《IMAGINES ❤️》My love [Part III]


"Thank you so much Silvia for this wonderful dish." I smiled at Y/N's helper. She simply nodded and gave me a warm smile. I noticed that the other bodyguard is giving me a stern look, when i glanced at him he looked away. He's weird..

"Whatever mija makes her happy.." She said and left the dining room. I looked at Y/N when she held my hand.

"Do you wanna go for a swim?" She asked.

"Y/N i don't have bikini--"

"I have, i mean.. Kiana has a bikini on her room."

"Oh, okay.. Why? Don't you have a bikini for yourself?" I asked her.

"I don't wear bikinis. I can't.." I gave her a puzzled look, and she let out a nervous laugh.


"I have this rare condition, it's weird. I don't think you'll understand." She said, she is looked embarrassed.

"It's okay, try me." I smiled at her.

She explains that she has a dick. At first i was so shocked and taken aback. I mean, i didn't know that, that kind of people exist. But i made sure that it's okay, i actually think it's pretty cool. You're a girl with a penis, you'll be really great in bed. Okay, scrap that Kendall.

You jumped in the pool like a little kid. Kendall told you earlier that she doesn't know how to swim, it just happened that she's tall that's why she can't drown in the pool easily. You laughed at her statement and you promised her to teach her how to swim or even float.

"Ken that's ten feet under, don't jump on that side." You said to her smiling. She smirked and walk towards you, she sit on the side of the pool facing you while you are in the water.

"I'm not going to jump, but that's super deep." She stated.

"Yeah, my dad build this pool for him. I don't remember that much, because i'm too young. But Julian is great swimmer." You said to her, "Come on, i'll teach you some basics." You smiled.

She slowly slid herself under the water, while you are holding her waist. An hour had passed, she already knew how to float in the water. "See? You are doing great!" You said smiling at her. Kendall laughed and lose her focus, the water came to her face. Both of you laughed at each other.

"Mija! You have a visitor." You heard your helper Silvia, you and Kendall turned to face her. You got surprised when you saw your girlfriend.


"Hola mí amor.." She smiled at you. "Hi Kendall." You looked at Kendall and gave her an apologetic smile because your girlfriend interrupted your bonding time. You get out of the water and walk towards Camila.


"Hey.. I didn't know that you two knew each other." Kendall said.

"Of course, she's my girlfriend." She said as she grab you on the neck and kiss you. Kendall looked away while Camila is kissing you. You pulled away, "Not happy to see me?" She asked.

You are about to answer when Kendall spoke again, "Y/N i have to go. I- uh.. I forgot i have to be somewhere in an hour." She said and she walked away.

"Alright, your clothes are in my room. I'll go with you.."

"No. It's okay. I'll just change there quick and head out. Thank you." She gave you a forced smile. She was shook because she didn't know about you and Camila. She felt hurt because you didn't tell her that you already have a girlfriend, but she doesn't know how to tell you because there is nothing going on between the two of you. She walk faster and head to your room to change.

"Ken wait.." You tried to follow her when Camila held you on your wrist. "What?" You said looking annoyed by her presence.

"Y/N just let her go. She can take care of herself. I missed you.." She said as she wrapped her arms around your neck, she tried to kiss you again but you pull away from her arms.

"Camila what are you doing here? Aren't you with Shawn?" You frowned.

"Y/N i told you a thousand times, it's just a PR. Okay? Nothing is happening between me and him." She stated and you rolled your eyes.

"Well, yeah. It's a good timing, huh? Where were you Camila? I haven't heard from you in almost a month!You supposed to pick me up at the airport three weeks ago. But then i saw you all over the internet having a nice dinner with him." You said raising your voice at her.

"Okay, look-- i'm sorry. I was so busy this past few weeks, because i'm on a tour. I'm sorry baby." She said holding your hand. "I'm so sorry.. I'll make it up to you." She said as she step closer to you invading your personal space.

"I let you do your thing, i supported you since we were kids because i love you. You left me when my father died, you left me when i needed you the most to chase your dream and it's okay because i know you're going to be happy.. I let you hide me in public so that people won't judge you for who you are. But you could've at least treat me better. We're over Camila.. Done. You can do whatever you want now i don't care.." You pulled your hand away from hers, and walk away.


