《IMAGINES ❤️》Fixed Marriage [Part III]


I put Y/N on the couch, her lips is bleeding and her nose. Those mother fuckers came back to for revenge, i hope Brando will put them in jail. Y/N is holding her left rib, i called the room service to get me an ice pack for her. I'm cleaning her cut on her knuckles, and she wiped the blood on her nose.

"Ouch.." She whined.

"You didn't looked hurt when they punched you and kicked you on your face and ribs, but you are hurting with simple alcohol?" I said, she pouted and nodded at me. She looks cute when she pouts. "What are you doing on the beach anyway?" I asked her.

"Looking for you. I got worried, i called all your sisters but they said that you weren't with them.." She said and she looked down. Looking for me? Why?

"And why are you looking for me?" I asked still cleaning her cuts.

She looked straight in my eyes, let out a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what i said earlier, i didn't mean that. I was just in a bad mood because of everything that is going on-- i was overwhelmed and confused, although that's not enough reason to be.. to be mean and what i said was really out of line. I'm so sorry." She said.

"You were an asshole for what you said earlier, but you were an angel for saving me last night. Apology accepted.. I'm sorry if i'm a bitch to you last night and this morning, this is all my fault." She let out a chuckle.

"Angel huh?" She flashed a huge grin.

"Don't let it get to your head young master." I said and i damp an alcohol on her cut near her eyebrow.

"Ouch!" She said laughing. "Sorry.." I said. I don't know why i'm blushing right now. I'm cleaning the cut on her bottom lip, and she's looking deeply in my eyes.. Like she's studying me, and my soul.

"Your fiancé is a stupid jerk for leaving you. I don't know you personally, we just met this morning but i think you are a really great person. He doesn't deserve you. One day you'll find a person who will move heaven and earth to be with you. The person who will treat you like a queen, and the person who will never cheat on you no matter how imperfect you became in that person's eyes.." Wow. Just wow.. She knows how to comfort and make a girl felt good about herself after she got cheated on. That's what i'm feeling right now, oh my goood.


I gulped, i didn't notice that our face are inches apart. She's staring at my lips and to my eyes. She moved a little closer and our lips are already inch apart, until we heard a loud knock. "Room service for miss Jenner!" We got back to our senses and we both pulled away.

"I- i'll go get the ice.." I said and quickly stood up.

"Y-yeah, s-sure." She said as she looked away and cleared her throat.

You looked away trying to hide your blush because you and the model almost kissed. Instead you cleared your throat. "Thank you." You heard the model and she closed the door. She walk towards you holding an ice pack for your bruised rib, and leg.

"I can do this, thank you for cleaning my cuts." You said smiling at the model.

"Welcome. Just lean you back against the couch, so i can put an ice pack to your ribs." She said, she sat down beside you. "Is it okay if--" She looked at your hoodie, you nodded at her and lift your hoodie up.

You revealed your perfect abs at the model, she smiled at you and gently put the ice pack on your ribs. You hissed when the brunette put an ice pack on you. "Does it hurt?"

"Y-yeah. Fuck.." Kendall chuckled at you.

"You are such a big baby." She said. "Y/N can i ask you a question?"

"What is it?" You said to her.

"Do you-- do you like my sister?"

"Kylie?" She nodded at you, "I think she's beautiful, but she's not my type." You said.

"Well, what is your type?"

"I-- Tall, brunette, or dark haired color, loves to wear hoodies. It's uhm-- more like you kinda type of girl." You said not trying to flirt with the model.

"What makes you think i love to wear hoodies?" She asked.

"Because i always saw you wearing hoodies? And you said that to one of your interviews, right?" What you said made her eyebrows arched, and smiled at you.


"So you watch my interviews?"

"Y-yeah. I just saw it on YouTube." You said. "But i don't stalk you, okay?" You said defensively.

"I'm not saying anything.. stalker." The model said teasing at you.

"Tienes una hermosa sonrisa, lo sabes? (You have a beautiful smile, you know that?)" You smiled at Kendall.

"Okay, i know that's not italian. What did you just say?"

"Secret and that is spanish." Both of your stomach growl, and you laughed. "Do you wanna go at the restaurant and eat?" You asked the model.

"Yeah, i'm starving. Like, really starving.."

You stood up and changed your clothes because you have a blood and sand on your hoodie. You look like shit because you just fought a three hooligans. Kendall let you change your clothes and wait for you at the living room.

You and the model ate at the restaurant near the hotel. You both talked about you each other's life. You couldn't believe that her ex fiancé cheated on her three times and she keeps coming back to him. She told you that she is in love with him, but she's now confused. She also didn't know if she still wanted to marry the guy if he didn't broke up with her last night. She asked you about yourself, about your genitals that made you feel awkward but she made sure that she's okay with it.

"I can't believe you are single for a whole year, i mean-- really? You look beautiful Y/N and you are a great person, how come no one tried to make a move on you?" Kendall asked you while you are slowly walking back at the hotel.

"I just don't wanna commit. I don't think i'm ready, i mean i'm up for having fun. If i commit to someone, there are things that i'm not allowed to do anymore." You said.

"You can still have fun even when you are in a relationship Y/N. It's actually more fun because you are having the time of your life with the love of your life." You let out a small laugh because of how hopeless romantic she is.

"You are hopeless romantic Kendall.."-"You see, i haven't found the right one yet. If, if i wanted to settle down i want to be with someone who loves me and who will accept the real me." She looked at you, "Someone who don't wanna change the real me, i'm friendly, i love going out with friends, sometimes i'm really loud in public, and i do think i'm weird and dork. You know-- someone who will never hurt or cheat on me."

"Oh, present!" She joked and she raise her hand. You laughed with her, and you continue to walk towards the hotel.

You opened the door and Kendall holds your hand. "If our parents will push through the wedding, i'll make sure that i'm going to be the one who loves you, who will accept the real you, the one who will hang out with your friends, who will be loud with you in public, the one will love your weird and dork side. And the one who will never ever, hurt you or cheat on you." You bit your inside cheek and let out a small laugh.

"You are really good with words Kendall and i almost believed that." You smiled at her and you head inside your hotel room along with the model.


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