《IMAGINES ❤️》She's the one [Part IV]


Calling Kendo❤️...

"Hey.. Where are you?"

"Yeah yeah-- nothing. Just checking up on you."

"Yeah, i do. It's been a week since i saw you."

"Yup i'm going to perform there. Will you be there?"


It's been a week since you last saw Kendall, she's always busy and she's spending more of her time with Ben. Everytime you see them together you couldn't help not to envy the NBA player. You are scrolling on your twitter then you saw TMZ's tweet about your best friend and Ben.

"Kendall Jenner and Ben simmons show PDA in college basketball game. Click for more photos!"

You decided to call Kylie, you are spending time with each other when Kendall is with her boyfriend. She knew about how you feel towards her sister.

"Y/N! Oh my god, careful you idiot." The model said to you, while she's helping you to walk to your room. You're drunk because you and your mother fought again because of your career.

"My mom doesn't love me, she told me that she wishes she never had a daughter like me. No one loves me Ken." You said while you can't walk properly.

"Sit here, i'll change your clothes. Y/N, you know she doesn't mean that. Your mom always said things when she's mad and we both know she never meant it. She loves you.." Kendall said and held your hand. You rested your head to her shoulder while you're playing with her fingers. And she lay her head to yours.

"Y-you really have an alien hand Ken." You teased the model and let out a chuckle, "But i love this hands. It fits perfect to my hand." You said and interlocked your fingers to hers. "Do you love me?" You asked.

"Of course.. I love you, you're my Y/N/N." Your best friend answered.

You looked up to her, "Do you know how much i love you?" You cups her cheek, and slowly leaned closer to her face until you pressed your lips against hers. You wanted her to feel your love even if you can't it to her, you couldn't find the words how to say that you are in love with your best friend. After a few minutes your hand is unzipping her jacket. Kendall panicked, and slightly pushed you away and stood up while holding her lips.


"Fuck. Kendall she's your best friend. That girl right there is trouble, she'll break your heart and you don't want to ruin your friendship with her." You lay to your bed while looking at her and listening to what she's saying to herself. That's what she thinks of you, a trouble and she doesn't trust you with her heart. Before she turned around to look at you, you pretended to be asleep. "Y/N?" Your best friend called you. "Y/N!" She said trying to shake your body,

you decided to go to sleep like that.

"It's open." You said.

"Hey Y/N." Your best friend entered your room while you are packing all your stuff because you are going on a tour.

"Oh h-hi Ken. I was so drunk last night, i- i didn't remember what happened.." You said to her. "H-how did i get home? Did Hailey drove me home?"

"Y/N i was the one who took you home. Remember?" She said shyly.

"Oh really? I thought it was Hailey."

"I did." She said.

"Oh, thank you Ken." You said and head back to your closet to get more clothes. "Sorry, i didn't know because i was drunk. I don't remember anything that happened last night." You lied hoping that she wouldn't tell you what you did last night.

"Why did you kissed me, Y/N?" You gulped not knowing what to say.

"I kissed you? Hey. Really? Looks like you are the one who's drunk Ken." You let out a small laugh.

"Yes you kissed me. You are the one who kissed me.." The model said running out of patience in you because of your laughing.

"Yeah, but why did i kiss you? You know i was drunk.."

"You know it would have been okay if you ddidn't really remember, but don't act so disgusted by it." She shook her head and walk out of your room.

"Wait-- Kendall!" You followed her out of your room, all your friends are in your living room hanging out. "Ken you are asking me question and i'm just giving you an answer. Come on, i'm leaving in two hours. I don't wanna leave like this Ken." You are about to hold her hand when she pulled away.


"Yeah i'm glad that you are leaving for two weeks, because you are a worthless friend." All your friends got silence, and confused of what is happening between you and Kendall.

"Guys what is going on?" Kylie asked.

"Talk to your friend here! She's a liar!" She raised her voice on you.

"Liar? I really don't remember what happened last night. How can i admit of kissing you when i don't have memory of it? And if it did happen, it didn't mean anything!" Being so defensive you raised your voice on your best friend. Tears started to fall in Kendall's eyes, she looked at you in disbelief and left your house. She didn't talk to you for three weeks after that, that's why Kendall doesn't like it when you're lying or hiding things from her because of that.

"But you know ever since they started saying i love you's to each other, she hasn't had time for me." You said while eating your chips

"How old are you? You're like a jealous little kid." She asked you.

"I'm not jealous. Who said i'm jealous? It's just-- you know even when you're in a relationship you still have to make time for your best friend." You said while pouring yourself a glass of wine.

"All these empty bottles Y/N." Kylie said looking at the empty bottles of beer and wine. "You love my sister, why don't you just admit to her? It will make things easier for you. Trust me.."

"How will it make things easier? Kylie the last time i tried to show her how i really feel, we ended up fighting." You said and you drink your wine.

Kylie gave you a confused look, "Wait, the only time that you and Kenny fought is when you're going on a tour. So it means-- you really kissed her? Really? So it's true!" You simply nodded at her. "But why don't you admit it? All of us knows about how you really feel about Kendall. Why do you keep denying it?" She asked.

"Because she doesn't want me. She said so herself that night. She even said she's not dumb enough to have a relationship with me. You know, sometimes i think it would be easier if i just accept the fact that we're just friends. Like, treat her nothing but a best friend.. Because she's not just any girl, she's Kendall. Okay, what if-- just what if. She becomes my girlfriend, Ky i don't wanna hurt her. I don't want to lose Kenny.." You said and you wiped your tears.

"Well then, make sure you don't hurt her. Y/N you have to do something.." Kylie said to you.

"Like what?"

She gave you a knowing look. "Ben is getting close to my family. But i got you, you have to get my families approval. Although they love you for my sister, but you have to do the formalities."

"I-i'm so lost right now Ky. What do you mean?"


"Are you sure this will work?" You asked Kylie.

"Yes babe, trust me." She said to you. "Yeah, trust us! This'll work, Kenny would love this."

"ONE TWO THREE GO!!" You count, you, Kylie, Hailey, Gigi and Bella started to dance in front of Kendall's family, including her nephews and nieces while you are all in cute animal suite because Kendall loves animals especially dog.

"Auntie Y/N! You are so cute in that outfit." Mason said to you.

"Thank you Mace!" You said while you are freestyling dance steps. "Y/N honey, what are you doing?" Kris asked you.

"Kylie said i should do this for formalities Auntie Kris. I want you to like me for you daughter." You said still dancing in front of them. The girls are dancing too while they are laughing and enjoying the moment. The kids joined you dancing while Khloe is taking a video of you and the girls.

"I'm pretty sure what you're doing is for Kenny, but she's not here. She's going to be late, she's with Ben.." Kourtney said.

"You don't have to do that, we all like you for our Kenny." Kim said to you smiling. "But you made us laugh, so double points for you Y/N. Good job!" She said.


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