《IMAGINES ❤️》Fixed Marriage [Finale]


"Honey, where are you going? I thought you don't like Kendall?" Your mother asked you while you are packing all your things because you told Brando to book you a flight to L.A because you are going home.

"Home mom. Yes, i don't like her.." You said.

"The wedding is tonight Y/N, i want you to be there." She said, your mom didn't know what is going on with you and Kendall. She just thought that you and model are just getting along as friends.

Your tears started to fall and quickly wiped it so that your mom wouldn't see you crying, your father is just looking at you. Observing your body language, "Dear, just let Y/N to go home. If she wants to go home then let her." Your father said, you gave him a forced smile and you nodded.

You are waiting for Brando at the lobby when four girls called you, "Y/N!" You turned around and saw Kendall's friends and her younger sister Kylie.

"Where are you going?" Hailey asked you.

"I-- uhm.. I need to go meet some clients in L.A. It's an emergency." You said lying to them.

"Liar. Your mom told us that you just graduated last month and you are about to start at your father's company next week." Kylie said.

"Well, i'm starting tomorrow so yeah-- i need to go home. Greece is far away to Los Angeles. It's a 14 hour flight so i need to go home.." You said looking at your watch, while looking around still waiting for your mom's bodyguard.

"We don't believe you Y/N. Really, why are you leaving?" Bella asked you again, followed by Kylie, "Is it about Kendall? Did you guys fought?" She asked, obviously Gigi didn't told them about what happened last night. You looked at her and she mouthed 'I didn't tell them.' you nodded at her. "Tell us why Y/N.." Bella said again.

You squeezed your eyes shut, let out a heavy sigh because the girls are starting to annoy you, you don't want to talk anyone right now. You just want to go home and be alone, "BECAUSE THEY GOT BACK TOGETHER. THEY ARE PUSHING THROUGH THE WEDDING AND I CAN'T WATCH THE WOMAN THAT I LOVE BE MARRIED TO SOMEONE WHO IS NOT ME." The girls looked surprised because you just told them that you are in love with Kendall.

You saw your father's car stopped in front of you and Brando got out of the car and get your bags. "Let's go young master?" He said and you nodded at him.

"I'm sorry guys. I just can't be here, not with Kendall getting married. She already made a choice and i respect that. We can still be friends, right?" You asked them.

They all nodded and pulled you for a group hug. You get their numbers in case they want to hang when you are all in L.A.. You are planning to stay there for good to work for your father's company. You respect the model's decision and decided not to interfere with their relationship. As long as Kendall's happy, you are okay with it. But you are praying that she made the right decision by picking Blake over you.


An hour had passed, you are now on the plane. You looked at your watch and you know the wedding is about to start. You put your phone to airplane mode because the pilot is about to take off. You looked at the picture of you and Kendall, you let out a sigh and deleted all the pictures.

The girls didn't have the chance to talk to Kendall because she's avoiding everyone before the wedding. She didn't even know that you left. She is walking down the aisle while Blake is waiting for her at the altar. It's not a big wedding but there's media who is taking pictures of the model and the NBA star. All of Kendall's family and friends doesn't look happy because they know that the model is going to make the biggest mistake of her life by marrying the person who cheated on her several times.

"Are you sure about this Kenny? We can still run." Her father whispered to her.

"I don't know dad, i'm not so sure about everything anymore.." She said.

"Then we'll run away at this stupid wedding." He smiled and squeezes her daughter's hand. She didn't said anything to her father, Blake took Kendall's hand and smiled at the model's father. "Hurt my daughter again and i will end you Blake.." He threatened the taller guy, he quickly nodded at Bruce.

"Is there anybody that objects to this marriage today? Speak up, or forever hold your peace." The pastor said, Kendall closed her eyes and let out a heavy sigh.

"I do. Yes! I- i object to this wedding." The people gasp because the bride object to her own wedding. She looked at Blake, "I'm sorry, i can't do this.." The taller guy is confused.

"What is going on Kendall? W-what do you mean??" He said.

"Actually no, i'm not sorry Blake." -- "This guy right here, cheated on me several times and i let him because i'm an idiot. Yes, i am an idiot. And three days before our wedding he left me. I was devastated not because i'm so in love with him but because he should've done it sooner. I did a great job of pretending so many times that i'm okay, that me and Blake are perfect. But there is some people, when you see them you just can't pretend anymore. Because they know you, the real you." Kendall looked at her friends and family and smiled. All of the people are quiet and the media is taking video and pictures of her.

