
Kendall head to her boss's office. The front desk greeted her and she just ignored it. She let out a sigh before opening the door. "Morgan and Kane.."

"Kendall, congratulations on the Oprah thing. That is terrific!" Morgan said to her.

"Thank you, thank you. This isn't about my second raise, is it?" She joked. Her two boss let out a small laugh.

"Kendall, do you remember when we agreed that you wouldn't go to Frank's book fair because you weren't allowed to go out of the country while your visa application is being processed?"

"Yeah, yes i do." Kendall nodded.

"And we just spoke to your immigration attorney.." Kane said.

"Great! So, uhm-- are we all good?"

"Kendall, your visa application has been denied and you are being deported." Kane said as Morgan agreed to him.

"What? Deported?!" Her eyes went wide open looking surprised.

"Probably because of the paperwork you didn't fill out on time?" Morgan said to her while looking at the paper.

"Come on, come on.. It's not like i'm an immigrant, i'm from canada for god sake. T-there's gotta be something we can do.." She said trying to calm herself down.

"We can re-apply, but unfortunately you will have to leave the country for atleast a year."

"O-okay? That's.. that's not ideal. I can manage everything from Toronto, video conferrencing and internet. I can--" Kane cuts her off.

"If you are deported, you can't work for an american companies. I'm afraid we are going to leave your unfinished work to Bob Spalding."

"What? Bob? The guy i just fired?" She asked.

"We need an editor in chief, he's the only one in the building who has enough experience." Morgan said. "Kendall, we are desperate to have you stay. If there is any way, any way at all that we could make this thing we will be doing it." Her boss added.

"There's no way--" A knock on the door interrupted Kendall, you opened the door and excused your boss just like she asked you to earlier.

"Excuse me, we are in a meeting.." Kane said to you.

"Sorry to interrupt--" Kendall cuts you off looking really stressed.

"What? What?" She asked.

"Mary, from Miss Winfrey's office. Call, she's on the line. She is on hold, you need to talk to her right away. Like right now. I told her that you otherwise engaged, but she insited to talk. Sorry." You are just making up excuses to get her out of there. When your boss heard the word 'Engaged' something came through her mind. She just stared at you for a few seconds.

"Let's go?" You said.

Kendall is giving you a strange look, you are getting uncomfortable because you are looking like an idiot with your three bosses in the room.

"Uhh-- come here." Kendall said to you. You walk slowly, "Gentleman, i understand our predicament that we are in. And, uhm.. There's a-- well, i think that there's something you should know." She said as she stand beside you.

"Uh-- me and Y/N are getting married." She said tapping your shoulder. Your jaw drops and you looked puzzled because of the situation.


"Who, who is getting--?" You asked calmly.

"You and i. You and i are getting married." She quickly answered you while fake smiling at her tow bosses.

"We are--"

"Getting married." Kendall continued your sentence for you.

"Isn't she your secretary?" Kane asked her.

"Assistant." You said.

"Executive assistant secretary, the titles.. But, this is not the first time we uh-- fell in love with our secretary. Right? You with Diana." Kane nodded smiling at Kendall. "So, yeah.. The truth is, Y/N and i were just two people who weren't meant to fall in love. But we did."

"No.." You said not knowing what is happening. You don't know if what is happening is just a joke.

"All those late nights at the office and weekend book fairs, it's something happened.. We uh-- tried to fight it. But, but.. we can't fight a love like ours." She said as she intertwined her fingers to yours. You are so lost right now, you are just looking at your two bosses not knowing what to do or what to say.

"So, are we good? Are you happy? Because, well.. We are happy." Kendall said again.

"W-we are?" You said.

"Kendall.." Morgan called her.


"It's amazing. Congratulations! Just make it legal, huh?" He said as he showed his wedding ring to both of you.

"Oh! Y-yeah.. That means we need to get ourselves to the immigration office. Thank you very much gentleman. We will do that right away. Thank you." Kendall said to her bosses and dragged you outside the office. Your jaw is still wide open, realizing that it's not a joke that you thought your boss is pulling off.

While you are both on your way to her office, you noticed that all of your co-leagues are looking at you and Kendall. You walk past by your friend, "Really? Her?" She said while she's grinning, you just looked at her. You can hear all their murmurs about how you two are getting married, they couldn't believe that this is happening and you can't either. You didn't know how did they know about that too fast.

Both of you entered her office, and she's acting like nothing happened. You are standing in front of her while she's looking at those paperworks that is in her desk, "I- i don't understand what is happening.." You said.

"Relax. This is for me and you." She said not looking at you while she's talking.

"Please, do explain."

"They were going to make Bob the chief editor.."

"So naturally, i have to marry you?" You asked.

"What's the problem? You're saving yourself from someone special?" She stopped what she's doing and looked at you.

"I'd like to think so, yes. Besides, it's ilegal."

She chuckles, "They are looking for terrorist not publishers."

