《IMAGINES ❤️》She's the one [Ending]


You are at your sister's grave, it's been a year since you visit her resting place. You bought her flower and her favorite brand of champagne. You are very close to your sister, aside from Kendall she is your best friend. You tell her everything, no secrets and no lies just like your relationship with Kendall. She is two years older than you, on her 21st birthday all of you celebrated her day at the night club. She's drunk and wanted to test drive your new car that your dad bought you, you tried to resist her.

But being an older sister that she is, she insisted and you can't do anything about it. She reasoned to you that it's just a 10 minute drive from your house in Beverly Hills. She lost control and hit a tree, you woke up in the hospital after three days with Kendall on your side and she's the one who told you that your sister died. She put up a good fight with her life, but gave up eventually. After that, your mom blamed you because of what happened. She was your mother's favorite, because they have the same interest in modelling. Your sister Katie is a supermodel at the age of 20 years old. She is Kendall's inspiration when it comes to modelling.

"Hey sis. It's been a while, i'm sorry i got so caught up with all of my life issues.. That's why i haven't had time to visit you. Here, i bought you your favorite flowers and your favorite champagne that drank before you died you idiot. You know what? I fucking hate you, you left me while i was still asleep. You didn't even wait for me, and you didn't even said goodbye." You said looking at her grave.

"I told Kendall that i love her. You've been wanting me to do that since we were in highschool and you're right. She's in love with me, i was just too numb to feel that all these years because i was so broken. I miss you so much Kat, i wish you were here. Fuck my life would have been easier if you are here. You would know what to do, as always. I haven't seen her in two weeks. I missed her too.. Two of my best friends left me, because i'm a mess. But i promise, i will fix my life. Because i know that's what you wanted for me, i'm sure you are having a headache watching me here making a fucked up decisions in my life. You would've throw me your shoe in my head again." You said while crying and laughing at the same time. "I love you so much sis. I fucking miss you. Cheers!" You clank your beer to the bottle of champagne.


Kylie🍑 Calling..

"Hi. What's up babe?"

"I know, i was about to call you to ask for advice?"

"A-are you sure about that? I mean, i don't wanna ruin her birthday.."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Okay, i'll see you tomorrow."


"Sure, thanks for the invite Ky."

It's been three months since you last saw Kendall, you know the model is mad at you because she didn't heard anything from you after that talk in the car. She told you it's over but she doesn't mean that, she just wants you to fight for her and for her love. You fixed yourself, you're no longer a player like you used to before. You focused on making music, and most of your songs are about your best friend. You agreed to your mom about modelling and photoshoot, but you talked to her about walking on the runway because you really don't like that kind of job.

You called Kylie that you are already in the driveway parking your car. They made sure that Kendall won't see you. The model is disappointed because she thought that you are coming to her birthday, because your parents are already at her mom's house. They are in the dining room while the girls are in the living room.

*Knock knock knock*

"The surprise is here!!" Kylie yelled.

"What surprise?" Kendall asked, all of her friends smiled. Kylie ran through the door to open it, "Hey Y/N." She said to you looking excited to see you after a few weeks.

"Is she here?" You asked and she nodded.

You and Kylie walk towards the living room and you saw Kendall laughing with Hailey, and Bella. "Guys." Kylie said and the brunette model turned to you. The glow in Kendall's face is different, she looked surprised to see you but she felt happy that finally she saw you again.

"Y/N!!" The three models run towards you and gave you a hug. You walk closer to Kendall who is just looking at you still shock, "Hi. Happy Birthday Ken." You said.

"Thank you." She said to you shyly.

"How are you?" You asked.

"I'm good. How about you?"

"I feel great, now that i saw you again.." You smiled at each other while your friends are looking at both of you giggling.

"You're so cheesy!" Kendall laughed. It's the first time in three months since you saw her cute laugh again.

"Finally! A happy ending.." Hailey stated.

"How can that be when Y/N's leaving? Didn't she told you? She's going to London." Gigi said and the girls glared at her. "Jelena!!" Bella yelled. "Gi, what the fuck is wrong with your mouth?" Kylie said. Kendall's smile begin to fade, she shook her head and walk away. "Oops.. Sorry!" Gigi said.

"Kendall. Ken!" You run outside to follow your best friend. "Ken where are you going? It's your birthday." She's heading to her car, she stopped when you hugged her from behind.

"Y/N stop, let me go." She said to you trying to pull away from your hug. "Let me go or i won't talk to you ever again." You immediately let her go. She looked at you frowning, and she threw her shoe at you.

"Ouch! What was that for?!"


