《IMAGINES ❤️》Fixed Marriage [G!P]


"I'm breaking up with you Kendall, i-i'm sorry. I can't do this anymore." A six foot ten tall NBA star said to his Fiancé.

"What?!" Kendall exclaimed. "Blake, it's three days before our wedding. You can't leave me like this!"

"Well i can Kendall! I can and i say, we're done. It's over.." He said as he left the model's hotel room.

Kendall followed him, "Is there someone else?" She asked him.

"Yes. I'm already in love with someone and that's not you anymore. Goodbye Kendall." The model's eyes are streaming with tears, she couldn't believe that after two years of being in relationship with the NBA star he will left her three days before their wedding. They've been keeping their relationship at the media for two years, although the public knows that Kendall is getting married. They are planning to announce to the public about their relationship after they got married. But that's not gonna happen anymore, because the guy just broke up with her.

Your mom invited you to her bestfriend's daughter wedding. You just got back from Italy, you chose to live and finished your study there for three years. You knew that your mom and dad are very close to the Kardashian-Jenner clan, but you never got the chance to meet the daughter of Kris Jenner.

"Yes mom, i'm just gonna walk at the beach. Relax, no one is going to kidnap me." You said to your mother, and walked away. Your father is one of the most powerful businessman in Europe, your mother is always worrying for your safety. You wanted to get away with their conversation because your parents won't stop bugging you to settle down already. Your mom and dad knew that you are into girls, they are happy because even if you like girls you can still have a child because you do have a man's genitals.

It's already dark at the beach but you wanted to be alone and have a peaceful night by yourself, you are walking at the shore when you saw a drunk girl throwing rocks at the beach crying holding a tall bottle of tequila. You stopped your tracks and looked at her from the distance. She didn't noticed your presence because it's already dark.

"Fuck you Blake!!"

"How could you do that to me?!"

"You should've done it sooner you asshole!"

"Fucking cheater!!" The drunk girl yelled, she pulled out her engagement ring and threw it on the ocean.

"Some fish might get choke on that ring you know.." You said walking towards her. "Don't tell me you're going to throw the bottle too?"

"Who the fuck are you?" She asked looking annoyed by your presence.

"A nobody. Do you need help to get you to your hotel?" You asked, trying to be nice to the girl.


"I don't talk to strangers. Get lost.." She said as she chug the bottle of tequila.

"Okay, bye." You said and you started to walk away and continue to wonder things while walking at the shore. You looked back at the drunk girl, she's already talking with some guys. The other guy tried to held her wrist but she pulled away, and the other guys tried to kiss her but she slapped him. "Oh shit.." You run towards the guys who is harrassing a drunk girl, "Hey! Leave her alone! T-that's my uh--" You scratch the back of your neck not knowing what to say.

"Your what?" The black haired guy said.

"My uhm.. my girlfriend. Just let her go man." You said trying to talked them down to avoid a fight with them.

"What are ya gonna do about it?! Huh?" A blonde skinny guy said to you.

"Yeah, what are you gonna do? Fight us?" The three guys laughed at you, while the other guy is holding the drunk girl at her arms.

You laughed with them, "Yup. I can take all three of you down at the same fucking time." You said and you turned around and swing a kick to the blonde guy's head causing him to fall into the sand knocked out.

The other guy tried to swing a punch at you, you dodge his fist. It's a good thing you studied Muay Thai and Judo for two years when you were in Italy. Your father trained you to defend yourself, you have a fast reflex. "That's not enough, you have to mixed it up." You took two steps, you fooled him by trying to kick him on his right side, when your pivot is already settled to gave the guy a roundhouse kick in his left rib cage, he fell down struggling to breathe because of the impact while holding his cage. You looked at the black haired guy who is already shaking his knees because of how scared he is that you will beat the shit out of him.

"Let her go before i'll break that hand of yours." He quickly let the drunk girl and run as fast as he could. You frowned and looked at the girl, she's the supermodel who you always see on billboards. She's Kris Jenner's fourth daughter. "Come on, i'll take you to your hotel room." You said holding her arm while walking away from the beach.

"You don't have to defend me to those fuckers. I can take care of myself. I don't need anyone's help!" She pulled away from your hold, and ran away.

"Your welcome!" You yelled and shook your head. "She needs a chill pill." You muttered to yourself and head back to your hotel room.


"What? But your wedding is three days from now Kendall. What is going to happen?" Kourtney asked her sister.

