
A weeks ago you got a call from your manager that you got an invite to perform your latest song Lost in Japan at VSFS. You are excited at the same time you are really nervous. You are going to sing while models are walking in front of you including your idol Gigi Hadid. But you are more excited to see your long time crush, Kendall Jenner. You have a huge crush for the model since you are 16 years old. You saw her in person at the MET Gala 2018, and you saw her again this year but you don't have a courage to say hi to her.

You are at the backstage getting ready, while some of VS Models are taking selfies with you. Being a kind and friendly person you take a couple of selfies with them and some of the models are asking you to hang out with them later at the after party. You gladly accept their invite.

"Hi!" A girl said to you. You turned around, your jaw dropped once you saw the girl who greeted you.

"H-hi Gigi." You are starstruck by the model.

"Can i take a picture with you? I'm a big fan." She smiled, you smiled at her and nodded because you are speechless. You took a two or three selfies with her, "Thank you."

"Y-yeah, you're w-welcome. I am y-your biggest fan!" You said stuttering with your words.

"Wow really?! I--"

"Gigi!" A brunette model called her, you both turned her way and you saw Kendall calling her best friend. She gave her blonde friend a knowing look, Gigi gave her a gesture to wait. "Uh, you see my best friend over there is really shy to approach you. She wanted to ask you for your number." She said.


"No! D-don't listen to her, she's just making fun of me. S-sorry.." She dragged her bestfriend away from you, you shook your head and let out a chuckle.

"Too bad!" You said to her while grinning.

"Excuse me?" She looked at you.

"I would love to give you my number.." You winked at her.

"Oh yeah? Too bad because i don't want your number." The model rolled her eyes on you.

"Your loss babe.." You gave your arrogant smirk. You tried to keep it cool, but deep inside you wanted to slap yourself because it looks like you made a bad impression to the supermodel. You really wanted to go out with her, but she just rejected you.

"Y/n, get ready." The organizer said to you and you nodded at him.

Ugh! She is too over herself, just because she's famous and all the girls here wanted to take her out and have a picture with her doesn't mean i wanted to give my number to her.

"Jelena! Why did you tell her that i'm the one who's getting her number?!" I yelled at my bestfriend.

"I changed my mind and please.. Stop the bullshit Kendall Nicole, i saw you stealing glances at the girl." She winked at me.

"I'm n-not! I'm looking at her shoes, b-because we have the same shoes?" I looked away so she wouldn't caught me lying.

"Her shoes? Or her crotch? I heard she's got a dick, and she's really good in bed." Yeah i heard that too.. "Come on Ken, get her number already!" Gigi yelled and i cover her mouth.

"Girls, let's go! Y/n is about to start singing."

The music starts, Y/N she started singing while her guitar is at her back. A few seconds, Jasmine walks the runway..


I can see her on the screen at the backstage eyeing my fellow model, Devon followed Jasmine on the runway. She gave a flirty smile at Devon. Ugh, this girl is up to no good but a headache. She is a flirt! "Easy on her Jenner, she's going to melt already." Gigi whispered to me, i just rolled my eyes on her.

Yasmin walked on the runway and Gigi is next. I'm behind her, Y/N earned a flirty stare at Yasmin and she smiled at her. Gigi followed Yasmin, Y/N stand aside when my bestfriend is walking because she has a huge thing on her back. "Kendall go go go." The designer said to me and i walked fiercely.

I was walking on the runway, every step i get closer to her. She smiled at me, it's not an arrogant smile or grin. Her smile is so warm, she looks so innocent and charming. She reached for my hand and turned me around, She sang that line to me like she's asking me if i got plans tonight.

She continued to sing while i pose and strut in front of the audience. I was walking back and i'm looking at her while she's singing,

She sang that line looking at me again, and i blow her a kiss. Her face turned red and look away.

She's still singing when i get to the backstage, i saw my bestfriend gave me the 'I saw what you did' look. Other models are dancing and enjoying her music, she's really good at her craft. Her voice is angelic and at the same time seductive. She also got a dick, no wonder why all of these models wanted to date her.

She said as soon as her performance is done. She is now walking here at the backstage, "She's hoping to get lost in your paradise babe." Gigi whispered to me.

"God! Stop it!" I yelled at her laughing.

"Girl, she gave you that look. Like, 'I want to fuck you' that kind of look." Oh my god. I put my palm on my face.

The models greeted her, she just smiled at them and to my bestfriend. She walk by past me, wow. "Hey Y/N!" I called her. She stopped on her tracks and looked at me.

"Yeah?" She said looking at me.

"Great performance. I'm impressed.." I said walking towards her, she gave me a small smile. "Do you have a date for the after party?" I asked her.

"No, i don't ha--"

"Great. Here, pick me up later. I'll be expecting to see you at 7pm Y/L/N." I whispered at her and i simply handed her a piece of paper where i wrote my hotel name and room number. I didn't wait for her response and i walked away.

"But-- okay, yeah i'll see you later Kendall." She said and i gave her a wink.

A/N: This imagine is request by . Do you guys want a part two? Haha! If you have any request feel free to comment on my wall about your request. Thank you!

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