《IMAGINES ❤️》Just the way you are [Part V]


You and Kendall spend the weekend in her parents lake house. Just the two of you, you did everything together. Kendall is more open to you about herself, you learned that besides photography she also loves modelling. You noticed that she loves reading books, not a romantic or the usual 18 year old girl would read and she can do a real bird noise which you find it really cool. Gigi knew about your relationship with Kendall. While you are sleeping earlier, she sneaked out to call her best friend and share the news. She told Gigi to keep it a secret to Kylie. Because Kendall is scared that her sister might get mad at her.

After an hour and a half drive, you arrived at Zayn's party. You arrived a little bit late but you don't care as long as you're spending time with your girlfriend. Half of the school attend in Zayn's party, he is one of the person in your school that throw cool parties besides Cara. You held your girlfriend's hand while walking towards inside the house. People are looking at both of you, some people giving you high five's and some people are giving Kendall a death glare.

"Hey bud! Hey Kai, i missed you guys." You walk up to your cousins and gave them a hug.

"We missed you too! Hey Ken." Kaia said to you and she greeted your girlfriend.

"Hi Kai." She smiled, "Presley.." Your cousin smiled at Kendall. "Babe, i'll just go find Gigi. Okay? I'll see you later." She said and kissed you on your lips. You heard gasp around you including your cousin Kaia. They are surprised because Kendall doesn't do that in public, she doesn't like the attention and PDA much. The Jenner sister are secretive when it comes to their love life. "I love you.." She whispered to you and smiled.

"Love you too baby." You gave her a wink, and watch her walk away from you.

"Dude!! Are you guys--? A thing now?" Presley asked you looking so excited and happy for you.

"Yeah, we're official." You said smiling to your cousin.

You and your cousins hang out for a while, you are looking around trying to find Cara because you wanted to know what was she saying to you on the phone yesterday. "Guys, i gotta go find Cara." You said and you stood up at the couch. You head into the pool area looking at the few people that hanging out in there when a familiar voice called you.

"Y/N!!" You turned around and you saw Kylie holding a bottle of vodka, drunk. She couldn't walk properly because of her blury vision. You walk towards the smaller girl to help her to sit because she might fall in the pool.


"Kylie? Why are you so drunk?" You asked her and you took away the bottle that she's holding. "Where's Ken?"

"I don't know.." She said, "Give me that!" She tried to take the vodka in your hand.

"Nope! You've had enough. Alright? I'm calling your sister." You said to her and you pull out your phone in your pocket. She sat on the pool chair, you got surprised when you saw her crying. "Kylie, why are you crying?" You asked worriedly.

"Kylie, let's go home." You heard your girlfriend, "Babe, can you drive us home?" She said.

"Yeah babe, sure. Why is she crying?" Kendall wanted to tell you the reason but she thought that it's not the right time to talk about it.

"Babe? What are you guys a thing now?" Kylie asked both of you.

"Yes, we're together now.." You answered and you looked at Kendall, she looked nervous..

Kylie stood up, looking at you and her sister. "Kylie let's go.. You're drunk." Kendall said and gave her sister a stern look. "Do you love my sister?" She asked looking at you.

"Yes, i do. Very much.."

Kylie smiled at you and to her sister, a few seconds she burst out in laughing. You frowned in confusion because you didn't told her anything funny. "Kylie... no." Kendall said to her sister while shaking her head.

"Oh.. my god! This is hilarious! Ken!! You did it, now tell her.." Kylie said laughing.

"Let's go! You're drunk!" She grab her sister to her wrist, "Y/N i'll just see you tomorrow. I'll ask Gigi to drive us." You were about to speak when Kylie pulled away from her sister's grip.

"No! Tell her what's our plan Kendall!" Kylie yelled that cought other people's attention.

"Kylie stop! There is nothing to tell her, okay?! You're just drunk!" Kendall yelled back at her younger sister. "Let's go home!"

"Wait, what the hell is going on?" You asked your girlfriend looking confused.

"Oh.. I see what is happening, i knew it." Kylie said looking at you and her sister. "If you don't want to tell her, then i will be the one who will tell your GIRLFRIEND." You looked at Kendall, she shook her head as her eyes started to water.

