《IMAGINES ❤️》My love. [G!P&AU]


We are live from the Ortega's mansion waiting for the arrival of the family after the painful murder of Y/D/N Ortega. The Spain is mourning.

"Get out!" You yelled at the media and walked away.

"Please give us some space!" Your brother said and followed you inside your parents mansion.


"Please, don't think about that anymore, it's over little sis. It's been six months.. For now, you need to get rest and disconnect from all of this."

"Honestly, i don't want to do anything.. I don't know what to do with my life, first mom and now dad."

"I can send you to mom's hometown. Besides, it's not safe for you to be here. You can start a new life there Y/N."

"I don't wanna go there alone Julian."

"You're not.. Kiana and i will take care of everything in here, you have to finish your studies. But not here in España, it's not safe while your kidnappers are still out there."


You arrived in Los Angeles to study in business management in UCLA. Your brother sent you away from your hometown because of the kidnapping incident that cause your father's life. Your father is the richest man in Spain, he surely have a lot of competition in business and many people are mad and envy your father because of his success. Since then, you've been having nightmares about the kidnapping, you didn't talk for the whole month, you started to be an alcoholic and started taking drugs; like ecstacy, cocaine and marijuana.

Your sister and your brother put you to rehab for two months, you didn't want to say that you are better now because you still feel alone and depressed. Of course your old bad habits are gone but you are still in dark phase of your life. You are very close to your parents, you are the princess in the family. When your mother died from cancer it was hard for all of you. But you got over it because your father and brother was always beside you. Now, you couldn't accept the fact that your father is gone because he got murdered for saving your life.

You are waiting for your driver while you saw a dozens of paparazzi. They are following a tall brunette woman walking through the exit with bodyguards. Both of you looked at each other for a few seconds. She smiled at you, but you looked away. The tall brunette frowned, still looking at you until she reached her car. You don't really care about your surroundings, although you knew that girl is a model even though you don't know her name. You just watched her car drove away.

"What took you so long Pancho?" You asked your driver.

"Lo siento señorita. I got stuck in traffic.." He said while he's helping you with your luggage.

"It's alright. I'm just having a jetlagged, vamonos." You gave him a forced smile and head inside the car. You are going to your mother's house in Beverly hills where your helper and a two bodyguards will stay with you while you are going to college. You arrived at your house and you saw your helper. She's a family friend that served your parents when they are living in Los Angeles.


"Y/N? Oh mi amor.." She said walking towards you and pulled you for hug. As soon as she hugged you, your tears started to fall and rested your head in her shoulder.

"Papa esta muerto Silvia. (Dad is dead)" You whispered to her and she nodded at you.

"Lo sé mija, lo siento.." She said caressing your back while you are crying. "I'm going to take care of you, i'm here. Okay?" She said as she cups your face while wiping your tears and you nodded at her.

You looked around at the mansion, you saw pictures of your family when you were kids. You picked up your parents wedding picture, you looked at their faces. They looked really happy and in love, you let out a sigh as you wiped your tears. You missed you parents so much. "They look happy at their wedding picture." Silvia said to you.

You put the frame back and nodded, "Yeah, i hope they are happy in heaven." You said as you put your arms around her shoulders.

"Estoy seguro de que serán más felices si te ven feliz mija." (I'm sure they will be more happy if they see you happy mija.)

"I know, i just missed them so much.. We planned on having a vacation here before mama died, papa promised me that we will go here to visit you. B-but-- he died." You said still looking at the picture of your parents. "Esos bastardos lo asesinaron." (Those bastards murdered him.)

"Let your brother and your sister take care of it. I'm sure justice will be served mija.." She rested her head to your chest. "Go to sleep. You are going to school tomorrow." You nodded and kissed the old woman in her forehead.

You head back to your room and take a cold shower. You are laying at your bed looking at the ceiling because you couldn't sleep. You remembered the model you saw at the airport, you tried to remember her name but you couldn't. Her smile stays in your mind, you don't know why she smiled at you. But for some reason, you felt a little bit happy.

You woke up because you heard a loud knock on your door, "Mija? Wake up. I thought you're going to school?" Silvia said.

"Yup! I'm up, i'm up." You quickly stood up and head to your bathroom.

You are done with your classes but you want to walk around the campus. Just to unwind a little and to memorize the campus, you noticed that other students are looking at you. You realized that there are two bodyguards following you around, you stopped your tracks and turned to face them.

"Can you just wait for me in the car? You guys are starting to embarrass me in front of the whole university.." You said.

"Pero señorita--"

"No peros Pancho, por pavor.. This is not Spain, nobody knows who i am here. Besides, i'm inside the campus. No one will going to kidnap me here." Pancho wanted to object but you raised your eyebrow on him. He quickly nodded and walked away with the other bodyguard. You smiled because finally you are free to do whatever you want, you are looking around and you heard a girl shouting while she's on her phone. You can't see her face because she's wearing a sunglass while sitting on the bench near the trees, you are curious why the girl is shouting on her phone so you decided to eavesdrop.


