You are waiting at the speed boat, reading a book you frowned when you saw Kendall walking and she looked like she is running away from someone. You started the engine, as soon as she hopped in to the boat. You are taking off the rope from the port, you are about to stood up when your boss suddenly drove the both. "Whoa! Whoa! Kendall what are you doing?!" You yelled because you are startled and you almost fell out of the water.
"Want to tell me what's going on?!" You yelled because she's ignoring you.
"I- i just needed to get away from everything! Please, just stop talking." She said. You gave her a space, she's just driving the boat. A few minutes had passed you looked at her. She's more calm this time.
"Do you mind telling me what's going on now?" You asked. She is still not talking to you, "Kendall? Kendall!" You called her again.
"I forgot, okay?" She said.
"You forgot what?"
"I forgot what is what like to have a family! I've been on my own since i was eighteen and i forgot what it felt like to have people care for you and love you and make you breakfast. And say 'Hey why don't we go to your place this holiday?' or give you necklace. And you have that here Y/N, you have Barbara! I'm screwing it up for you." She said to you.
"You're not screwing it up! I agreed to this, you were there. Remember?"
"Your family loves you Y/N. You know that right?" She said.
"I know that!"
"You know that?! And you're still willing to put them through this?!" She said yelling again.
"Kendall! They're not gonna find out!" You yelled back.
"How did you know they are not going to find out?! How?!"
"Because you said so yourself! And i believe you!"
"Oh my god! W-what if gammy find out Y/N?! She's going to have a heart attack! And i will never forgive myself if something bad happens to her because of me!" She said to you hysterically. She is having a panic attack again.
"Kendall would you calm down? She's going to be fine! Nothing-- wait, hold on." You turned around the boat because you saw little red tower. You didn't know Kendall fall off the boat. "I don't think hi-jacking a boat is a proper way to express your frustra--!" You glanced at Kendall but she's not on the boat.
"Y/N!" She called you and she's in the water trying her best to float. You hardly turned around the boat, when you are near her you turned off the engine and jumped off the boat to get her.
"I got you.." You whispered to her. Both of you are already in the boat. She looked really scared and about to cry. You quickly wrapped her your jacket. "What were you thinking? You are going to get yourself killed." You said.
"You turned the boat and i fell off." She said to you.
"I told you to hold on. Okay, i-i'm sorry. Come here, calm down okay?" You wrapped your arms around her. "Don't be scared, i'm here Kenny.." You whispered to her as she rested her head to your chest.
"I'm sorry.." She mumbled to you.
"It's okay baby. It's okay.." You said caressing her back to comfort her. You didn't notice that you called her 'baby'.
You and Kendall arrived at your parents house. She's still wrapped in your jacket. You are soaking wet because you dived into the water but you don't care. You are worried about Kendall more than anything right now. You saw your father standing in front of the door waiting for both of you.
"I wanna talk to both of you right now.." He said in his serious voice. You followed him in the barn, "Your mother didn't know about this.." He added. All of you head inside and you saw Mr. Gilbertson.
"I told you i will check up on you." He said.
"What did you do dad?" You asked.
"I got a phone call from Mr. Gilbertson here, and he told that if you are lying and i strongly believe that you are. He will send you to prison so i flew him up here." Your father said to you.
"Luckily for you, your father negotiate a deal on your behalf. Now, this offer is gonna last twenty seconds so listen closely.. You are going to make a statement that this marriage is a sham and you are not going to go to prison. You are off the hook and she is going to go back to canada and can reapply after a year. Isn't that a great deal?"
You stared at Mr. Gilbertson for a few seconds. Your father looked at Kendall and turned his head to you. "Take the deal Y/N." He said.
"I don't think so." You said to your father.
"Don't be stupid Y/N!" He yelled at you. Kendall is standing beside you quiet. She's wishing for you to just take the deal because she couldn't stand to see you go to prison because of her.
You looked at Kendall and turned back to Mr. Gilbertson, "You want a statement? Here's your statement, i'm working for Kendall Jenner for three years. A year ago we started dating, we fell in love, i asked her to marry me and she said yes. I'll see you at the wedding dad." You said. You held Kendall's hands and drag her out of the barn.
Kendall was silent when both of you head inside your room. You locked the door and you looked at her. She took a seat on your sofa and let out a heavy sigh. "So.. You sure about this?" She asked you.
