《IMAGINES ❤️》She's the one [Part V]


You and the girls waiting for Kendall until midnight. Khloe told you Kendall texted her that she and Ben are not going to the family and dinner because of change of plans. But you still wait to see your best friend.

"Guys, i'm so sleepy.." Gigi whined. "Yeah, me too. I have a photoshoot tomorrow." Bella added. "Yup, my husband is looking for me already." They all said to you.

"Alright guys, thank you so much. Let's go home! I have to be in studio tomorrow morning." You said, you bid goodbye to Kendall's family and Kylie because she's staying with her mom's house for the night. "It didn't work, but thank you babe." You said and kissed your friend on her cheek.

You and the girls are walking on the driveway to get into your cars, you saw Bella head to Gigi's car. You saw Ben's car on the driveway blocking the gate. You walk closely, you saw Kendall and her boyfriend are making out inside. You, Hailey and Gigi jumped in fear when Bella accidentally hit the horn that caused Ben and Kendall to stop their make out session. "Oh god! I'm sorry!" Bella yelled from the car while looking for something inside. Kendall got out of Ben's car and walk towards you.

"Hey guys. Is there a halloween party?" She joked, all the girls laugh except you. "Why are you all dressed like that?" She asked.

"I-- uhm.. We uh.. Just to cheer up your family dinner." You answered the model.

"Guys we really need to go home. Bye Kenny." Gigi and Hailey bid goodbye to their best friend.

"Yeah me too, i'll go ahead Ken." You are about to leave when Kendall held your wrist.

"Wait, guys." All of you looked at Kendall.

"Me and Ben talked about living together, we wanted to rent a new place in Beverly hills." You felt your heart stopped when she said that they are already talking about living together. Your knees became weak, and your eyes starts to water. The girls looked at you, and Hailey squeezed your hand to bring you back to reality because you zoned out.

"Huh? Yeah, wow! C-congrats guys.." You gave her a forced smile, you looked at Ben and smiled at him. You looked at your best friend again and smile with your glassy eyes, "I-i'm happy for you Ken." You said and you walk towards your car.


The girls are obviously happy for Kendall, but they feel sorry for you. The girls head back to their cars, and Ben moved his car so all of you can head home. You didn't said anything to your best friend after you told her that you are happy for her. After a few minutes you arrived at your house, you let out a heavy sigh and let your tears fall from your eyes. "You are such a coward Y/N. It's your fault why you are suffering like this idiot." You mumbled to yourself.

You are just looking at your vodka thinking about your best friend while the girls are looking at you quietly. Bella elbowed Hailey to talk to you, "Y/N that's okay! It's just living together, it's not a marriage proposal." Hailey said trying to cheer you up. "Yeah! They're just a couple babe. Don't be so glum." Kylie added.

"But she looked happy, right?" You said.

"Actually.." The girls agreed and you let out a long heavy sigh. "So you're giving up?" Gigi asked.

Tears wanted to fall into your eyes, but you are trying your best to hold it back. "I'm giving her what she needs.. And that is for me to be a best friend to her." You gave them a forced smile, "So, i'm just going to support her." You said and took a shot of vodka.

You are getting ready for Justin's concert. Your manager are waiting for you at the staples, "Okay, guitar? In the car, check. Keys in the house, check. Phone? Yup check. Wallet? Oh fuck my wallet." You muttered to yourself and ran upstairs to get your wallet at the nightstand. Kendall used to check everything for you tend to forget things. You quickly head downstairs, you opened your front door when you saw Kendall was about to knock.

"Oh god. You s-scared me.." You said holding your chest. She let out a small laugh, "Sorry.."

"It's alright, what are you doing here? Aren't you going to Justin's concert?" You asked her.

"You're going to perform there, right? So i'm going. I was thinking if we could go together?" She asked you smiling, "We haven't hang out that much anymore.." She added.

"Y-yeah! I- i would love to go with you at the concert. Let's go?" You asked and locked your front door.


Both of you got into your car, you don't know why there is an awkwardness between the two of you. You tried to act normal but it looks like there is something she wanted to tell you but she's just holding it back.

"So-- how are you?" She asked.

"I- i'm good. How about you?"

"I'm okay. Happy.."

"You don't look happy, are you okay?" You glanced at her whole you are focusing on the road.

She let out a heavy sigh, "I want to ask you something Y/N and please be honest with me.." You got nervous when she looked so serious.

"O-okay? Spill.." You said.

"Do you want me to live with Ben?" She blurted out.

"What? Ken, that's not a decision for me to make."

"No, you're not going to decide for me. I just want to ask you about your opinion."

"I- i think you guys are going too fast about living together. But-- but if that's what y-you want t-then i will s-support you.." She looks disappointed in your answer, but she let out a smile and nodded at you.

"Okay.. Thank you for supporting me." She said. "Welcome Kenny."

"Please welcome! Y/N Y/L/N!" Justin welcomed you to stage, you walk towards him with your guitar hanging on your back. You gave Justin a hug, while people are cheering and chanting your name.

"Thank you for having me here bro." You said, "So? Let's get this started yeah? I'm sure many of you will relate to this song." You smiled and the camera focused on you.

I asked her earlier about me living with Ben, i thought she's going to tell me it's a bad idea or at least i wanted her to tell me that. That she doesn't want me to do it.. I got a little dissapointed because she told me that she will support me on my decision when all i wanted her to do is to stop me from living with Ben. Justin welcomed Y/N at the stage. She is smiling but i can tell in her eyes that there's something that's bothering her. She started to strum her guitar, she let out a heavy sigh before she sing.

"Known each other since forever

You always seem to have my heart

Said that we'd end up together

But I never knew where to start. And everytime you find somebody

You tell me how you think they're the one

It's hard for me to take

You loved me in a way that i don't want.

You look at me

Like I'm someone you only need

When it goes wrong

But you look at him

Like he's your missing piece

And darling, I wish it was me

I wish it was me." She sang all that lines looking at me, just me. I was listening to her lyrics, every line. Is she talking about me? Because i'm her only best friend that knew her since we were kids besides my sister Kylie. She looked away and looked at the crowd.

"Oh my god. This song is a fucking confession." Gigi said to us. Confession, but with who?! I don't understand what is happening. Is it for Kylie or me? "You looked confused to what is happening, this song is for you sis." Kylie whispered to me.

"And i almost told you

About a million times

Oh, I was tripping for words

I never seem to find

Just a little closer

It's getting harder to hide

I keep losing the lights

But the answer's right there in your eyes." Y/N looked at me again. So all this time she hid her feelings for me? What the actual fuck?! I was just waiting for her to love me back. 10 years, i waited for her.. But she always treat me nothing but her best friend. "Are you okay, Kenny?" Bella asked me.

"No." I answered.

Her performance ended, she thanked the crowd and walk towards the backstage. "I- i need to talk to her." I said to our friends and i run towards the backstage. I saw her walking towards her dressing room, "Y/N!!" She got startled when i called her.

"Ken? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" I yelled while walking towards her. She didn't said anything, "Your song.. That was for me, right?" I asked her.

"Ken i can explain.."

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