"Come on Ky, let's go inside." Gigi tried to grab Kylie's hand.

"Gi! Let me--"

"No! Kylie, tell me what is going on? What plan are you talking about?" You asked, you are getting nervous because you could see in your girlfriend's eyes that it's bad news.


"No Y/N, she's just tripping. She's drunk."

"Kylie please.." Kendall said in her low voice.

"We had a plan on breaking your heart. Kendall will make you fall in love her, which she actually did. Great job sis." She said and she glanced her sister, "And break your heart. Just like that.." She said snapping her fingers. All the people gasp and started to whisper. You looked at Kendall, waiting for her to tell you that her sister is lying.

"I'm sorry.." She mouthed to you while crying. Your tears started to fall, and you run away outside to Zayn's house. "Kylie! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Gigi yelled at her. "How could you do that to my cousin Ken?" Kaia looked at her friend in dissapointment and followed you outside with Presley.

Kendall quickly followed you outside. "What are you guys looking at?! The show is done! Mother fuckers.." Gigi yelled.

"Y/N! Wait! Can we talk? Please!" Kendall said while following you on your car.

"What?! Leave me alone Kendall!" You yelled.

"No! I wanna talk about this. I can explain, okay? It was a mistake.. I'm sorry." She said and you stopped your tracks.

"Yes! It was a fucking mistake! But you could've told me-- you could've told me when you knew that i was falling in love with you. I can still forgive you if you told me the truth! But you didn't! You didn't and you took me to your fucking lake house for what?! To make sure that i am madly in love with you? So that i could cry in front of you and everybody in this party?!" You yelled at her crying. "Can you tell why you did it? Because i don't understand.. I didn't to anything wrong to you or to your friends."

"He-- he dated my sister for six months and cheated on her twice.. My sister was so broken, and i hate seeing her that way. To get back at your cousin, we planned on making you fall in love with me and break your heart.. Until, i saw the real you, you're not an asshole that i thought you were, you're not like your cousin, you are so different from him. I wanted to tell you so bad, but then i started to have feelings for you and i was so afraid that if i told you the truth you will leave me. Y/N i'm sorry, i'm really sorry.." She walk closer to you and reached for your hand. You pulled away and wiped your tears.

"Kendall, i opened up to you.. I opened up to you and you judged me. You looked straight into my eyes, and lied. How could you that? I told things i've never told anyone, i let you into my heart and--"

"Y/N i love you.. I didn't tell you because i don't want to see you get hurt. I know i'm a liar, and i'm so sorry. Please give me another chance, please. If you want me to go down on my knees for you, i will do it.." She said caressing your cheeks, but your remove her hand away.

You shook your head, "No i don't want you to do that. You love me? Kendall you don't lie and destroy the people you love! I don't think you know how to love.. God you're such a fucking liar, i wish i never laid eyes on you. I wish i never met you, if i never laid eyes on you then i wouldn't have falling in love with you. We're done.." You said and you walked away. She hold your wrist and looked at you while she's crying.

"No, you don't mean that! You're just mad Y/N.. I know i fucked up. I'm sorry, i promise i won't hurt you on purpose. I won't do it again, please forgive me babe." She begged again.

"Yeah, you won't. Because i won't let you, not anymore.. I'm not mad, i'm hurt! And disappointed because i thought what we had is real.. I can't, you are totally different person to me now. And tell Kylie-- i apologize for my cousin, Presley. I didn't even know they dated.. Congratulations, you win. You made me fall in love with you and you broke my heart." You shook your head while biting your lip trying not to sob as tears streaming down on your face. You head inside your car. Kaia gave Kendall a death glare and walk by past her. While Presley shook his head looking down realizing what he did to Kylie got back on you, his cousin.

"I love you Y/N.." Kendall muttered to herself crying, her knees got weak as she fell down on the grass. "Let's go inside Ken.." Gigi held and wrap her arms around her best friend.

i hope you like the update. You can comment your request and i will do it, but you need to wait for a while. Thanks guys! 😊 I'll tagged you if i already did your requests.

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