"Yes." You quickly answered.
"Y/N i really appreciate with what you've done, but you don't have to do this for the promotion. I can tell my boss to promote or recommend you as an editor. They've seen you work hard, and i'm sure they are going to--" She thought you are really going to this for a promotion. What she didn't know you are doing this for her, because you wanted more time with her. Because you are falling in love with her..
"You'll do the same for me when i'm in your position, right?" You asked her and she nodded at you.
"I hope everyone is descent!" You grandmother barged in at your room. "Y/N you nerd to come with me, tomorrow is your wedding day. You have to gibe the baby maker a rest tonight, it's tradition. Give your Kendall a goodnight kiss and come on." She said to you and head out to your room again.
Kendall gave you a forced smile, "Go." She said to you. You are hesitant to leave her because you know how her anxiety can be worse when she's alone.
"Are you going to be okay?" You asked.
"Yup." She walk towards you and hugged you so tight. You hugged her back and kissed her forehead.
"I'll see you in the morning?"
She just nodded at you and you get out of the room. Kendall couldn't sleep, not because she's having a panic attack again but because she is thinking about you. She wanted to stay because she wanted to get to know you more, she wants to spend more time with you. She just realized that after all this time, she is in love with you. But she don't want to risk your whole life to save her from getting deported. She decided to pack her stuff..
You are standing at the altar waiting for Kendall. You saw her with your grandmother, she looked at all the people around her. It's obvious that she is nervous.. You saw Mr. Gilbertson at the crowd looking at you.
You hold Kendall's hands and look at the pastor in front of both of you. "We are gathered here today to give thanks and to celebrate one of lifes greatest moments to give recognition to the beauty, honesty, and un-selfish ways of Y/N and Kendall's true love in front of fam--" Kendall signalled the pastor to stop.
"Y-you have a question?" He asked.
"Uh, no. I-it's not a question but i do need something to say." She said.
"Can it wait until after?" He asked your boss and she shook her head saying no.
She turned around facing the crowd, you are confused to what is happening. "Hi. I have an announcement to make, confession actually.."
"Kendall what are you doing?" You whispered at her.
"I'm a canadian, yes. With an expired visa who was about to be deported and because i didn't want to leave this wonderful country of yours. I forced Y/N here to marry me."
"Kendall stop it.." You whispered again to her.
"See, Y/N is always have this extraordinary work ethic something i think he learned from you." She said looking at your father. "And for three years i watched her work harder than anybody else in our company and i knew if i threatened to destroy her career she would just anything. So i- i blackmailed her to come up here and to lie to you." She said as her tears started to fall. You just look down because you don't want to see her crying.
"And i though it would be see to watch her do it. But it wasn't.. Turns out it wasn't easy to ruin someone's life once you find out how wonderful they are. You have a beautiful family, don't let this come between you. This isn't her fault." She said to your family.
"Y/N, this was the business deal and you held up your in and now the deal is off." She said and she walks away at the altar. "I'm so sorry gammy and mo-- Grace.."
"You, meet me at the dock and give me ride at the airport." She said to Mr. Gilbertson. You just watched her left the barn.
"What were you thinking?!" Your mom yelled at you. "Why did you that Y/N?" Your gammy asked you.
"I-- just let me get my head up straight okay? I'll e-explain later. I'm sorry.." You head out of the barn and you walk faster and you can't take it anymore you run faster going to your house. You wanted to tell her you love her and that you wanted to date her.
You run upstairs and barged in at your room where Kendall slept last night. "Kendall!" You yelled but there is no one in your room already, her things are gone. She already left.. You saw the wedding dress is laying at your bed with your manuscript on it and a letter. You quickly read the letter..
"You were right, this book is special. I lied because i knew once i published it i will lose my assistant or should i say, i will lose you. You have an extra-ordinary eye and i'll make sure we buy this before i leave. Have an amazing life Y/N, you deserve it. Love, Kendall."
"Well, that was uh-- crazy. People are gonna talk about this forever." Barbara said to you.
"Yeah for sure.." You said still looking at the letter.
"Are you okay?"
