《IMAGINES ❤️》She's the one.


You and Kendall have been really great friends since you were in 3rd grade. Your mom is best friend's with her mother Kris Jenner. You are really close to her family, and her parents consider you as one of their own. All of Kendall's sister knew what you feel towards the model, but you don't have the strength to admit to her what you really feel. You have a quite reputation of a play girl. But you know to yourself who is the one who owns your heart and that's your best friend, Kendall Jenner. Even though it's killing you to see her with someone's arm you are always staying with her and be a best friend she could ever ask for.

"Yes Kenny my loves?"

"What? What time is it?"

"Oh shit fuck! I'm sorry, y-yeah i'm on my way there!"

"Shut up i'm talking to my best friend.."


"What's new? I'll see you there!"

You ended the call and looked at the girl who is laying beside you. You stood up and walk towards the bathroom, "Get your things, and get out of my house." You said and head inside your bathroom.

"You are such a douche!" The girl yelled and slammed you bedroom's door.

Your parents owns the Love Magazine, your mother has a dream for you to be a model like your best friend. But you don't want that kind of career, you love to sing and dance. You don't want to walk on the runway half naked or with weird designed luxury clothes. You arrived at the studio and you saw your mom talking to Kendall. She frowned as soon as she saw you.

"Sorry i'm late guys." You said and gave your best friend a peck on her cheek.

"I told you to be here on time! Now the photographer left! How many times do i have to tell you that quit making music and focus your career in modelling!" Your mom yelled at you in front of everyone in the studio. "God Y/N! I didn't enrolled you to a modelling school for what?! Just for you to make trash music? You don't want to work in our company. You don't wanna be a model, i've planned everything for you! I have so much dream for you! Why can't you be more like your sister Katie?!" Your eyes are already glassy because of the tears that was about to fall. You felt Kendall hold your hand and squeezed it. She does that to comfort you.


"Katie's dead mom! And i don't want you to plan and run my life. I'm so tired of you controlling my life, i'm sorry i'm not like my sister. I'm happy with my career and i just want you to respect that." You wiped your tears and left the studio.

"What are you guys looking at?! Get back to work!" You yelled at newbie models who is looking at you.

Kendall followed you, she stopped her tracks atbthe newbie models who is laughing at you. "You'll never make it in this business if you guys have an attitude like that.." She run to get in the elevator on time, she looked at you while your tears are streaming down your face. She pulled you for a hug and and caress your back to comfort you.

"Ssshh it's okay. I'm sure she didn't mean all of that." She whispered.

"Every word that she said she meant it.." You said still crying.

"You know it's been a while since we ate ice cream together." She said smiling at you. "Let's go? My treat." You nodded at her.

That is one of the reason why you fell in love with your best friend, she's always there for you, she always supports you in everything, she never missed any of your concert even though the model is super busy and has a hectic schedule she will flew half across the world just to watch you perform. When you were about to tell her how you really feel towards the model, she announced to everybody that she's already dating Ben Simmons.

"Happy Birthday Y/N!!" All your friends greeted you as soon as you opened your lights. You just got home from the studio. "Happy Birthday my Y/N/N!"--"Ta-da!!" She showed you all the gifts she bought for you.

"Thank you Kenny! Oh my god, all this is your present for me?!" You gasp while looking all the gifts she bought for you. "Thank you so much guys." You said and hug each one of your friends.

"No worries babe. You know we got you." Gigi said.

"Yup! You know how much i love you." She hugged you and buried her face against your neck while you put your arms around her. It's normal for you and her to act like you are a couple, everyone thought that you and the model are couple. But she always clarifies to everybody that you are just her best friend.


"Ken, thank you so much.. Is that a bicycle?! Why did wrapped it like that?" You asked and all your friends laughed. She nodded at you, "Yeah, i thought you love bicycle?" She asked.

"Well, yeah.. But you really don't have to buy me all this gifts, all i want is you." You said to the model.

"I know, right? That's why i got you 20 gifts since you are 21 now." She smiled.

"20 gifts, that's a lot. But, i'm 21 it should be 21 gifts." You joked at her.

"I'm the 21th gift Y/N." She gave you her warm sweet smile. You stared at her for a seconds admiring her beautiful angelic face. "Ken i--" you are about to admit your feeling towards her when Fai spoke.

"Are you sure, you guys are not dating?" He said and wiggling his eyebrows on both of you.

"N-no! We're best friends! Right Y/N? Besides, i'm already taken.."

You gave your best friend a surprised look. "WHAT?! I mean-- what?" You said trying to calm yourself. Your friends knows about your feelings towards the model, they all shared a look.

"You heard me, me and Ben are dating now." She said smiling at you. The model looked really happy when she announced that she and Ben are now exclusively dating. You felt your heart dropped to your stomach, you wanted to broke down in tears but no.. You told to yourself that you can't cry in front of her, but you failed.. A single tear falls into your eyes.

"Y/N? H-hey.. Why are you crying? Are you okay?" She asked you and wiped your tears.

"Uh, we'll just go outside guys.." Kylie said and the gang left your living room.

You didn't said anything instead you wiped all your tears, and gave you best friend a forced smile. She is looking at you worriedly, observing if something is bothering you. "Hey.." She said and hold your hand. "What's up? You can tell me everything, right?"

"N-nothing. I'm just-- i'm happy for you Ken a-and t-thank you for.. for all of this." You said to her trying to hold your tears.

"I know something's up. Come on, tell me." She said and wrap her arms around your neck.

You let out a heavy sigh, "I--"

"Hmm?" She hummed, "Tell me Y/N.."

"I-- i just miss my sister. I wish she was here, it's been two years." You lied. Although you miss your sister every single day, but that's not the reason why you're crying.

"I miss her too Y/N. I know she's happy in heaven, and you know your sister-- she doesn't like seeing you crying. She'll throw her shoes at you again. Remember that?" She joked, and you let out a small laugh. "Stop crying already. You look weird when you cry." She laughed and gave you a hug.

You wrapped your arms around her waist and hold her tight, "I'm always here for you Kenny. I promise you that." You whispered to her ear, a single tear falls again and you quickly wiped it.

"Me too Y/N. You will never lose me, i'm always right beside you." She said and rested her head to your shoulder.

"Hey do you wanna have dinner tomorrow?" You asked her.

"Oh, shit i can't tomorrow. I'm going to watch the NBA with Hails. Do you wanna join us?" You frowned at her while focusing on the road.

"Ben has a game with Lakers?" You asked her.

"Yeah, i was thinking if you wanna join us. You haven't met him Y/N. It's been three months since me and him are dating.." She stated.

"Please?" She pouted.

You let out a sigh because you don't really wanna meet your best friend's boyfriend. "Alright alright, i'll join you guys tomorrow." You said to her.

"Yay!! Thank you babe." She said and kissed your cheek.


Part two? Haha

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