《IMAGINES ❤️》She's the one [Part III]


It's been a week since me and my best friend talked, it's weird; she's avoiding and ignoring my calls, and text. I don't know why, i see her posting on instagram partying with different people, she never goes to a party without me. What the hell is her problem? Did i do something wrong? Is she mad at me or something? And now she's partying with my sister? I mean, what the fuck? I'm her best friend--

"I mean-- what is her problem? It's fucking annoying!!" I yelled and threw my phone because Y/N is not answering any of my calls.

"Why are you so upset? You're never like this before when she go out with someone." Hailey asked me.

"Yeah. She dated so many women, and this is the first time i've seen you like this." Gigi agreed. I'm actually asking myself that too.

"I-- i don't know. It's new to me, she never goes to a party without me and if she is going to somewhere she always tell me. And look at this!" I showed them a picture of Y/N and Kylie. "What? She's fucking my sister now? And then one day they are going to tell me that they're dating?! Ugh!!" When i look at Gigi and Hailey they are both smiling at me. " What?!"

"Chill out babe. I think you're just jealous.." Hailey said. "You have a boyfriend, shouldn't you be worrying about him more than Y/N's business?" She added.

"Yup Hailey's right and no, i don't think Y/N will date your sister. I don't think she will date someone besides--" Hailey slaps Gigi's arm.

"Besides who?" I asked.

"Besides you? I'm kidding." Hailey glared at Gigi. "What i mean is, you both promised each other that right? I- i don't t-think she's up for d-dating... right now. Because you know her, she's-- she's a player." Gigi said stuttering with her words.

"I know, but i don't want her to fuck my sister. I don't want her to have sex with literally with everyone."

"And why is that?" Hailey asked.


"Y/N! Oh my god, careful you idiot." I said to my best friend, while i'm helping her to walk to her room. She's drunk because she and auntie Y/M/N fought again because of her career.

"My mom doesn't love me, she told me that she wishes she never had a daughter like me. No one loves me Ken." She said while she can't walk properly.


"Sit here, i'll change your clothes. Y/N, you know she doesn't mean that. Your mom always said things when she's mad and we both know she never meant it. She loves you.." I said and held her hand. She rested her head to my shoulder while she's playing with my fingers. And lay my head to hers.

"Y-you really have an alien hand Ken." She let out a cute chuckle, "But i love this hands. It fits perfect to my hand." She said and interlocked her fingers to mine. "Do you love me?" She asked.

"Of course.. I love you, you're my Y/N/N."

She looked up to me, "Do you know how much i love you?" She cups my cheek, and slowly leaned closer to my face until she pressed her lips against mine. The kiss felt good, it was gentle and it wasn't lust. It feels like my body is craving for that kiss a long time ago. After a few minutes i can feel her hand unzipping my jacket. I panicked, i slightly pushed her away and stood up while holding my lips.

"Fuck. Kendall she's your best friend. That girl right there is trouble, she'll break your heart and you don't want to ruin your friendship with her." I muttered to myself, i pause for a second trying to sink in to my brain what just happened. I couldn't help not to blush, i let out a small laugh and looked at Y/N. She's already sleeping. "Y/N?" I called her. "Y/N!" I said trying to shake her body but nothing, she's already sleeping.

"Oh my god! You are daydreaming again! Kendall!" Gigi yelled and snapped her fingers at my face.

"Huh? What?"

"I said me and Hailey are going home Ken." I nodded at them. I bid goodbye to my best friends and walk them outside my house.

"Ken?" Hailey called me.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Stop day dreaming about her and tell her what you really feel about her.."

"There is nothing to admit or to tell her. Y/N is my best friend." I smiled at her.

"I didn't said her name and yet you thought about Y/N. Stop denying it Kenny." She gave me a knowing look and waved. "Bye Ken! And Hailey's right!!" Gigi yelled before getting inside her car.

Calling Kendo❤️...

"Hey Kenny!!"

