《IMAGINES ❤️》Fixed Marriage [Part VI]


You and the model spent the day together at the resort. You ride a jet ski with her, and island hopping just the two of you. Kendall is getting flirty and clingy on you, she acts like she's your girlfriend. Your family is super happy for both of you that you and Kendall are getting along. You don't really know what is the status of your relationship with the model, you just know that you are very happy everytime Kendall is around you. Your mother hired a tailor and designer for your wedding tomorrow evening. You are at the shore waiting for Kendall, she told you that she wants to swim at the beach.

"Hey Y/N." A familiar voice said, you turned and you saw Kendall's younger sister.

"Hi Kylie." You smiled at her and she sat beside you.

"So, you and my sister are getting along.."

"Yeah. Hey, i'm sorry i didn't call you yesterday.."

"Oh no, it's fine. If you called me, Kendall wouldn't like that." She said laughing.

"She's kinda jealous of you, i guess?"

"Yup, that's my sister! She's jealous and a little bit possessive, i hope you are okay with that." She chuckles.

"I'm more than okay with that, i find it really cute actually." You blushed when you think about the model.

"Oh, wow. You are different, Blake doesn't like when Kendall gets jealous. They always fought about that kind of stuff. Please, don't hurt my sister like what that douche did to her? Because if you do, me and Khloe are going to kill you." Your eyebrows arched and you smiled at her.

"You don't have to worry about me hurting your sister, i will never do that to her. I like her Kylie, i really do." She nodded and stayed there with you to wait for her sister.

Kendall saw you with Kylie, she saw you smiling and laughing with her sister. She's jealous, she doesn't understand the feeling of why she is jealous. But she really is, you turned your head and you saw Kendall is walking away. You frowned, and run after her without saying anything to Kylie.

"Ken!" You called her from a far. She ignored you like she didn't hear anything. "Ken wait up!" You said and you entered the hotel. She glared at you and head inside the elevator, you run faster and you quickly out your hand on the elevator doors to open widely again. You're panting and out of breath, Kendall is looking at you with with no emotion on her face.

"I- Are you okay? Why do you look so upset?" You asked.

"I don't know, i don't wanna talk to you right now." You frowned and gave her a confused look.

"What? Why? What did i do?" You asked.

"Nothing. Just go hang out with Kylie, i bet you are more happy spending time with her than me." You stared at her for a minute, and let out a small laugh.

"Are you jealous? Seriously? With your own sister?" She rolled her eyes but didn't said anything. "Look, how many times do i have to tell you that you don't have to be jealous--"


"What? Because she's not your type? What about Gigi and Bella? They're just like me, tall, they also hoodies, Bella is a brunette and i'm pretty sure they are more beautiful than me.. I shouldn't be jealous, you aren't even mine and--" She said.

"No, because i like you. Okay? I really do. For me, you are the most beautiful girl i've ever laid my eyes on. There is no one else.." The elevator dinged, and the metal doors opened. Kendall slammed her lips against yours as you both head out the elevator. You look around if there is people around you, and luckily the hallway is clear. You and Kendall run to your room and she quickly get the card in your pocket while both of you are making out, she slid the card into the door to open.

"And holy shit! You look so hot in that yellow two piece babe." You said as soon as you entered to your hotel room. She bit her lip, and gave you a seductive smile.

"I think i wanna try the doggy style on the couch near the mirror babe." She whispered and slightly bit your ear, you gulped and gave her a huge grin as you nodded. "I wanna see you fucking me." She added with full of lust in her voice.

"Jesus, you're going to be the death of me." You smiled and she pulled you for a kiss.

You and Kendall had five rounds, you skipped dinner because you two are busy making love with each other. You woke up from a nap because you got really tired because of the activity with the model earlier. You looked at the messy room, "Kendall?" You called.

"I'm in the bathroom babe." She said. You heard someone knocked on your door a few times, you are still naked and you didn't know what to do. You quickly got up and put on some sweats and an oversized shirt.

"Just a second!!" You yelled, you run towards the door and when you opened it your jaw dropped when you saw a tall and ginger headed guy.

"Who are you? Is Kendall here?" A deep voice asked you.

"Babe? Who's knocking so loud at the do--" She couldn't continue what she was about to ask when she saw her ex fiancé standing at the door holding his bags. "B-blake?"

"Hi.. Can we talk? In private?" Blake asked her.

Kendall looked at you for permission, you don't know what to say. You know that Kendall does want to talk to him because if she didn't, she wouldn't look at you like she is asking for your permission. You already knew what's gonna happen, but you are still hoping that Kendall will finally get to her senses and cut the ties for good with the NBA star because he is always cheating on her. And you couldn't deny to yourself that you are hoping that Kendall will choose you..