She run and slap you on your arm, shoulder, and she's pushing you over and over again. "You didn't even text me or call me for three months and now you're here?! You are an asshole you know that?! I freaking waited you for ten fucking years and then you made me wait again for three--"

You held her wrists, "Stop! Just let me expla--"

"Explain?! Again? Y/N i don't want to listen to all your bullshi--"

"If you don't stop talking i will kiss you, try me. I will kiss you, and you know i will do it without hesitation Kendall." She stopped talking right away and made a big gulp.

"Why are you walking out? It's your birthday? And where are you going?" You asked.

"Far away-- from you. Please let me go!" She said trying to pull away from your grip.

"Tell me first why did you walk out and i will let you go."

She looked at you in your eyes and let out a sigh, "Because i feel so dumb. Because i missed you so much!" She said panting.

"Me too! I missed you so much. That's why i'm here." You stared at each other's eyes.

"Let me go Y/N! I can't get hopes up again. I don't wanna be your pseudo girlfriend again!" She said trying to pull her hand away from your grip.

"I agree, okay? I don't wanna be scared anymore and i don't want to be just your best friend again. I wanna be your girlfriend, Ken." You said letting go of her wrist. She gulped looking at you and she shook her head.

"No. I don't want a long distance relationship."

"What? Long distance?" You gave her a puzzled look.

"Yes, you're going to London. Right?" She said to you.

You chuckle, "Yeah, for two weeks. And you're coming with me, didn't your mom told you?"

"What? Okay, i'm confused.."

"We are the cover of the Love magazine for december's issue. We haven't had a photoshoot yet, remember?" You said to her smiling.


"Yeah, oh.." You held her hand, "Ken the reason why i didn't show myself to you for these past few months is because i wasn't ready. But i've changed, i've changed for you. Because you are worth changing for, because i love you." Kendall is trying to keep her straight face, you wrap your arms around her waist. "Kendall Nicole, i love you."

"I love you too." She smiled at you. You are about to kiss her when, "Hold up, wait! Not too fast puppy! Really? You've changed?" She asked you raising her eyebrow.

"Yes, i've changed Ken." She looked at you for a second and pulled you for a kiss. You are making out and you didn't realize that all of your family and friends are watching both of you.

"Get it Y/N!" Khloe yelled and both of you looked at them. You leaned your head to hers smiling.

"Are you still fucking some bitches? And still doing that one night stand thing?" She narrowed her eyes on you.

You laughed at the model because her being a possessive and jealous girlfriend is already activated. "Kenny, i haven't had sex in four months. And that is a really long time for me.." You said.

"Oh don't worry, you'll get some tonight love." She pepper you with kisses and hugged you so tight.

"Love? Wow. That is so good to hear." You said and you kissed her again.

Kendall came to your house with you after the dinner for her birthday. "What's all this?" She asked while looking to all your gifts for her.

"My gift for you, that's 21 gifts babe." You said to her smiling. "And i'm the 22nd."

"It's in your house, so you really think that we are going to be okay this night?" She flashed a huge grin trying to tease you.

"You told me that you are in love with me three months ago. So-- yeah.."

"Oh, so you think i'm easy to get?"

"I didn't say anything about that love." You teased her more by not answering her question.

"Okay. Then let's break up." She jokingly said to you.

"Ooh.. Break up huh? Come here." You said while taking off your top. She bit her lip while looking at your body, "Y/N what are you doing?" She said walking backwards.

"I will break you." You winked at her.

"Oh my god you perv!" She ran around your house while you are chasing her. Until you cornered her in the kitchen.

"Oops, that's a dead end babe." You said smiling while slowly walking towards her. "Got you." You whispered to her ear as you wrapped your arms around her waist. She laughed at you and she put her lips against yours. You lift her into your kitchen counter and let out a small laugh.

"I love you Kenny, so much." You said that earn a smile into the model's face.

"I love you too Y/N, very much." She peck your lips twice and bit your bottom lip. You started kissing her jaw down to her neck. She squeezed her eyes shut because she's feeling the pleasure. "I- i know what you're t-thinking.." She said in a low voice. "Be gentle.."

"Be gentle? No way baby. I've waited this moment my entire life, there is no way in hell i'm going to be gentle." You joked and you earn a slap on your arm.

"It's my first time you asshole. So please--?"

"Wait, so you and Ben didn't do it? Jordan? Or even Cara?" She bit her bottom lip, and shook her head shyly. " I told you i was waiting for you.." She whispered.

You couldn't help but to smile, "Aww.. Okay babe, i'll be gentle. I was just kidding being rough." You gently put your lips against hers, "Come on, let's go upstairs. I'm going to give you your birthday sex present." Both of you laughed and run to your room.

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