later?" You asked.

"Yes! I miss Silvia's home cooked meals." She flashed a huge grin looking super excited. Both of you head to your car, Kendall texted her driver not to pick her up from the uni.


"Oh my god Silvia. Your cooking skills and seafood paella are out of this world! Amazing." Kendall said smiling at your helper.

"Ver? That's why i like this chica." Silvia said looking at you as she lowers herself to gave Kendall a hug. Kendall rested her head to Silvia's arm. Your helper loves to cook for you especially for Kendall, because she always compliments her cooking skills. You let out a soft chuckle and the oven dinged, you stood up to get the apple pie that Silvia made for you and Kendall.

"I'll get it mija." She said.

"No, no. I will get it, i know you're already tired Silvia. Eat with us, siéntate. (Sit down)" You politely asked her to seat with you and your girlfriend, the older woman obeyed as you walk towards the kitchen.

"Míja i want to thank you for making Y/N happy again. I haven't seen her like that in months.." Silvia said as she holds my hand.

"Silvia, i don't mean to be nosy but-- how did her father got murdered?" I asked, because until now i didn't know anything about that. I just know that Y/N's father saved her from getting shot. I know my girlfriend doesn't like talking about what happened, it's very traumatic for her.

"She got kidnapped, she disappeared for three days. Her father and the police did everything to find her, and when they finally did-- that little girl's life became more in danger. Based on what his brother told me, Y/D/N saved Y/N's life by catching a bullet for her." Oh. Shoot, that was so tragic. "After that, she's in a trauma, she got depressed and everything became different about her. She's like a princess of the family, she's sweet, innocent and bubbly. And then Julian told me that she started taking drugs, alcohol and she's always going to the bar." Silvia wiped her tears, as she felt sorry for Y/N's loss. It was very tragic, no wonder why she's always scared and hesitant with everything.


"She's in the dark place, until you came into her life. Even Camila can't do anything when she's at that state, but you-- you are special Kendall.." I was about to speak when Y/N walked in, me and Silvia looked at her while she's holding the pie.

"Sorry it took so long, i couldn't find the pot holders." She smiled at us.

After we had dinner, me and Y/N head to her room upstairs. We have to act like normal friends if we are in her house because Randy is always looking at us. It's weird and creepy, i'm really thankful that Pancho and Silvia are always looking out for Y/N. She sat on her bed looking at me.

"What?" I asked her.

"So? What did Silvia told you earlier?"

"It's about uh-- about uhm.." I looked at her and she arched both of her eyebrows waiting for me to answer her question. "About your father's death. I didn't mean to intrude but i'm just curious--"

"No babe, it's okay.. I'm sorry i didn't told you about that, it's just.. it's still fresh in my memory." She let out a heavy sigh, as i sit beside her. She looked at me and her eyes started to water. Oh god, my poor baby. "You shouldn't be with me Kendall, i'm a fucking mess.."

I took her hand and squeezed it to let her know that i'm always here for her, "Y/N.."

"No, really.. I'm broken. I don't know why you're still here with--"

Before she finished her sentence i cut her off with a kiss to shut her up. "I'm sorry you're hurting, Y/N. I wish, i wish i could take every ounce the pain you feel. But i can't.. From now on, you won't have to face all your problems alone. I'll be here for you always."

"I don't wanna say it, but maybe this was fate. I- i know it's a different love because you make me better. I love you Ken, i really do.." She said as she leaned closer to my face, our nose brushed against each other.

"I love you too Y/N," I whispered underneath my breath, before i gently pressed my lips against hers.

"It's just weird, because the last words that my father told me is that i'm his daughter and he loves me very much. I mean-- it doesn't made sense.. Of course i'm his daughter." I frowned at her in confusion, what does her father meant?

"It's not that i don't care about it, but you know i hate seeing you like this baby. Right?" She nodded, i wiped her tears and caress her face. "Everything will be okay, you're going to be okay. It's all over now.." I wrapped my arms around hers and pressed a kiss on her temples.

"Will you still love me tomorrow?" She asked, a single tear fell from her eyes.

"Forever and ever babe." I smiled at her, and peck her lips. "You know what you need? A distraction babe.." I started kissing her jaw, i can feel that she's smiling already.

"Yeah, distract me then." She smirked.

We made love and cuddled all night, since both of us doesn't have class tomorrow. But i do have a photoshoot at 10 in the morning tomorrow, i really want to have a break from modelling.. Maybe atleast for a year, i'm so tired and exhausted from travelling and all the fashion shows. I just want to focus on my study and with Y/N. I'm planning on introducing my girlfriend to my family soon.

"Oh my god baby! I'm going to be late!" I yelled as she woke up, i looked at the time on my phone and it's already 9am, i have to get ready and i need to go home.

"Oh, shit. Sorry! Come on, get dressed. Pancho will drive you to your apartment babe." She said and i rushed putting some clothes because we're both naked. She wore her bathrobe and we head downstairs, she called Pancho and ordered him to take me home.

"I'll just text you later babe, alright? I love you." I said to her while i'm getting inside their car. She nodded as i closed the door, she's looking at me. "What?"

"Your forgetting something babe." She smiled at me. Oh that cute smile that made me blush all the damn time.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Where's my kiss?" She pouted and i let out a soft chuckle because of how cute she is when she gets clingy.

"Nope, you give me a kiss." I said smiling.

She insert her head on the window to kiss me, she gave me a peck on the lips but i grab her neck to deepen the kiss. "I love you too mí amor." She gave me her cute signatured wink with smile.

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