《IMAGINES ❤️》Just the way you are. [Part II]


You are on your way home, still smiling because Kendall asked you to pick her up. You thought to yourself that it's weird that after five years she finally talked to you. You know something's not right and doesn't add up, but decided to shrug it off because maybe Kendall is just returning the favor because you saved her in history class earlier.

You arrived at her house, you knocked and Kylie opened the door. She smirked when she saw you in front of their doorstep. "Hi. Is Kendall there?" You asked.

"Yup, wait. I'll call her." She said and closed the door. "Kendall!! Your date is here!" The younger girl yelled. A few minutes after Kendall head out to their house, she flashed a huge smile.

"Hey. Sorry i made you wait.. Let's go?" She asked you.

"Yeah, it's okay.. You look beautiful by the way." You said and head inside your car.

You and Kendall arrived at the party. All the people are shook because you came to the party with a Jenner who is very picky and private when it comes to dating. You heard a lot of people murmurs about you and the cheerleader.

"Is Y/N dating Kendall? Shit. Y/N's going to break her heart."

"How could she date that cheater? Didn't she cheat on Cara in sophomore year?"

"Really? Did Y/N and Cara dated? I thought it's just rumors."

"My baby is too hot for Kendall."

"Just give them one week, and Kendall is already crying."

"They look good together."

As soon as Kendall heard the people's murmurs, she hold your hand and smiled at you. "Have you been here before?" She asked.

"Yeah, it's not the first time that Cara threw a party on a friday night." You said.

"Or maybe, because you and Cara dated?"

You didn't want to share the story about that to the girl you just hanged out with. But she's different, you liked the girl since sophomore year. You just laughed at her and nodded but didn't said anything so the conversation about your past won't be long. You saw Presley and Kaia at the party hanging out with a girl you didn't know. Presley told you that she's his new girlfriend from other school. While Kendall is talking her friends and her sister, you walk towards the terrace and have an alone time while drinking your beer.

"Hey there stranger.." A girl spoke behind you.

"Hey.." You said to your ex and gave hr a forced smile.

"So, Kendall Jenner huh?" You and Cara broke up because you admitted to her that you like Kendall, but Cara didn't like that and threatened you that she will tell the whole school that you cheated on her. Since you are fed up because of her bratty attitude you let her tell to some people that you cheated on her with some random girl.

"Really interested in my love life, huh?" You said rolling your eyes.

"So are you guys dating now?" She asked.

"No, we're just friends." You said and you drink your beer.

"Yeah, be careful with her. Maybe she's taking revenge on you.." You frowned and laughed at the british girl.

"Revenge? I didn't do anything to her. Don't make her look bad to me, Cara. She's not like you.."


"Whatever. I just gave you a warning babe." She said. Cara kissed your cheek and turned around. Cara saw the brunette looking at your way, she gave an arrogant smirk towards Kendall.

I saw Y/N at the terrace alone while looking at the view outside. I didn't know that she dated Cara in sophomore year, i'm curious if their relationship is serious or just another game for Y/N. I knew Cara but we're not that close, she's on the cheerleading team too. She's always giving me death glares when i see her at the hallway and i don't know why. I was about to walk towards her when Cara came in and talk to Y/N. What are they talking about? Why is she laughing? Are they still a thing up to now? And why the hell do i care? Fuck Kendall. Get your shit together..

I saw Cara kissed her cheek, she turned around and smirked at me. What the hell is this girl's problem? Are they still in love with each other? Or secretly dating? That can't be happening, i can't break her heart if she's still in love with Cara. I have to make sure that she's single, and not dating anyone right now. I walk up to Y/N. "Hey. Do you wanna get out of here?" I asked her.

"Not enjoying the party?" She smiled.

"A little bit. Let's go?" I said offering my hand to her. She held my hand and we both head outside hand in hand while people are looking at us. Some people are smiling, but more people are frowning and look confused. People thought that Y/N will break my heart, when the truth is; i will break this player's heart for revenge for what his cousin did to my sister.

"So? Where are we going?" Y/N asked me.

"Take me somewhere we can be alone." She stared at me for a while and smiled.

"This is a city, every place in here there is a people Kendall. Unless, do you wanna go to my house? There, we can be alone. Just the two of us." HA.HA.HA. No thank you.

"Everywhere besides your house or your room Y/N." I said rolling my eyes at her.

"Do you trust me?" Yes, i mean-- no.

"Yes? Why? Are you planning on killing me?" I said and she laughed.

"Maybe? Nah i'm kidding." She said laughing. "I'll take you to my favorite place." She started the engine and drove away.

You brought her at the Hollywood hills, you stopped your car at the back of the sigh of the hollywood and head out of the car.

"Here, this is my favorite place."

"Not bad. I'm sure you used to bring a lot of girls in here.." You let out a chuckle and shook your head.

"Actually-- you're the only person that i bring here." The brunette got surprised to what you said to her.

"Oh.. Really? Not even Cara?" She asked.

