《IMAGINES ❤️》Just the way your are. [G!P &AU]


"Kylie stop crying. God sis i told you that Presley is an asshole!" Kendall said to her sister while comforting her with a hug.

"He is, but i love him." Kylie said sobbing at her sister's arm.

"I like Kaia, she's our friend. But that Y/N Crawford and Kaia's brother Presley are both assholes!" Gigi yelled. "Yeah that girl is an asshole! I heard she dated Taylor and Jasmine at the same time." Bella added.

"Is she single?" Kendall asked and Kylie looked at her in surprised look.

"Don't tell me you like that girl Kenny?" She said.

"No, i would never like that girl. I will make her fall in love with me, and break her heart like what her cousin did to you. I got you sis." Kendall flashed a huge grin. "If she already said i love you, i will told her the truth. It will crush her." She added.

"IF! If you can make her fall in love with you Ken. What if it happens the other way around?" Gigi raised her eyebrow at her best friend.

"Oh come on Gi! Don't you trust my sister?" Kylie smiled.

"I trust Ken, but i just don't want her to get hurt. I think that is a bad idea." Gigi said.

"I'm gonna support you guys whatever you wanna do, and let's go i'm hungry as hell." Bella said that made the girls laugh.

"Yeah, but he is so thin like a fucking paper." Presley said to her sister laughing, you laughed with him.

You are changing nods and smile at the other students, while some girls are hitting on you especially the girls at cheerleading squad. The three of you are walking at the hall on your way to your class with your cousins. You and Presley are mocking Kaia's new boyfriend because he is too skinny and soft for a guy. Your cousin Kaia are glaring at her brother and you while you are laughing with Presley.

"Y/N stop laughing or i will tell Kendall that you like her." Your cousin threatened you and you immediately stopped laughing. You noticed Kendall standing at her locker getting her books, she's also in cheerleading team. You are always stealing glances at her, you've liked the girl since you were in 8th grade. It's always like that to you, everyday; stealing glances at her in the hallway, cafeteria and in class.


You hit Presley's arm, "Dude shut up! This is your fault." You said trying to hold your laugh.

"Why don't you just make a move already? You look like a loser who is stealing glances at Kendall." Presley said to you wiggling his eyebrows. "Besides, it's not that you have a problem with getting every girl in this school."

"She's different, okay?" You said rolling your eyes at him.

"Hell yes she's different. She's not like any other girls who is hitting and crushing on you." Kaia said smiling at you, "Actually, you look good together Y/N.." she added and head inside her math class.

"Welp! This is me cousin. For once, i agree with my sister. Stop stealing glances at her and make a move already!" You smiled at him and shook your head. "Wait Y/N!" Presley called you and you turned around. "Can't pick you up later, i need to pick up my new girl."

"Yeah no problem. Not in the mood to go to the party anyways.." You said and head inside your class.

You have a class with Kendall, it's the only reason why you are going into History class is because Kendall is in it. She's not your seat mate but her chair is in front of you. Every year she have a class with you but you couldn't find enough courage to talk to the older Jenner. You are doodling on your notebook while waiting for the teacher when a girl put her bag in beside your chair.

"Hi." You looked up to the girl beside you, your jaw dropped when the girl greeted you is your crush. "Is it okay if i sit here? I heard Tom is not going to class today." She asked smiling at you.

"H-hey. Y-yeah sure." You wanted to slap yourself for stuttering in front of her like that. It's the first time you stutter when you talk to a girl.

"Thanks." She smiled again, and you felt like your heart is going to melt.

"Goodmorning class, sorry i'm late just having a little emergency in faculty." Your history teacher said while putting his things at his desk.

While Mr. Brooks is discussing in front of the whole class, you noticed Kendall looking really bored in history class. You don't know if she's writing something on her notebook or she's doodling.


"The argument can certainly be made to the one who celebrates war. Obviously.. But, not all the symbols in this book support that interpretation. What symbol, or symbols might suggest a less vainglorious attitude toward warfare? Anybody?" Your teacher asked while walking around the classroom. You looked around and no one seems to know the answer, but you don't have a plan on raising your hand.

"Anybody? How about-- Miss Jenner?" Everybody looked at Kendall, her face looks clueless to what is happening because she's not paying attention towards the teacher. She ran her fingers through her hair and look around.

"Uh-- i'm sorry. You lost me at vainglorious.." She said in her lazy voice, the students laughed.

"Oh come on, have you read the book? Or seen the movie perhaps?" He asked, the cheerleader started to feel embarrassed because she doesn't know the answer and her classmate is laughing at her.

"It's uhmm-- the shield of achilles." You said, "The uh- it seems of normal life depicted on achilles shield suggest an alternative to war." You caught Kendall's attention while the whole class is in silence listening to your answer. "Friends or family or what, is at stake.."

Your teacher raised an eyebrow admiring your answer, "Wow.. Not bad Ms. Crawford." The bell rang and all of the students stood up and quickly head out of the classroom. You stood up like nothing happened and walk by past Kendall. She smirked while looking at you.

You are walking on your way to your car to head home because you don't have a basketball practice today. "Hey shield of achilles!" A familiar voice called you, you turned your head and you saw Kendall. "Nicely done. Thanks for the save, i owe you one." She said while walking towards you.

"No problem.." You smiled at her.

"I'm Kendall." She introduced herself to you.

You chuckles, "I know. I'm Y/N.."

"Oh trust me, i know who you are." She smiled at you seductively.

"Really? And why is that?" You gave her a huge grin.

"Don't act so naive, every girl's mouth in this school is always screaming your name. If it's not you, it's your cousin Presley."

"Every girl? Including you?" You tried to teased the cheerleader. She let out a small laugh and smiled at you mischievously.

"Maybe?" She teased back. "So are you going at Cara's party?" You smiled and nodded at her, before you can speak, Gigi called the cheerleader while waiting in the car with Kylie, and Bella. "Ken! Let's go!!" Gigi yelled in the distance. The brunette walk towards the car, she stopped her tracks and walk back at you.

You were surprised when she kissed you on your cheek and smiled. "Pick me up at 8. We will go together." She said and hopped in the car. You just watched her leave while smiling ear to ear, your heart is pounding and you don't know why. You didn't have plans on going to that party, but Kendall made you change your plan.

"Did you see her face?! Oh my god! She's hooked!" Kylie said to her sister smiling.

"I know right?! I'm going with her at the party tonight." She said to the girls.

"Holy shit! Not bad Ken!" Gigi said to her best friend. "I still feel that this is a bad idea, but this is actually so exciting."

"Thanks Gi. Don't worry about me, i got this." She winked.

"It's payback time!" Bella yelled. "Let's fucking do to the mall, my treat!" The girls celebrated because Kendall got Y/N to go with her at the party and that is her first step to caught your attention. While Y/N doesn't have any idea that Kendall is just playing with her to get revenge for her sister. The cheerleader just wanted to trick her and made her taste of her own medicine.


This imagine is requested by Shrade26

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