"Yup!"--"No. I just feel-- do you wanna know the problem is? See, the problem is that this woman is gigantic pain in my ass. If she wanna leave i understand that, i mean it's a sham wedding. So yeah.. But then, she goes here and left this note because doesn't have the descency, the humanity to do it to my face. Three years! Three fucking years i worked with this.. this terrorist! Never once she has a nice thing to say to me. Then she goes ahead and write this--- CRAP!" You crumpled the paper and threw it in the wall.
"Non of it matters because we had deal! I- i'm sorry.. Sorry, it's just she makes me crazy." You said to your ex. She just laughed.
"Yeah, i can see that. So? You're just gonna let her go?" She asked you. You let out a sigh.
You went out, there is so many people in front of your house drinking champagne and wine. You saw your mom apologizing to other people because the wedding didn't happen. You walk by past them and she saw you, "Y/N. Where you going?"
"I gotta go talk to her mom. I gotta go.." You said.
Your father followed you and held you on your wrist, "I'm not gonna let you do this!" Your grandmother is yelling both of you and your father to stop arguing.
"I'm not asking for your permission here, okay?" You said to him.
Your grandmother held her chest, she looks like she's having a heart attack. Your mom called you and you saw your gammy passing out. "Somebody get a doctor!" You yelled.
The medics put her to stretcher and put her in the sea plane to go the hospital. You felt like you are going to vomit because of how scared you are for you grandmother. The sea plane took off, your gammy took her oxygen out. "Y/N." You father called you.
"You two need to stop fighting. We are family. Promise me, you stand by Y/N side even if you don't agree with her decisions." She said to your father.
"I promise ma." He said.
"Y/N, promise me you'll work harder to be a part of this family." You nodded at your gammy.
"Yes, i promise gammy.."
"Well then, the spirits can take me.." She said closing her eyes. You held her hand, the tears started to fall in your face. "Gammy?"
Your grandmother opened her eyes, "I guess they're not ready for me." She said and sat up to her stretcher. "I'm feeling much better Sonny. No need to take me to the hospital, take us to the airport instead." You frowned because she's moving like nothing happened.
"Ma why are you faking a heart attack huh?!" Your father said.
"Oh come on gammy! That is a bad joke!" You exclaimed.
"That's the only way to stop you both from fighting! And to shut you guys up and go to the airport!" You mom laughed.
"Oh god you scared the hell out of me." You covered your face.
You arrived at the airport, but saw Kendall's plane already took off. "No! No! No! Goddamnit!" You yelled while looking at the plane.
"I'm sorry Y/N.. I- i didn't know how you felt about her." You father said to you. You just nodded at him, "Honey it's gonna be okay." Your mom tried to comfort you.
You book a flight on that morning and you got a flight at 2am tomorrow morning. You tried calling Kendall but her phone is already off. You couldn't wait to go to her and tell her how much you love her.
I'm packing all of my things here at the office, as in everything. I know all my co-workers are looking at me, i know that they are happy because i got deported. There will be no eveil boss in this office, yes evil boss. That's what they think of me, because i'm too strict, perfectionist and competetive. That what i really am when it comes to work, but that doesn't mean i am a bad person..
I didn't have the guts to tell my goodbyes to Y/N, i couldn't. I don't have the strength to tell her how much i love her. She's the only person who made me feel this way. I've been on my own since i was eighteen years old, and i distanced myself to my family because my mom got favoritism. I don't wanna be judged with who i really am, and i don't think they will understand that.
"Jordan? Jordan?" I called my employee. "I need you to send this boxes to my office to this address. Please." I said to him.
He gave me an awkward smile, "Sure." He looked behind me, "Ms. Jenner?"
"Yes?" I said.
He pointed someone behind me, i turned around and i saw Y/N standing in the distance. She's panting, it looks like she run her way here to the office. But, why? "Hey.." She said looking at me.
"Y/N." All of our co-leagues are looking at us. "Why--why are you panting?"
"Because i've been running.." She said while slowly walking towards me.
"What? From Alaska?"
"I need to talk to you.." She said.
"Yeah well, i don't have time to talk. I have a plane to catch 3:45 flight to toronto." I gave Jordan the box that i'm holding and instruct him to deliver my address. I can hear Y/N calling me but i don't really wanna talk to her. I just ignored her until she yells my name.
"KENDALL! STOP TALKING!" I got startled because of her yelling. "Can i say something? It will just take a sec." She said with her calm voice.
"What?" I asked.
