《IMAGINES ❤️》My love [Part II]


Y/N left after she received a call from someone, i guess it's her sister or her mom? She looked really familiar, i saw her in the airport but i think i already saw her somewhere before that. She looks really devastated because of her father's death. I don't know why, but i like talking to her even if she's still distant. Well yeah, that's normal because we just met. She treats me different, like i'm just a normal person. It's really cool, she is cool..

I'm about to call my driver to pick me up, when a black range rover stopped in front of me. "Hey.." Y/N said while rolling down her window.

"Hey!" I said to her smiling.

"Do you need a ride home?" I don't know why, she's still a stranger to me but i didn't hesitate to get in the car with her.

"I was about to call my driver but-- yeah sure!" I said and head inside her car.

"Where do you live?" She asked.

"At Wilshire blvd. How about you?"

"Pancho do you know where wilshire is?" She asked her driver.

"Yes señorita.." He said smiling at both of us in the rear view mirror.

"I-- at my parents old house at Beverly Hills.." She said.

"Really? Some of my sisters lives there."

"How many siblings do you have?" She smiled.

"Oh, i have so many many siblings. Half older sisters and older brothers, and also a younger sister." She nodded at me, "What about you? Are you an only child or--"

"I have siblings, an older brother and older sister. I'm the youngest.."

We talked in the car while we are on our way to my apartment. She told me that she's half spanish and her mom is a native here in L.A. I learned that her mom was a famous model in 70's and 80's until she marries Y/N's dad. She's very close to her brother but not to her oldest sister. The ride was supposedly 10 minutes from the university but we got stuck in traffic for a while.

"Well, this is me. Thanks for the ride." I said to her smiling, she nodded at me not saying anything. "Hey, uhm.. What was your mom's name again?" I asked.

"Margaux. You're welcome Kendall, i'll see you around." She smiled at me as i head outside the car.

As soon as i got into my apartment i googled her mother. I'm really curious about her, i wanted to know where i saw her first before the airport. I don't know if i saw her in the magazine or in the news. I saw an image of her late mother with a mysterious man. I think it's Y/N's father, i clicked the link and read the article. I saw Y/N wearing a black dress while she's crying in the picture with her siblings, i guess?

"Kiana, Y/N and Julian Ortega, children of the communications tycoon and one of the richest man in the world, were at their father's funeral."

It didn't said the cause of her father's death, i quickly looked at the magazine beside my laptop and i saw her picture. She's like a model in spain, she looks younger in here. My mom gave me this magazine last year because they have cool colorful outfits. "So that explains the bodyguards following her around.." I muttered to myself.

"You don't have to tell her stories about your life that much Y/N." Randy spoke, your head bodyguard that your sister hired to guard all your move. You let out a sigh, and rolled your eyes. "There are a lot of bad people in here, you can't trust anyone you just met."


"What are you, my father? She's not a bad person Randy. Besides, if i have to live here then i have to meet people. I have to make friends." You said.

"You're not here to have fun, you're here for your studies."

"And do you think it's easy for me not to have friends? You don't have the right to talk to me as if you are my boss, as a matter of fact-- i am your boss. You are my bodyguard, your job is to protect me. Not to interfere with my personal life. Tú entiendes? (You understand?)" You said in your stern voice. "I don't care what my sister told you, just do your job as my bodyguard. Or i will fire you right here, right now Randy." He flinch when he heard that you are going to fire him, "Entiendes?" You added.

He nodded at you, "Sí, señora. Lo siento. (Yes ma'am. I'm sorry.) It's too late for his sorry, you are already pissed and upset because of him.

You arrived at your house and head straight to your room without greeting Silvia. You slammed your door and locked it. You threw your back across the room, "I hate my fucking life!!" You yelled and punch the wall. You are really frustrated, you're not happy and you don't have a direction in your life. You sat on the floor and broke down in tears.. A while after, you heard a knock on your door.

"Mija? What's going on in there? Are you okay?" Silvia asked you on the other side of the door. "Open the door mija." She said, you can hear in her voice how much she's worried about you.

"Y-yeah.. I'm f-fine." You said wiping your tears. "Go away.. I want to be alone Silvia."

"Okay but if you need something, just call me. I'll be in the kitchen." You didn't said anything, you heard her heading downstairs.


You are sitting at the bench with your laptop browsing about your project. You are working solo because you came in the university two weeks late. So you have a lot of catching up to do in your classes. You flinched when someone cover your eyes, "Guess who?" You smiled as soon as you heard the model's voice. You didn't say anything to tease her, "Come on, guess.."

"Nah i don't want to.." You let out a small a laugh.

"Well, we're going to stay like this until you guess who i am." She said laughing.

"Okay fine." You are both laughing while she's covering your eyes, a few minutes had passed Kendall is still behind you. "You okay back there?" You asked.

She smiled, "Yeah, i told you i'm not going to remove my hands until you don't take a guess who i am."

"Kendall i really don't want to do that." She laughed and removed her hands on your eyes. She sat beside you and looked at your laptop.

"Do you have class today?" She asked you.

"My classes are done for today, why?"

"Wanna grab a cup of coffee near the campus?" You smiled at her and nodded. She held your hand and dragged you with her. "Come on let's go!" She said while both of you are running.

"Señorita!" Pancho called you, "I'll be back! Wait for me in the car!" You said smiling at him. The driver couldn't help himself not to smile, because he already saw you smiling again after your father's death. He's been your driver since you were 13 years old, he's like a family to you as he treated you like his own daughter.


