《IMAGINES ❤️》Just the way you are [Part III]


You and Presley are at the bench watching the cheering squad learning some new dance routine, while the other girls are distracted by you and your cousin's presence. Kendall is stealing glances at you from time to time and giving you her cute smile. Cara is the one who is teaching them the new routine, and she noticed that Kendall is smiling at you. She walk up to you and Presley with her hands are on her waist while frowning.

"Guys can you not?" She said in annoyance.

"Can we not--? What?" You asked.

"Stop distracting the girls Y/N and Presley!" She yelled at both of you causing everyone to look at your direction.

"We're not doing anything Cara. You are the one who is distracting them. Look!" Presley answered and pointed all the girls that are already looking to your direction. You are trying to hold your laugh because of Cara's reaction.

Cara rolls her eyes on you and Presley, she head back to the girls and practiced. Kendall smiled at you and blow you a kiss when no one is looking. You let out a chuckle and winked at her. After an hour, they are finished with their dance routines. Kendall is walking towards you smiling, "Hey babe. Are you free tonight?" She asked.

"Yeah, i'm free tonight. Why?"

"I want to take you somewhere." She said biting her bottom lip. Before you can answer Presley spoke, "Aww. Can i come with you guys?" He said smiling.

Kendall rolled her eyes on him, "NO." He gasp trying to act like he's hurt and offended, you laughed. "Sorry.." You apologized to him smiling.

"It's alright cous. I know little ms. Perfect here doesn't like me." He said smiling while looking at Kendall. You hit Presley's arm to stop mocking the brunette and gave him a 'leave us alone' look. He laughed at you, "Okay, okay.. I leave you two alone. I'm just kidding Ken." He gave you a high five and walked away.

He stopped his tracks and called the brunette, "Kendall!" The girl looked at your cousin and raised her eyebrow om him, "Take care of my cousin. I don't want to see her getting hurt." He said. Kendall smirked and nodded at him.


"Sorry my cousin is always like that. He looks like an asshole but he's really not.." You said.

"Yeah, he loves you very much." You nodded.

"Well, he and Kaia are my best friends." Kendall is getting bothered with her conscience because for the past few weeks that you've been hanging out together, she saw the real you. She smiled at you and peck your lips, "I'll see you later?" She said trying to change the topic. You bit your lip and nodded at her.

"Ken! Let's go?" Gigi said, "Hey Y/N." The blonde smiled at you.

"Hey Gigi." You greeted.

"I'll wait for you in the car babe." You said.


Kendall joined Gigi and the two girls head to their locker room to shower. Gigi noticed that something is bothering with her best friend, she is in deep thoughts.

"Ken, are you okay?" Gigi asked her.

Kendall looked at her best friend, and her eyes started to water. "I think i'm falling for her Gi. Fuck this can't be happening."

"Shit. I told you this is a bad idea Ken. What are you gonna do?"

"I don't know.. Half of me is thinking that i should go with my plan to break her heart, but the other half wanting this thing between me and Y/N to be real.."

"Do you think Y/N is already in love with you?"

"Even though we haven't said it to each other; we knew. And i'm fucked, i'm so fucked!" Kendall said and cover her face.

"Hey.. Why don't you tell her about it? I'm sure she can forgive you.." Gigi hugged her best friend who is crying in her arms.

"What the hell? I fucking knew that Kendall has a plan for breaking Y/N's heart."

You saw Kendall walking towards your car with Gigi, they parted ways when she saw Bella waiting for her in the car with Kylie. "Kylie tell mom i'm going to the lake, i'll be back tomorrow." She said and her younger sister nodded. She head inside your car and gave you a kiss on the lips again. You couldn't help not to smile because you always get to taste her sweet lips.


"Lake?" You asked.

"Yeah, we are going to my favorite place." She get your phone and set up the address of her parents lake house. "It's one hour drive, are you okay with that?"

"Of course! I love roadtrips." You grinned and started the engine.

An hour in a half has passed you arrived at her parents lake house, you and Kendall had pit stop near the diner because she's hungry. Your jaw dropped because of the beautiful view of the lake.

"Wow. This place is beautiful!" You said.

Kendall smiled at you and drag you to the dock near their boat. She held your hand while looking at the lake, she let out a sigh and looked at you.

"Welcome to my favorite place." She said as she's removing her top, and her mini shorts.

"What are you doing?" You asked.

"Trying skinny dipping for the first time." She smirked at you, "What?! Are you crazy, what if someone will see you naked in here?" She let out a small laugh.

Kendall is already in her undergarments, you gulped while looking at her body. She wrapped her arms around your neck and pulled you closer, "There is no one here. Just two of us, we can do everything we want.." She said and jumped into the water. "Come on, let's go." You remove all your clothes and jumped in.

You and Kendall spend an hour at the lake swimming, talking and cuddling until the sunset. When it started to get cold, you picked up all your clothes and both of you run inside their house. "Oh my god it's so cold!" You said trying to give a heat on your hand.

"Come here.." She said and she wrapped a towel on your body. Kendall looked down at your crotch, and she look back at you.

"Oh! I-i'm so sorry.." You said and you cover your erect penis. She jus just laughed and head to the bathroom to take a shower.


"So? Why did you bring me here?" You asked her. You are both eating a bowl of cereal in the kitchen counter because both of you doesn't know how to cook and too lazy to order some pizza or chinese food.

"Nothing-- i just want to be alone with you.." She said and she hold your hand. "Y/N i want to tell you something.. Please don't get mad."

"O-kay? What is it?" The girl stared in your eyes for a few seconds, trying to think or to allign all the words she would say to you. Kendall wanted to tell you about her plan on breaking your heart, but the brunette hated a confrontation and changed her mind. "Ken? What is it? You're making me nervous.."

She let out a long heavy sigh, still holding your hand while you are looking at her in the eye. "I don't know what you're doing to me.. Y/N, all of this-- has never happened to me before. Not with a man or with any other girl, no one.. I think i'm falling in love with you." She said confessing her feelings towards you. She decided not to tell you the truth and will talk to Kylie first.

A smile crept into your face, you caress her cheek and looked at her face for a second. "Remember what i told you about the girl i saw in the locker? And everything went slow motion?" She nodded at you.

"That's you.. I'm in love with you since sophomore year, i'm always stealing glances at you every time praying that you won't notice me looking at you. And when you came to me and asked me if you can sit beside i was so happy that you talked to me after years." Kendall's eyes started to water, she knew she's in deep trouble because of her plan. "H-hey.. Why are you crying?" You asked. She didn't answer your question, instead she pulled you into a deep kiss. You are taken aback for her action but your body calm down immediately and started making out with her.

Both of you stood up while making out, she put your hands to her waist down to her ass which you find it cute and sexy at the same time. She started removing your cardigan while kissing your jaw and your neck...

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