"Four days ago, i loathed you. I used to dream about getting hit by a cab. Or poisoned." Wow. Really? You came here from Alaska to tell me that?
"Wow.. T-that's nice.."
"I just told you to stop talking.." She said again. "And we have our little adventure up in Alaska, and things started to change. Things change when we kissed, and when you told me about your tattoo.. Even when you check me out when we were naked." I heard my employees are ooing and chuckling. Did you really have to say that in public Y/N?
"Well, i didn't see anything." I lied to her.
"Yeah you did. I didn't realize any of this until i was standing alone, in a barn. Wifeless. Now, you can imagine my dissapointment when it suddenly dawned on me that the woman i love was about getting kicked out of the country. So Kendall, marry me.. Because i'd like to date you."
I shook my head and walk a little closer to her, "Trust me, you don't really wanna be with someone like me." I said trying to hold my tears.
"Yes i do.."
"See, the thing is there's a reason why i've been alone all this time.. I'm comfortable that way, and i think it would be just a lot easier if we forgot everything that happened and i just left." She nodded at me.
"You're right. That would be easier.." She said while walking closer to me. I'm trying my best to hold my tears because i don't wanna cry in front of this people.
"I'm scared.." I admitted to her.
"Don't be. I'm here, remember? Always." She smiled at me. Oh god, that smile makes my heart melt. I walk towards her, i grab her at the back of her neck and pulled her for a kiss. Our co-workers are cheering and applauding for us. After a few seconds we both pulled away and she leaned her head against mine.
"Are you supposed to get down on your knee or something?" I whispered to her.
"I'm gonna take that as a yes." She said smiling.
"Oh, okay.." I kissed her again. We are making out in front of everybody when suddenly someone yelled at us.
"Yeah! Show her who's the boss Y/N!" We stopped kissing and laughed.
"I love you." She whispered.
"I love you too Y/N/N." I called her in her nickname that gammy used to call her.
We told Mr. Gilbertson that we are engaged again, and it's for real this time. He scheduled us an interview after a week of me and Y/N dating, i knew all the answers at the binders already. I mean, we are living together already. It's pretty exciting, i didn't know that she live in Central Park South. He asked me if it's love at first sight, obviously no. He asked about what side of the bed i sleep in, and if am i a good driver which is i am. But Y/N answered no, that asshole. Ugh! He also asked me if i fart in front of Y/N and of course i said no because i really didn't. But my fianceé i answered him that i fart when i'm asleep which is a-- big fat lie. Pffft!
He asked if what do i call Y/N, i called her with a lot of names. Like, puppy, monkey, kiddo, sometimes i call her eggplant. HAHAHA! He also asked us if who is the top or bottom. I'm always on the top, i love being on the top of her. (Wink wink) I came out to my family after the interview with the immigration. It turns out they already knew about it, i don't know how but that's not important. The important thing is they've been very supportive with me and Y/N. They love Y/N so much. We are going to get married in a month, and i'm really happy that i'm going to be married with someone who accept, understand, care and loves me. I couldn't ask for more.
The End..
- In Serial40 Chapters
Global Cultivation: First-time Top-up For The Ultimate Destiny Treasure
The Heavenly Voice was bestowed upon the world, and so the calendar of the Great Dao began. The world entered a new age of digitized cultivation. Humanity activated the immortal destiny seal to become cultivators. They toiled for their lives and powers — cultivation and breathing cycles, resources collection, divine powers and methods, spells, pill crafting, and weapon forging, they didn’t miss out on anything. However, when Su Yi activated his seal, he activated a Recharging System. Recharging by spending any amount of money and he would receive the First Recharge Gift Pack: Treasure of destiny — Starry Sea Bottle [Able to purify pills of any quality to become ultimate celestial-tier] “Cash in 111 yuan, receive Mental Cultivation Technique Rewards Pack: ‘Art of Longevity’” “Spend 500 yuan, receive Pill Crafting Gift Pack: ‘Time Pill Technique’” “Spend 1000 yuan, receive Spell Gift Pack: ‘Tiangang Swords Finger’” “Accumulate enough cash to become VIP1, activated function: Dao Treasures Fishing”…… After many years in the calendar of the Great Dao, Su Yi stood atop the clouds as the ancestor of the Great Dao. With one casual strike of his fist, the sky collapsed, the earth shattered and the origin of powers was crushed. Across all of the worlds, no god dared to provoke him!