"I-- i'm here in front of your house. Where are you?!"


"Are you mad at me? I'm sorry!!"

"No.." You said to her laughing.

She ended the call and opened her door frowning at you. You flashed her a huge grin, and gave her the flowers you picked up on her neighbor's garden.

"For you Kenny.." You said laughing.

"Where did you get that Y/N?" She asked you.

"Over there.." You pointed her neighbor's house. "There's a flower shop over there and it's free. Next time i will get you a bouquet." The model's eyes widened. "I'm sorry for ignoring you and avoiding you, do you forgive me?" You said.

"Holy shit! Y/N!! That's not a flower shop, that's their garden! Get over here!" She said gesturing you to come inside.

"Noooo.. I won't go inside unless you said you forgive me already." You said still laughing. You are drunk and you don't know what you're doing.

"Let's talk inside, okay? Come on, let's get inside." The model said, "You're drunk already.."

"Nope nope nope i'm not drunk Kendo. If i'm drunk, would i be able to do this?" You said and you are doing a chicken dance and random dance steps. You are pretty good at dancing but you look like an idiot. Kendall couldn't help herself and laugh.

"Yes, you are drunk that's why you're doing that chicken dance. You look like an idiot Y/N. REALLY! Let's go inside i forgive you, now come on." She said to you laughing and dragged you inside her house.

You woke up and you are at your best friend's room not remembering what you did last night and what happened last night. You checked if you have any clothes and you are wearing an oversized plain white shirt and mini shorts. You stood up and head downstairs.

"Okay, i'm really sorry. She's still asleep, she's super drunk and didn't know what she's doing. I'm really sorry Mr. Harrington." She said to the old man.

"Okay Kendall, Y/N's lucky i see her as my grand daughter or i will call the cops on her." You listened while you are at the stairs, "I'll go ahead."

"I apologize again Mr. Harrington. Thank you for understanding." She smiled and closed the door. She let out a relieved sigh.

"Who's that?" You asked.

"Mr. Harrington. He saw you on his CCTV picking his wife's flowers, you're lucky he didn't report you to the cops Y/N. You are trespassing." She said.

"And why did i pick his wife's flowers?" You raised an eyebrow on you best friend. "And why am i here?" You asked.

She told you everything that happened last night, she told you that you danced in front of her house, she showed you how did you parked your car on her driveway, and you yelling on the phone while saying sorry. You laughed because you think that you are an idiot, your drunk self is going back to Kendall even if you are trying to avoid her.

"Y/N." Kendall held your hand and you looked at her. "Why did you avoiding and ignoring me for the whole week?" She asked you worriedly. "A-are we okay?"

You let out a heavy sigh, "Yup, we're okay Ken.."

"Well, why didn't you call me to come with you and Kylie last night?"

"I-- uh, i thought you're with Ben.." You said.

"Are you--? Are you jealous with Ben, Y/N?"

"What? No! I mean, no.. Okay a little bit." You told her the truth.

"Why? So that's why you don't wanna meet him?" You wanted to say yes, but you chose to lie because you are afraid that Kendall might asked you something you're not ready to admit to her.

"No. It's just, you are spending too much time with him. You are flying to Philadelphia most of the time just to see him play, and i don't know-- I'm not used to you doing that to other people, i'm sorry i shouldn't be like this." You let out a sigh, "But he's a nice guy and all, so yeah i'm happy for you Kenny. I better go, i need to go the studio." You stood up and head upstairs to change your clothes.

"Y/N wanna know a fact?" She asked smiling at you.


"A girl can love her best friend more than her boyfriend. So don't be jealous, okay? I love you."

You smiled at her, "Love you too.." You run upstairs and change your clothes.


Hope you guys like this update. And thank you so much for reading and leaving a vote guys. Really appreciate it, i'm trying to update my new book as fast as i can, but i hope you understand that i'm still figuring things out about the story. Part 4? 😂

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