"Yes mom, i know. But, i have a class tomorrow, i can't!"

"Please mom. I really want to do this, just cancel that damn photoshoot!"

"No. For once, just listen to me mom. I really like photography, i did everything you want me to do for years. Please just let me do my thing!"

"You know what? I don't want to talk to you anymore, i'm tired explaining mom."

You pretend to look on the trees so that she won't suspect that you are eavesdropping. She ended the call and unintentionally threw her phone at you.

"Ouch!" The phone landed on your shoulder.

She looked at you, eyes widened because she didn't mean to hurt you. She stood up and walk towards you, "Shit. I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean to-- i didn't see you there and uhm-- s-sorry.." She said stuttering with her words. You stared at her for a while and noticed that she's the model from the airport yesterday. "Y-you look familiar?"

"Oh no, it's okay.. It's fine-- i saw you at the airport yesterday. The paparazzis are following you on your way to your car." She smiled at you, and nodded.

"Yeah, yeah! And i smiled at you but you looked away." She said, she started to rub her nape because she's embarrassed why she smiled at the stranger.

"S-sorry.. I didn't know you were smiling at me i thought it was for someone. Uh-- you know because you're a stranger?" You lied because you didn't know what to say why you didn't smiled back, and you knew that smile was for you.

"It's okay. I mean-- i'm a total stranger.. You must be creeped out." She said still rubbing her nape as she was looking down. You picked her phone up, and gave her.

"It's alright. Hey, nice shoes." You said complimenting her shoes to change the topic.

She let out a small laugh, and looked at your hoodie. "Thanks! Nice hoodie though." Both of you smiled at each other for a while, you got lost in her brown orbs. As if her eyes were hypnotizing you, your thought got interrupted when she spoke again, "What course are you taking?"

"I-- uh, business management. How about you?" You asked.


"I just want to ask-- are you okay? I- i heard you yelling while you're on your phone a while ago.." You asked.

"That's.. my mom." She let out a heavy sigh, "She wanted me to go on a photoshoot tomorrow, i told her that i have a class. She always kept me working, i'm tired. All she cares about is money, momey is overrated." She complained to you like she's comfortable to talk to you about her personal life.

"You don't care about your money?" You asked.

"Nope.." She smiled.

"Well then, give me all you have!" You said in a low voice and gave her a stern look. Her smile started to fade, she looked terrified. A smile crept into your face, and you laughed. She frowned and got confused, "Hey i'm kidding. Calm down.." You said still laughing.

She held her chest and let out a long sigh. Both of you are laughing until you met her gaze again. She looked at you for a while, "Kendall, Kendall Jenner." She said sticking her hand out. You shook her hand and smiled at her.

"Y/N Ortega.."

You and your new friend walk around for a bit. She gave you tour around the campus while talking random stuff about each other. You felt happy because you found a friend on your first day in the university.

"So? Just like that? You don't believe in happiness?" She asked while both of you are walking.

"Well, yeah i do believe in happiness. But sometimes, i don't. Like-- everyone! You know what i mean.." She let out a soft chuckle, "Besides, i don't like people lately." You said.

"Oh okay.. Well, i'm leaving." She said teasing you and started to walk away.

"No. No. Not you." You said holding her wrist. "In fact, i actually like you a lot." You said laughing.

"Really? Then that's good!" She laughed and hooked her hand around your arm.

"You know? I feel like people-- aren't real.."

"Well, yeah.. You're right."

"Really! Like, they prefer when you lie to their faces and instead of saying what you really think. Like my friends, or my sister.. I'm sure they are tired of me because i'm depressed." You said.

"Wow. That's not very nice of them. Don't worry, i'm here for you." Kendall reached for your hand and squeezed it.

"T-thank you.." You smiled, you are about to ask her if she wanted to grab dinner with you when your phone rang. "Oh, i- i gotta answer this." She nodded at you.

"Hola Kiana.."

"Relax. I'm still in the campus, just walking around. I'm alright."

"No estoy haciendo nada malo Kiana. (I'm not doing anything wrong Kiana.) I'm with a new friend, i'll go ahead.."

You ended the call and let out a heavy sigh. You didn't know Kendall heard everything that your sister's saying on the phone because of her yelling. Kendall looked sad because you had to leave, she wanted to ask you if you're okay but obviously not so she decided not to annoy you with questions that already has an obvious answer.

"I, i gotta go.." You said and gave her a forced smile. She nodded at you and pulled you for a hug. You hugged the model back. Both of you pulled away and smiled at each other again before you walk away.

Months of mourning to your father's death, months of being lost, lonely, scared, angry and depressed. Someone made you smile and laugh for the first time in six months..


Sorry i haven't update yesterday, i was so busy and my mind was blocked.. Do you want me to continue this "My love" imagine? I'm still thinking about the ending of Just the way you are. Hang on guys. 😂 Thank you for reading and voting.

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