"That's why i called you guys here because i'm going to cancel the wedding.." She said sipping her tea with her sunglass on.

"That mother fucker! I'm going to punch his face when i saw him in L.A." Khloe said.

Before Kylie and Kim can speak, their mother walked in at the café near their hotel. "Oh perfect. You guys are here!" She smiled at the girls.

"Why? What is going on?" Kylie asked.

"Because--" Kendall cuts her mother.

"I'm cancelling the wedding, Blake broke up with me last night." She blurted out, Kris drops her phone in shock.

"Come again?" She said to her daughter.

"Mom, Kenny and Blake broke up. The wedding is cancelled." Kim said to her mom.

"I'm so sorry honey.. I told you that guy is up to no good, that's a good thing for me because i've never liked him." She sat beside Kendall.

"Mom!" Khloe yelled to her mother.

"What? But i have bad news, the media knows about you getting married. They didn't know who the guy is, but this will be a huge embarrassment to you and to our family if the news spread that the guy broke up with you three days before your wedding. " The girls are listening carefully to their mother.

"What are you implying mom?" The model asked.

"Why don't you go through the wedding? But with someone. Not Blake, i don't want the media to know that aguy left my daughter at the altar." The model frowned.

"What?! Hell no! I don't want to marry someone i don't know." She said.

"Kendall, you can get a divorce after a few months. But please, not after 72 days?" Her mother joked and looked at Kim.

"Oh, don't start with me mom." Kim rolled her eyes and Kendall couldn't help but to laugh.

The Kardashian-Jenner clan stayed at the café while talking and trying to have a solution to save their sister for embarrassment. Kendall still saying no about marrying someone, she doesn't want to. She don't trust anyone anymore.. She stopped believing in marriage, because her mom got divorced two times and now her fiancé left her few days before their wedding. "Oh! I have an idea, remember your Auntie Y/M/N?" The girls nodded at their mother. "She's here with her daughter. We promised each other that one day we will be in law's. I invited them to your wedding and they just arrived here--"

"Kris?" A familiar voice called Kendall's mother.

"Y/M/N?! Oh my god you're already here!" Kris stood up and hugged your mother. Your mother joined their table, and Kris told everything that happened to her second youngest daughter. She convinced your mother to marry her daughter to save Kendall's reputation. The model objected but she can't don anything because her mother insisted and your mom agreed to her bestfriend.

"What? Mom i can't hear you."

"I'm near at the café, i can see your head already. Is that Kris Jenner?"

"Why do you sound super excited? Yes, i'm sorry. Ioverslept. Okay bye."

You ended the call with your mother, you walk towards the café. Your mother called you because she wanted you to meet her bestfriend's family. What you didn't know, you are going to meet your fiancé.

"Mom." You called and all the girls at the table looked at you. You looked at the girl wearing a sunglass, she's focused on her phone.

"Oh Y/N! Darling, you're here. I want you to meet, this is Kris and her lovely daughters-- Kourtney, Kim, Khloe, Kylie and your fiancé.. Kendall."

"Hi, i'm Y/N. Nice to meet you guys." You waved at them, and suddenly the word 'fiancé' just sinked on your mind. "Wait-- what? Fiancé?!" You yelled because of surprised.

"Kenny." Your mom called the model smiling, "This is my daughter Y/N." Kendall looked at you and removed her sunglass.

You stared at each other for a few seconds, "You?! You're my fiancé?!" She yelled.

"Oh shit. This is going to be good." Kylie said to her sister Khloe in a low voice, grinning at you and Kendall.

"Whoa! Whoa! As if!" You spat back. You turned your head to your mom, you couldn't help but to speak italian when your mad, "Non voglio sposare sua madre! Papà sapeva questo?! (I don't want to marry her mom! Did dad knew about this?!" You asked your mom, Kendall got silent and her sister.

"Oh my god Kenny. She's hot." Kylie whispered to her sister.

"My decision is final, you're going to marry her and yes i called your father before i called you. He knows about this and stop speaking italian." Your mother said to you in a clam voice.

"Posso parlare italiano ogni volta che voglio mamma. Non voglio sposare quella donna alcolizzata! (I can speak italian whenever i want. I don't want to marry that alcoholic woman!"

"Excuse me? I'm not alcoholic you asshole!" You were surprised when Kendall talked, and she understand what you just said to her but you don't care. The people started to look at you and Kendall, your mother told you to sit down.

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