"Kendall!" You slightly raised your voice.


"I'm not gonna marry you." You said.

"Sure you are, because if you don't marry me your dreams of touching the lives of the written word are dead." You are just staring at her, and you don't know why.. "Bob is going to fire you the second i'm gone. Guaranteed. That means you are out of the streets alone looking for a job that means all the time that we spent together all the lattes, all the cancelled dates, and all your dreams of being an editor are gone. Don't worry after the required a lot meant of time we are going to get a quickie divorce and you'll be done with me. But until then, like it or not you are stuck with me. Okay?" There is no words coming out of your mouth, your jaw is still hanged open.


"Y/N, the phone." She said.

"Kendall, there's a line." You said because she's trying to cut on the line.

"Excuse me, i'm just gonna ask about something." She said to the hispanic lady, and gave her a death glare.

"Hi. I need you to file this fianceé visa for me please." He looked at Kendall suspiciously and you face palmed yourself because of embarrassment.

"Name please?" He asked.

"Kendall Jenner." He nodded and call someone on the phone.

"Miss Jenner? Please, follow me." He said as you both follow the guy.

You waiting at the office with your boss you are sweating because of nervousness while Kendall is scrolling at her phone looking relaxed. You let out a heavy sigh because you are about to commit a fraud for the woman you hated for three years. You imagined yourself in the prison, and how will your family react when you are going to marry the woman who is the reason why you couldn't spent time with your family.

"I really have a bad feeling about this.." You said while looking around the room. Kendall smirked at you, she finds you cute when you are scared. The guy from the immigration arrived at his office.

"Good afternoon. I'm Mr. Gilberson. You must be Y/N and Kendall." You nodded. "Sorry, it's been a crazy day."

"Of course, we understand. I can't say how much we appreciate you seeing us on such short notice." Kendall smiled at him. He looked at some file of your boss and raised his eyebrow while reading it.

"So i have one question for you, are you both committing fraud to avoid for deportation so she can keep her position as editor in chief at Golden books?" The guy asked both of you. You gulped.

"Where did you hear that?" Kendall asked.

"We got a phone call from a man--"

"Would it be Bob Spalding?" Kendall asked again and the guy nodded. "Oh, poor Bob. I'm so sorry, he's the former employee that i just fired. I apologize, but we know that you are busy with a room full of gardeners and construction workers to attend to. If you would just give us out next step we will be out of your hair immediately." The guy chuckles. You just closed your eyes because of what your boss stated.

"Ms. Jenner, please.." The guys gestured her to take a sit.

"Let me explain to you the process of how this work. Step one, there will be a scheduled interview. About both of you, everything you need to know about each other. Step two, i dig deeper. I will look at your phone records, i will talk to your neighbors, you friends, co-workers and family. If i found out that you are just pretending and your answers don't match up, you will be deported and will never allowed to take a step here in america. And you Y/N, will be committed to a felony punishable by a fine of two hundred fifty thousand dollars and stay in five years in Federal Prison." He smiled at you and Kendall. You can feel your knees shaking, and wanted to admit the truth before it's too late.

"So Y/N, come on. Talk to me. Is there anything you wanna say?" He asked you, you shook your head and looked away. "No?" You shook yout head again, and you nodded. "Yes?" The guys smiled at you, observing your movement. You felt like you swallowed your own tongue because of how terrified you are right now. Kendall looked at you shaking her head as he frowned.

"The truth is Mr. Gilbertson.. The truth is, Kendall and i-- are just two people weren't meant to fall in love." You looked at your boss sincerely, she smiled nodding at the guy. "We are trying to hide it to our co-workers because of my upcoming big promotion." Kendall frowned.


"Yeah, uhm.. We both felt that it would be deeply inappropriate if i will be promoted to editor while you know.."

"Have you told your family about your secret love?" The guy asked your boss.

"Uh nope, i'm not out to them. Yet." She said.

"What about you Y/N?"

"Oh, we will tell them this weekend on her gammy's 90th birthday. The families will be together and we thought that it would be a nice surprise." She said smiling, you gave her a puzzled look.

"Where will this be held?"

"At Y/N's parents house." She said.

"Where is this located again?" He looked at Kendall.

"At-- why am i doing all the talking? It's your parents house, jump in babe." She said looking at you sternly trying to ask for help.

"Sitka." Kendall repeated what you said. "Alaska." You added.

"Alaskaaaa?" She said looking at you shocked.

So, you are going to Alaska this weekend?"

"Yes." You both said in unison.

"That's where my baby Y/N's home." She said putting her hand on your thigh. You tried to hold it and she quickly pull away.

"Okay, i can see where this is gonna go.. I will see you both at monday eleven o'clock in the morning, let's see if your answers will match up." He said giving you a paper.

"Thank you." You said.

"Hello? Frank! Wait--" She mouthed thank you at Mr. Gilbertson and head out to his office.

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