After that you and Kendall started hanging out everyday, you are texting and calling non-stop for three weeks. You felt so happy when she's around, when you hear her voice, you found a friend in her. You are so thankful that she came into your life.

"Hola Julian." You said smiling while waving at your brother while FaceTiming him.

"Sí. I met this girl, and she's-- something." Your brother smiled because he noticed that you are blushing.

You told everything to your brother, but you told him not to tell to your sister. You are afraid because she likes to interfere with your life not just your life but also with Julian's life, she thinks that because she is the eldest she can make a decision for you. On the other hand your brother is really happy for you, he said that he wanted to meet the girl who's making you smile again. He also said that they are doing their best to catch who murdered your father.

You are at your room when your phone started to ring. You looked at the phone and you saw Kendall's caller i.d. You quickly grab your phone and answer it. "Hey Ken. What's up?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll text you my address."

"See you."

You ended the call and text her your address. You head downstairs to ask Silvia to prepare some food because you have a guest coming later. "Silvia?" You called her.

"Sí mija?" She said.

"My friend is coming to have lunch here, so i need you to cook, uhm-- something in that incredible way you can." You said leaning on the kitchen counter.

"Whatever you want mí amor." She smiled while cleaning the kitchen.

"Sí?" You gave her a warm smile, as she nodded at you. "Gracias Silvia."

"So who's this new friend?" She asked.

"Her name is Kendall. You know--? The model?" She frowned and gave you a confused look. "Oh nevermind Silvia. Just please, don't embarrass me. Sí?" You laughed at her and you took a quick shower.

I'm on my way to Y/N's house, i'm so excited to see her again. I haven't seen her since-- okay, i haven't seen her since yesterday. Because i was in the photoshoot the whole day and i have a class. It's just.. I can't stop thinking about her, i always think about her before i sleep.. The words she said, the way she looked, the things we laughed about, the silent moment we shared. Three weeks, and i feel like i'm going crazy about her.

But behind her perfect smile, she has a broken heart. Sometimes i saw her in uni, she have a swollen eyes but she when she saw me she gave me her warm smile. That smile complete my day, i know she's hiding the pain behind her dark past. But i wanted to fill the void, the emptiness that's left inside her heart when she lost her parents.

I arrived at her house and holy shit-- their house is so beautiful. I parked my car in her driveway, i saw her driver Pancho talking to the gardener. He noticed me and smiled, "Hola señorita.." I nodded at him and smiled back.

"Hey Pancho. Is Y/N here?" I asked.

"Yes, just knock on the door." I did what he said and an old lady opened the door.

"Oh, you must be Kendall." She gave me her sweet smile and hugged me. Oh, wow. She's friendly.. "I'm Silvia, Y/N's helper."

"Hi Silvia."

"Thank you, thank you for making my mijs smile again.." No problem, i mean-- she also makes me smile so....

"Silvia.. I told you not to embarrass me." She smiled and cover her face.

"Hi Y/N." I walk up to her and hugged her. "Hey Ken. I'm glad you came." You do?

"Well, i missed you.." She let out a soft laugh

"I missed you too Kenny. By the way, you look beautiful in that dress." She said.

"Thanks. You have a very beautiful house, it's huge." I said while looking around.

"Thank you. Come, i'll give you a tour." She said as she holds my hand dragging me around the house. After a little bit of touring in her home, we head upstairs to her room.

"Wow. You have a beautiful room, it's well organized." I smiled.

"Thanks but-- it's Silvia. She's responsible for it.." She said scratching her nape while i look around her bedroom. I saw some of the paintings in her room.

"Did you made this?" I asked, she nodded at me.

"Yup. I've always wanted to be an artist. But father wants me to handle the business, at first i didn't want to. But when he-- uhm died.. I wanted to do it for him." I sat on the bed beside her.

"Y/N, you will be a great artist. I hope someday you can still do what you really wanted to do."

"I hope so.." She smiled, she reached for the old photo album at her night stand. There's a picture of her whole family. "This is Kiana, my eldest sister."

"Your sister is very beautiful." I said, she really is. She looks like Lauren Jauregui, with blue eyes. They all have blue eyes except her father.

"Yeah she is. This is also her, i don't know-- she can look sweet when she wants to. But she has a bad temper.." She laughed and turned the page of the album. "This is papa.." She showed me a picture of her father. I still don't know why her father died, but it's not the right time to ask. "This is my brother, Julian."

"And this is me. The picture was taken by my mom on our trip in Paris. She died after that so... it's the last picture she took for me." She smiled at me but her eyes started to water.

"I'm sorry Y/N. It must have been really hard to lose both of your parents.." I said and held her hand, she nodded at me not saying anything. She let out a heavy sigh and looked at me.

"You know, my father's death-- it was tragic.. He got killed in front of me, he saved my life. The guy pulled the trigger on me then he tried to block the bullets for me." She said and her tears started to fall down, "S-sorry.. I- i shouldn't have told you about this. I'm--"

"No, no. It's okay Y/N, you can tell me everything. I'm always here to listen, okay?" She nodded as i wiped her tears, "You can count on me. I promise." I wrapped my arms around her shoulder and she buried her face on my neck.

"Girls?" As soon as we heard Silvia, we quickly pulled away from each other. "Lunch is ready.." The old lady smiled at us.

Y/N nodded at her and stood up, "Gracias Silvia.."--"Let's eat?" EAT WHAT Y/N?

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