《IMAGINES ❤️》She's the one [Part II]


We are at the staples watching my best friend's boyfriend playing. Jesus, he can't even shoot three points or even fucking mid range. Fuck my eyes are hurting because of how he plays. But he is good passer though, and great point guard.

"Y/N you okay?" Hailey asked.

"Yup, just a little bored. I don't why i came here with you guys, i'd rather stay in my house and play fortnite." I said while Kendall is busy watching Ben.

"You're just bitter babe. I told you to tell Kendall what you really feel about her." She whispered.

"Hails.. You need to shut your mouth before she hears you." We both laughed and continue to watch the game.

The game ended and Philadelphia won. Me, Hailey and Kendall head out. "Now what?" I said looking really bored. Kendall smiled and pinch my cheeks, "Why do you wanna go home? Is there someone waiting for you at your house?" She asked me smiling.

"Yeah, a ghost. A fucking sexy ghost." I joked and Hailey laughed.

"Sexier than me?" My best friend asked me and raised her eyebrow. No, you are the sexiest woman alive for me.

"Uh-oh.." Hailey said and gave me a knowing look.

"No comment. Let's go, i'm hungry." I said and we all laughed heading towards the car.

You are at Mastro's with Kendall and Hailey while waiting for Ben. Few minutes had passed and the Aussie guy arrived, Kendall kissed him on his cheek. You looked away so you wouldn't see your best friend kissing his boyfriend.

"Babe, this is my best friend. The one i've been telling you about. Of course you already know Hails." She said. "Y/N this is Ben, my boyfriend." You gave them a fake smile.

"H-hi! It's nice to meet you." You said.

"Like wise, Ken told me everything about you." He smiled at you and extend his hand.

"Oh really? I've heard nothing about you." That's the only thing you wanted to say to him but the guy looks nice and you don't wanna be rude. Plus, you don't want your best friend be mad at you for being rude to her boyfriend. "Y/N?" Hailey poked you causing to interrupt you with your thoughts.

"S-sorry. I must've zoned out, just thinking about something. I've heard good things about you man." You said to the guy.

All of you ate together and made a conversation to one another. You and Hailey are talking and the couple are flirting non-stop in front of you and Hailey to the point that you are getting a little bit irritated. You hated to see her being sweet to someone else, you are jealous. But you know you don't have the right to be. You don't wanna cry, you don't wanna look like a total loser. You are thinking a better excuse to head home, you just wanna be alone.


I love you babe."

"I love you too baby."

You heard the couple said i love you's to each other and that's the last straw for you. You are leaving, "Uh, guys. I need to go home, i'm feeling under the weather.." You stood up, "Ben it was nice meeting you, you beat my team but nice game." You gave him a fake smile. "Ken, i'll go ahead." You said, "Hails.." You gave her a knowing look, she smiled at you sign that she understand why you need to leave.

"Wait, Y/N. You came with us, you don't have a ride?" Kendall said.

"N-no it's okay, i'll just take a cab or call an uber or whatever." You said and you rushed outside the restaurant, you didn't know Kendall followed you. "Y/N!" You stopped your tracks and let out a long sigh before turning your head to her.


"What's wrong?" She asked.

You looked at her for a while before answering, "N-nothing. I just wanna go home.." You said holding back your tears.

"Okay, i'll drive you home.." She was about to walk towards you and you yelled, "NO!"--"I mean, you don't have to. Ben is waiting for you inside. I'll be okay.." You gave her a fake smile to reassure her that you're okay. You didn't wait for her to respond, you whistle to call a cab and left.

Tears streaming down on your face, as you let out a heavy sigh. You couldn't take it anymore, the kissing, their whispering to each other, holding hands, and saying i love you's. "Where to, miss?" The cab driver asked.

"Beverly Hills." You said while looking at the window.

You rushed to the door to open it because you ordered a pizza, you got surprised because you saw your best friend at your doorstep holding a box of your favorite ice cream.

"Y/N/N!!" She yelled excitedly.