"No, why would i bring her here?"

"The question is; why did you bring me here?" Kendall asked you out of curiousity.

"Because-- because you told me to take you somewhere we can be alone." You wanted to tell her that you like her ever since sophomore year, but you don't want her to feel awkward.


She let out a small laugh, "Yeah, that made sense.. Why don't you tell me something about yourself?"

"I'm like an open book, everybody knows something about me.." You said smiling at her.

"Yeah, but i wanna know the real Y/N behind that charming smile of yours."

"Is Kendall Jenner hitting on me?" She chuckled and nodded at you. "Okay, what do you wanna know about me?" You asked.

She walked closer and held your hand. "Everything that other people don't know about you.." She whispered in your ear.

"Oh Kendall... what the hell are you doing to me?" You said and she smirked at you.

You and the cheerleader talk for hours while laying on the hood of your car looking at the stars. You told her about Cara, but you didn't told her the cause of your break up with the other girl. You opened up to her about your parents getting a divorce. You talked about your childhood, and embarrassing stories about yourself.

"Do you go here often?" Kendall asked you.

"Yeah, it's quiet and peaceful here. I always go here whenever i'm sad, happy, or i just want to be alone."

She looked at you, "I hope you are happy right now.." She smiled.

"Of course i'm happy right now. You're here with me.." You said looking in her eyes, she looked away when she noticed that she's staring in your brown orbs for too long.

"Y/N i just want to ask you something.."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Do you believe in love? Or did you fell in love with someone before?" The brunette girl asked you.

"Yes, i do believe in love. I believe in that overwhelming sentiment that keeps you up all night and makes you feel like a little child waiting for the Christmas day. The feeling of having a soulmate and a place you can really call home. I believe in the power of love that is able to eradicate scars and fulfill our hearts with cheerful moments instead. I don't know if what i felt in sophomore year is love, but there's this girl-- i first saw her in the lockers, she's getting her books with her best friend. She looked directly in my way and smiled. Everything went slow motion, i couldn't hear anything besides my heart that is pounding so fast on my chest and i was like 'Oh shit..'." You chuckle and Kendall is just staring at you surprised and speechless. "Y-you okay? Did i say something wrong?" You asked.

"N-no! I-i'm good, yeah i'm good.. Sorry, that was so deep. I didn't expect that to hear it from you." She said. Kendall started to see the real you, but at this point she is still going through her plan to get back on you for what your cousin did to her sister. She's just surprised because there is a lot more to see in you behind the playgirl image of yours.

"Why? Because people said that i'm a player?" She gave you an apologetic look and nodded.

"Sorry.." She muttered.

"It's okay. People act like they know me but the truth is, they don't. One mistake and people judge you so easily." You said, "I feel like we are just talking about me, what about you? Tell me something about yourself.. Both of you and your sister are so secretive and so private."

She smiled to you, and rested her head on your shoulder. "What do you wanna know about me? My life is not that interesting." She asked.

"You are look very interesting for me.."

She let out a giggle, "Okay-- i have four sisters and a brother. My favorite color is green, i love black too. I think they look really elegant. I love all animals especially dogs. I have a dog named luis, she's really cute. I want to be a successful photographer in the future. And to answer your question earlier if how mang guys i dated; i dated one. His name is Julian Brooks, he cheated on me. That asshole left a scar on me, he's the reason why i get insecure easily.. But it's okay, because he's in college now." You got surprised because you didn't thought that a beautiful girl like her still got cheated on.

"Really? He cheated on you?" You said in disbelief.

"Yeah, that's why i don't like the people who cheat and lies. I feel like i want to punch them in the face." She said laughing.

You reached for her hand, "That guy is an idiot for cheating on you. I- i know i barely know you, but i think you are the most amazing, fascinating, and breathtaking person i've ever met.

She grab you at the back of your neck and press her lips against yours. Your eyes went wide as soon as you felt her soft lips into your mouth. When air became a problem, both of you pulled away and smiled at each other. "Do you even realize how amazing you are to me?" She said and peck your lips once again.

After that night, you and Kendall are always spending time with each other. Both of you are texting and calling each other non-stop, talking about random stuffs. Each day had passed, you are slowly starting to fall for her and so is Kendall. But she's trying to resist her feelings for you for her sister. Some people are shipping the two of you, and some people are hating because they don't think that Kendall is good enough for you. Presley and Kaia are happy for both of you. You also introduced Kendall to your parents even if you and her don't have any label in your relationship.


"I think i'm falling for her Gi. Fuck this can't be happening."

"I told you this is a bad idea Ken. What are you gonna do?"

"I don't know.. Half of me is thinking that i should go with my plan to break her heart, but the other half wanting this thing between me and Y/N to be real.."

"Do you think Y/N is already in love with you?"

"Even though we haven't said it to each other; we knew. And i'm fucked, i'm so fucked!"

"What the hell? I fucking knew that Kendall has a plan for breaking Y/N's heart."


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