8 686 - In Serial12 Chapters
Dark Street
Life comes at you fast, and Julian Marco’s life is one flat tire away from being the worst kind of country song. But the blues may soon feel like an afterthought, once Julian wakes up in a hellish shadow dimension, with no idea how he got there or why. Forced to fight for his very survival may cost him his remaining sanity. Well, that or the fresh pair of fangs and burning lust for blood. Little does Julian realize what happens in the darkness could have drastic consequences for the rest of earth. And discoveries await that may just contain some dark secret from humanity’s ancient past. Note: This is a story I wrote years ago. It isn't complete, but I had a lot of fun with it. Since my primary focus is on Evil Eye: Hexcaller, chapters will be slow to update. I'm going to shoot for once a week, but we shall see! I hope you enjoy it!
8 135 - In Serial31 Chapters
It's the Healer's Life for Me
One Thousand years ago, as the old empire fell into ruin, the Church of the nameless God of Light and Mercy rose to prominence by pulling the continent of Mirno out of the darkness left in the wake of its collapse. Now, Abbot, the son of one of the saint's who originally spread the church, and bearing the memories of a young man from another world, goes forth from his home on a new adventure. He dreams of someday being a hero, but he'll have to get over the fact that he can't swing a sword to save his life first. Along the way, he will encounter new allies and old foes in a world of war and monsters, where forces of both light and darkness are soon to clash. (Participant in the Royal Road Writathon Challenge)
8 166 - In Serial13 Chapters
Secrets of the Universe
What is strength before me? What is talent before me? What were you before? I am Chaos. The Destroyer of worlds. The God of Combat. The Purple Demon. The Akashic Eye. Do you want to be like me? It wasn’t an easy feat. How to be a badass? I can’t teach you that. I was born that way. Okay, I will compromise and teach you this time, but beware, the way of a badass is filled with obstacles. What are you waiting for? Read my book. Byeee.......*sighs* I am too lonely. Is this what it means to be unparalleled? I guess I will take a nap now. When will that youngster finish reading my book? Don’t keep me waiting too long, young lad.
8 178 - In Serial18 Chapters
I Got Reincarnated on Earth, Only to Get Summoned Back to My Old World
Yuan, the valiant 'Hero' who defeated the 'Demon King', was unfortunately betrayed by his most trusted comrades who accompanied him in his life-long journey. "Heh... I never thought that I'd die like this... In the hands of my own comrades at that..." With that self-deprecating remark, the great Hero, Yuan, fell into an eternal slumber. Of course, that was what he initially thought, but life had other plans set for him. As his soul was drifting off aimlessly into the unknown, a soft and ethereal voice soon called out to him: "My Child, you have suffered and was betrayed. You gave it your all but didn't receive anything in return. In the end, you were killed by those whom you called your own." And so, a miracle was generously bestowed upon Yuan. "I will give you another chance in life My Child... I hope that you lead this new life the way you want it to be. Next time do not be controlled and easily deceived by others... Do whatever it is that you want and desire." Yuan Amon, born and raised in an ordinary family in the Philippines, led a leisurely new life on Earth, only to get summoned right back to his old one 18 years later. "I... I can't understand... Just why... Why was I sent back here of all places!?" A roar of utter dismay resounded in his private chambers. IMPORTANT NOTE (21/10/20): I have dropped this novel on this website! But don't worry, because I have remade this novel on another website called Webnovel.com so you can check it out over there! The story has completely changed though, so don't expect the same old thing, okay? I will still keep this dropped novel here though because it serves as a memory for me when I just started writing so I won't be deleting it. I hope to see you there on Webnovel!
8 217 - In Serial17 Chapters
Queen of mean
So everyone has turned on Marinette believing Lila's lies. Adrien is a jerk and doesn't defend Marinette basically saying that the liers feelings are more important than his friends. Marinette moves on from them but them being the idiots they are continue to bully her.They demand that she continues to give her free stuff. Then they push it too far getting Marinette akumatised. What will they do with no ladybug to purify the akuma. Will Chat Noir still keep his miraculous. Heartbreak, crushes no more, friend loss are all in this book.Plz remember that I do not own miraculous tales of ladybug or the DC universe. Also I do not own most of the art work only the story line enjoy.✨✨✨Jenny
8 197