"Three days ago, there's this girl who came into my life out of nowhere and swept me off of my feet. She saved me from almost getting raped, she actually saved me from everything. Long story short, our parents set us up on a fixed marriage which i am so thankful for because i got to know the most amazing, kind hearted and beautiful girl on the whole fucking planet. Three days, i fell in love with her in three days. Now i know you guys think that she's just a rebound but she's not. I love her so much that it makes me fucking crazy. You heard that Y/N?! You make crazy for you. Crazy that i got jealous to my own sister and to my bestfriends. And you know the rest-- I realized that i moved on from you Blake, a long time ago.. I was just terrified and stupid that i am willing to accept being treated as less than i am. Just so i wouldn't be alone.. I really wanted to runaway while walking down the aisle with my father, but people would think i am a horrible person who left his groom at the altar. When the truth is, you are the horrible, empty shallow shell of a man who cheated on me just because i'm not ready to have sex with him. And left his own fiancé three days before the wedding and came back like nothing happened. You're not worth the risk, so yeah-- go fuck yourself Blake. We're done." Kendall said and she's looking around her thinking that she will see you from the crowd.


"Atta girl!!" Fai yelled.

"Sis i hate to say this but Y/N left this morning!!" Kylie yelled while cheering for her sister.

"What?!" The model exclaimed.

"Yeah go fuck yourself with your community dick!!" Gigi yelled at Blake.

"Yes! So she can't hear you!" Bella said from the distance.

Kendall run away from the aisle, she stopped her tracks and looked at her younger sister. "I need your plane, i'm going back to L.A." Kylie nodded at her older sister smiling and all of her friends followed Kendall. Blake still standing at the altar speechless, because what the model said about him is all true.

"All of you can go straight at the reception. Thank you." Kris said and looked at your mother.

"We are going to be in-law's very soon Kris." Your mother said to her.

You saw the video of how she dumped Blake, you thought it was funny because the guy deserved it and how she announced to the whole world that she's in love with you. But there is no way that you will chase her. Your cousin asked you if you wanted to go to the club since it's been three years since you two bonded. Your phone is buzzing non stop because the model has been calling and texting you. You looked at your phone and saw Kendall's caller i.d. You let out a sigh and answered her call.



"You can't call me and tell me that you miss me. I don't wanna have a conversation on the phone. So stop texting me, don't send me dm's, and don't call me."

"Well if you really miss me, you have to grow up and get in your car and see me." You said to the model. She didn't said anything, you opened your door to head to your car and you saw her standing in front of your house.

She said looking at you, and she ended the call.

"H-how did you--? Right." You were about to ask her how did she know your house when you remembered that your mom might tell where your house is.

"I know i just can't call you."

"Yeah, no. You can't.." You said.

"I hurt you, and i'm sorry. I don't know why i did that, i think i got scared because i've only known you for three days and i- i felt this weird feeling that i've never felt before with anyone else. But i love you, and i'm totally completely in love with you Y/N and i don't care if you think it's too late. I'm telling you anyway.." You are just looking at her not saying anything. "Would you please say something?" She said while tears streaming down her eyes and she was about to walk closer to you.

"Wait.." You stopped her. "You should know that if you come any closer, i'm not letting you go.." She smiled at you.

"Yeah, i don't want you to let me go either, and also i want to date you Y/N." She run towards you and jumped in your arms, you wrapped your arms around her waist. She caress your cheek and gently put her lips against yours. You are making out with the model, and she pulled away.

"I love you." She whispered and you smiled at her.

"That's good! Because i love you too." You peck her lips and she leaned her forehead against yours.

"Where are you going anyway?" She asked.

"At the club, with my cousin. Do you wanna go with me?" You asked her smiling.

She smirked at you, "Yeah, but maybe later. Tell your cousin that you will be late for-- two to three hours." You frowned.

"What? Why?"

"Oh baby, you know why.." She said in a seductive voice and bit her lip. She put her hand inside your pants, and pushed you inside the house.

"Honeymoon, before the wedding. I like it." You said.

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