《IMAGINES ❤️》Just the way you are [Part VI]


"So? You haven't seen her after that?" You assistant asked you.

"Yeah, i flew to London the day after tomorrow. I decided to go with my mom, because she finally caught my dad cheating on her." You said.

"You didn't even said goodbye to her?" You nodded at her, she stood up and shook her head. "You really loved that girl huh?"

"Yeah, i- i did.." Your eyes started to water, and your assistant held your hand.

"Any idea where she is now? Or--" You cut her off.

"No. I don't know where she is. Let's not talk about this again, i told this because i owe you when you saved me from dad yesterday." You smiled at her and she nodded at you.

"Alright, i will leave you alone." She smiled and walk through the door. She cracked the door open and looked at you while you are standing looking at your window, "Call her, you need to talk to her." She said and left.

It's been four years, you left without saying a word to Kendall. She tried calling and texting you but you decided to block her with everything. You also told your cousins not to tell where you are if ever Kendall look for you. Lately, you've been thinking about her that much. You started to realize that you should've at least talked to her before you leave. You always felt that you have unfinished business in L.A, what you said to your assistant was a lie. You knew where she is, how could you not know? She's one of the famous model and photographer in this generation.

You let out a heavy sigh, and head out to your office to go for a walk just to clear your mind for a while. You are working at your father's firm. You are walking with a lot of people in the streets of New York, you are on your way to your favorite coffee shop. You opened the glass door and you got surprised when a little kid ran into you. He dropped his toy car, and he's hesitating to get it you don't know why.

"Oof! S-sorry.." He said looking down in his feet while playing his fingers. You smiled because you remembered Kendall used to do that when she's shy.


You picked his toy, you lower yourself to be closer to him. "It's okay.. Here's your toy, what's you name?" He was about to answer when someone called him.

"Keegan!" You look up to the woman who called him and you got surprised when you saw Kylie. "Y/N?" She said looking surprised.

"Kylie.. Hi." You said.

"H-hi! It's been years Y/N." She said and she doesn't if she will hug you or not. You didn't know why but you pulled her for a hug and smiled at her. "How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good. How about you? Is he yours?" You said looking at the little kid.

"Uh, no. He's my nephew.. A-anyway, w- we have to go. It's nice seeing you!" She said and carry the little kid in her arms. You just looked at her while she's heading inside the range rover with bodyguards.

"What? You saw her?! Where?" Kendall asked her sister in surprise.

"At the coffee shop, Keegan bumped into her. Look Ken-- you need to tell her already. I think it's time.." Kendall squeezed her eyes shut and ran a finger through her hair. She let out a heavy sigh, Kylie sat beside her sister.

"I'm scared... What if she's still mad at me? Or-- or she won't believe me that Keegan is hers?"

"Seriously? How old is Keegan? Four, it's been four years. So yeah-- it made sense right? I mean, she's your first." Kylie said. "Ken, i'm so sorry.. This is all my fault, i shouldn't have done what i did four years ago." My sister started crying.

"No, no.. Kylie, it's been years you have to forgive yourself for what you did.. Let's just forget about that, alright?" I wrap my arms to my sister's shoulder. "You know how much i love you, and i will always forgive you." Kylie rested her head into my shoulder.

"Thank you Ken. It's just that, Keegan needs Y/N too. I mean, look at him. He looks just like her, it's like mini version of her." We looked at Keegan who is playing with his toy cars while watching cartoons.

Yes, my son looks just like her. I found out that i was two months pregnant with him, i didn't try to contact Y/N while she's in London with her mom. I just don't want to ruin her life anymore, i've already done too much to hurt her again. Keegan is the best thing that ever happened to me, when Y/N left me my world fell apart. Because of guilt, and i know i've hurted the person that i love the most. She's my first love, and i also think that she's my last.


And then Keegan came into my life and changed me. He brings color into my life again, and he made me a better person. At first my mom was so mad because i was too young to be a mother, but when i delivered him in this world, everything changed. My mom loves him so much, she is super attached with my son. Kylie is always taking care of him when i'm away, we didn't hide the fact that he's my son. We just didn't answer all the paparazzi's question about my son, and now people think that he is Kylie's son. Which is super funny because she doesn't even have a boyfriend.

"Kylie, where the hell are you guys? I've been waiting here for 30 minutes."

"I told you don't give him too much sweets. Now, deal with it. (Laughs)

"Bye! Tell Keegan i love him."

I ended the call, my son and her aunt spend their time at the park. I'm waiting for them here in Eleven Madison Park, we are having lunch together. Kylie is baby sitting my son while i'm on a photoshoot earlier.

"Yes! I'm already here dad."

"Assholes. Alright, bye. I'm going on a lunch here by myself."


You let out a heavy sigh because your clients postponed the meeting at the last minute. They've been doing that twice to you, you are getting pissed at them already. You head inside to have a lunch alone, you hated eating alone but you don't have a choice because you are hungry.

"Hi! Table for?" The frontdesk asked you.

"Hi. Just one." You said and she nodded at you.

"This way please." You followed the waitress, she walked past by the woman who's talking someone on her phone.

"You're here? Okay, i'll go there.." The tall woman said, she turned around and she bumped into you. Her phone fell in the ground, you picked her phone. You were about to give it to her when you saw the girl you bumped into is your ex girlfriend. The one and only, Kendall Jenner.

"Y/N?" She was taken aback.

"Kendall.." You said in a low voice. "Hi." That's the only word that came out into your mouth.

"H-hello.. S-sorry, i didn't mean to ran into you. I-- how are you?" She said stuttering with her words because of nervousness.

"I- it's fine, i didn't see you.. Yeah, i'm good. How 'bout you? It's been four years.."

"Yeah four years.. It's so nice to--" A cute little voice yelled for her mommy in excitement.

"Mommy!" You turned around because the voice sounds familiar, you saw the kid from yesterday. The kid who bumped into you. You heart startes to race when you realized that he is running towards your ex girlfriend. "Hi baby." Kendall gave his son a hug and kissed his cheek.

"Oh.. He's yours?" You said. She nodded at you and let out a small smile.

"Yup.." She smiply answered.

"So? You're married?" You asked, there is no news that she got married. But you thought that maybe she secretly got married with someone.

"What--? No. I'm not."

"Just a boyfriend?"

"No. I'm single, still single.." You don't know why your heart is celebrating knowing that your ex girlfriend/the love of your life is still single.

"Oh, yeah.. Okay, wow. I know this is-- strange and maybe you find it weird because we just, we just saw each other. But, uhm.. Do you-- wanna have dinner with me tonight? You know.. just to catch up? Or it's okay if you're busy, or--" You stuttered because you are nervous and afraid to get rejected.

"Yes, i would love to Y/N. Can i get your number?" Kendall smiled at you.

"Yeah, sure.." You said.

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