Y/N head out so me and Blake can talk in private. Why did he come back? What does he want? I don't understand.. "What do you wanna talk about?" I asked him.


"Who is she?" He asked.

"It's non of your business.." I said.

"I came back because i realized what i did to you is wrong, and i love you Kendall. I still do.." He said looking me in the eyes. "I'm sorry for what i did Ken, if you could just give me another chance.. One laat chance i promise that this will never happen again babe." He said and he holds my hand.

"Why now Blake? Why when i already feel happy with someone?" I said as my tears started to fall.

"You don't love her, i know you don't. It's still me, right? Tell me you still love me Ken. Please.." I sat down and cry, i can't help it. I'm confused, i'm already happy with Y/N. Even if i know her for two days, i know she cares for me. But what if i married her and realized that it was a mistake? And i realized that i still love Blake? I don't want to go through with the divorce, and i've been with him for two years. I- i know he will change.. "I love you, babe. I promise i won't hurt you ever again. I swear.." He said hugging me, and crying in front of me.

"I love you too Blake.." I said.

You are waiting at the looby of the hotel with Gigi, you are just talking about Kendall's relationship with Blake in the past two years. You told her that she is talking him at her hotel room, she noticed that you are nervous and sad. She asked you if you like her best friend, and you said yes. With the short amount of time that you knew Kendall, you manage to know the real her behind the camera. She's very down to earth, humble, a millionaire city girl who loves simple things in life, she has a huge heart for kids and elders and you are amaze by how she loves her family more than anything in the world, even though she told you that sometimes she's having a trouble showing them that she cares.

Kendall got out of the elevator with Blake, she didn't know that you and Gigi looking at her from the distance. You saw Blake kissed her on the cheek, and walked away. "Did she get back with him? What an idiot.." Gigi muttered to herself but she didn't know that she said that out loud and you looked at her. "Oops.. Sorry. I'm team Y/N, don't worry." She said smiling.

"She chose him and not me. I- i need to get my things out of her hotel room." You said and you walked away.

"Wait-- Y/N!" Gigi yelled at the lobby, Kendall turned around and she saw you. The brunette model called you, you turned around to look at her and you shook your head. You pressed the button on the elevator but it didn't closed immediately because a stranger put his hand to avoid the metal door from closing. The model got into the elevator.

"Can we talk?" She asked.


"Please Y/N?" The stranger started to look at both of you.

"I already know what you are about to say, and i don't wanna hear it." You said. She didn't said anything, because there's a stranger that looking at both of you. She don't want to cause a scene.

The elevator dinged at the 7th floor, you head outside still talking to the model. You get your card on your pocket and swiped on the door. You stopped your tracks when you saw Blake's bags at the living room of the hotel room. You let out a sigh and head inside the bedroom to get your things.

"Please talk to me Y/N. PLEASE! Let me explain Y/N!" She raised her voice.

"Explain what?! Explain what Kendall?!"

"You didn't wanted to marry me right? You wanted to enjoy your life, m-maybe this is for the best. Y-you get to live your life just like you wanted. R-right?" The model said not knowing what to say and scared to admit her true feelings for you. "You told me you'd rather marry Kylie than me, right?" She added trying to convince herself that she's doing the right thing.

"Yes i said that, but i never meant it! Cause i thought you might actually be the one.." You said in a low voice, you felt ashamed because you felt that way for the girl you just met. "I'm so stupid because i was hoping that you will choose me over your lying piece of shit boyfriend. But yeah, how am i going to compete with the person who is always cheating on you and you just let him treat you like trash for two fucking years. Right?" Tears started to fall in her eyes.

"So was any of it real? Any of it? The dining, your jealousy, acting like you are my real girlfriend, calling me your fiancé? Or you were just using me as a distraction so you won't think of him?" You asked her, she opened her mouth but she didn't said anything. Instead she looked down on her feet trying to avoid looking at you. "Wow.." You picked up your bags and walked away.

Kendall followed you, and hugged you from behind. "Y/N it was true. It was all true!" She said, and you pulled away from her embrace.

"Kendall don't touch me! God you're so good. You are so good, because even when i know that you are just using me-- i still almost believe you.." Tears started to pour down your face, you left the room and slam the door behind you.

You go down at the lobby and book yourself a new room far away from Kendall's room. Kris saw you, she was shocked when she saw you holding all your bags. You told her what happened, she wanted to talk to her daughter but you told her that you respect her daughter's decision. She made already made a choice and you don't have plans to compete with Blake.

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