"Ssshh!! The neighbors are sleeping already!" You laughed. "What are you doing here? I thought you're with-- what's his name again?" You asked her ex boyfriend's name.

"Jordan? Nah, i broke up with him.." The model said.

"Really? On valentines day?" She smiled at you and nodded.

"Yup, i realized he's not the one." She said slamming her body against the couch, and put her feet on the table. You rolled your eyes and snatch the ice cream on her hand.

"Because not everyone you dated is the one Ken."


"You are such a bitter on my love life Y/N. You know that?" She laughed and get herself a big scoop of ice cream. "What did you do all day? You just stayed here by yourself? No bitches? Or whores? Or hoe?" She asked you.

"No, i stayed here all day. Alone." You said while looking for something to watch.

"Hmm. Open your mouth." Kendall said and forced you to eat ice cream.

"Kendall!" You yelled because you got ice cream on your nose. "Wipe it off!" You said laughing.

She puts down the ice cream at the table, and stared at you for a minute. "What?" You said.

"Okay, let's make a promise to each other." She said and holds your hand. You are still focused on the tv still looking something to watch. She cups your face so she will get your attention, "Look at me."

"What kind of promise?" You asked her smiling.

"If the time comes that no girl in this worls passed on your standards, even if i really don't want to, and it's hard for me, i will be your girlfriend." She said to you. You frowned because you don't know if she's being serious or not. "I'm serious!" She smiled.

"Okay, if i really don't have a choice then i will make you my girlfriend and deal with your jealousy, possessiveness and even when you're having a bitch fit." You said to her laughing.

"Yay!" She rested her head into your shoulder and play with your hand. "I'm so lucky to have you Y/N."

"Yup, you are so lucky." You said and you look away because you are blushing trying to hide your smile.

"Promise me, no matter what happens we will forever best friends. I will be that one person who will never breaks up with you, and you will be that one girl who will never break up with me. Promise?" She offered her hand, you smiled at her.

"Promise.." You said and held her hand.

You didn't realize that you are crying while you remember that memory of you and Kendall. "Ma'am? Ma'am we're here." The driver said.

"Huh--? Oh! Yeah, r-right. Here, keep the change. Thank you." You said and you get out of the car.


A few minutes you got home your best friend is calling you non-stop. You decided to ignore it because you're not in the mood to talk, instead you spend your time on your studio. You are drinking your morning coffee when you almost choke on it because you heard someone banging on your door. You frowned thinking who might it be, you're not expecting anyone.

"Y/N! Open up!" You heard a loud knock on your, you quickly stood up because maybe it's your neighbor asking for help or something.

You opened the door and you saw Kendall, holding a breakfast and a balloon. "Wha--? What is this?" You asked looking at the balloon that she's holding.

"Nothing, i just remember when we were kids you love balloons. Are you feeling okay now?" She asked you and let herself inside your house.

"Y-yeah, i-i'm fine.." You stutter, she looked at your face observing if you're lying to her.

"You're not sick, aren't you?" She raised an eyebrow and walk towards you. She put her palm in your forehead to feel your temperature. "Your temperature is normal you idiot!" She said hitting your forehead with her palm.

"Ouch!" You whined.

"Why? Why did you lie Y/N?" She asked. Kendall really hates when you lie to her or when you're hiding things to her.

"Nothing, i was just tired and i didn't feel the dinner.."

"You got me worried about you. I've been calling you all night, and you're not answering your phone. I didn't sleep because i was thinking of you're okay, or if you're crying because you are always crying when your sick or if--"

"What are you my mother?" You said to the model looking irritated, "Look-- Ken i'm fine, you don't have to worry about me all the time. I can take care of myself, alright?"

"Fine. Here's your breakfast and meds asshole." She slammed the food in the table, and left the house.

"Ken wait. I didn't mean to--" You flinched because she slammed your door.


Part 3? Haha i'm enjoying writing imagines more than a writing a story. I'm really having a writer's block when it comes to writing a long book. Sorry but it's true. 😂 Thank you for voting and hope you like this.

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