"Y/N come on. Don't do this!" She yelled but you ignored her and head inside your house.

You ran upstairs thinking that Kendall is still there but she's already gone. You peek your head on your window to see if her car is still on the driveway but her car is gone. You reached for your phone to call her, but you hesitated and decided not to. You don't know what to say to her, you wanted to apologize to her. But, what are you apologizing for? She's always been with a guy, it's impossible for her to like you. You let out a sigh and threw your phone on the bed.

You've been calling Kendall for three days but she's not answering her phone. You don't know if she's mad at you or she's just busy. You couldn't find her everywhere in the uni, you tried to go to her apartment but no one is answering you when you knock. You are having a bad day because you just spoke to your brother on the phone that your kidnappers still hasn't caught. You are still doing the project that your professor gave you, when you heard a knock on your door. "Please, leave me alone Silvia.." You said.

"But i'm not Silvia." You heard Kendall's voice. You stood up and open your door.

"Hi." She said.

"Hey.. Come in."

"Still doing that project? It's been weeks." She said as she sat on your bed.

"I failed the first project, i don't know how to do this honestly." You said.

"I'm sorry i didn't answer your calls and text this past few days. I was super busy with my schedule, plus i had a big fight with my dad."

"Are you okay?" Your asked her worriedly.

"Yeah, it's fine. My mom and dad got divorced years ago, but i just found out the reason why." She looked down trying to hold her tears. You wrapped you arms around her shoulder as she rested her head against your chest.

"Do you-- do you wanna talk about it?" You said. "I'm here to listen.."

"He cheated on my mom when i was still a baby, he had an affair with someone. And the woman was also married and has two children at that time. The girl told him that she's pregnant, he planned on leaving us for that woman. But she said that it's not his baby, but he believed that it's his. He also told me that i might have another sister beside Kylie but he hasn't found her already." You noticed that she's crying, you just hugged her tight to comfort her.

"Hey.. It's okay-- no it's not okay. But, you can handle this. You are a strong person Ken, you can handle everything. If your father finds where she live, are you going to be mad at your sister?" You asked.

"No. It's not her fault, it's my father's and her mother. That woman ruined my family, up to now my mom couldn't forgive my dad because of what they did." You don't know what to say, you don't know how to give advice to her because none of your parents cheated on each other. At least that's what you know. You just made her feel that you are always there to comfort her and to support her. You are leaning against the headboard, your arms still wrapped at Kendall's while her face is buried at the crook of you neck. She's been crying for an hour, she looks so fragile and broken because of her father.

"Here, drink this." You gave the water on your nightstand to drink it so she can calm down a little bit.

"S-sorry.. I shouldn't be like this." She said.

"Hey, it's fine. It's normal to feel that way, i mean if i'm in the same place as you i would react the same way that you did. But please, stop crying." You said and held her hand.

"Yeah, i should stop crying. I look ugly when i cry, it's embarrassing.." She let out a soft chuckle and shook her head.

"What? No. You look beautiful when you cry, but you look perfect when you are happy and smiling.." You said smiling at her. Her smile faded and the room became quiet. You look down looking ashamed that she might take the wrong way about you said a while ago.. She slammed her lips into yours, you were taken aback by her action. She kissed you hungrily, when you are getting comfortable she pulled away. Eyes widened and looked surprised to what she just did.

"I- i'm sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to--" She stood up.

"Oh no, it's okay Ken."

"No it's not. I'm so sorry, i have to go." She grabbed her bag and left your room. You followed her downstairs and grab her arm.

"Don't leave.." You said.

"I have to. I'm sorry, i'm not-- that."

"You're not what?" You asked.

" I'm straight Y/N.. I'm not gay, i was just sad and idiot for doing that. I didn't mean to kiss you and be aggressive.." She pulled away from your hand and run outside your house. You didn't tried to follow her outside, she made it clear to you that she's straight and doesn't like girls. But you are confused why did she kissed you.

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