《IMAGINES ❤️》The Proposal [AU]


"Oh my god! I'm going to be late!" You saw your clock is on reset, you overslept because you just finished some reports for you boss. You quickly got up from your bed and run to the bathroom to have a quick shower.

You are now running to the coffee shop because you have to pick up her cinnamon chai latte, you did that every morning for three years straight for your boss. "Oh fuck me." You saw the long line, and you checked your time. It's already 7:30am and your boss will be in your office in twenty minutes.

"Y/N! This is your order!" The barista said to you, she already know you by coming at their coffee shop every morning.

"You literally saved my life." You said smiling at her.

You arrived at the building when you saw the elevator door is going close, "Wait! Wait!" You run towards the elevator and hit your shoulder on the metal door.

"You okay?" A guy asked you.

"Yup, are you?" He nodded smiling at you.

"Great, cool. We're all good." You said panting.

You reached on the 14th floor, as soon as the elevator door opened you run and you didn't noticed the janitor was in front of you until you bumped him and spill your boss's latte. "Holy fu--!" The latte spilled on your blouse.

You checked the time again, it's already 7:40 and your boss will soon arrive. You walk towards your co league's desk with a spilled latte in your clothes, "Your polo now, i will set you up a date to my model best friend that you are madly in love with and a reservation at Ko's for two. On me." You said to your friend. She just smiled at you and both of you head to the restroom to change polo.

You put your coat and run towards your boss's office and clean her desk before she arrived.

A fierce tall looking woman with a model figure is heading to her office. All of the people in the office who is doing nothing, or just eating and be lazy goes to work immediately. She can here all the murmurs around her, all of the people in the building are terrified and intimidated by her. Her name is Kendall Jenner, your boss/the book editor. She got a Miranda Priestly vibe from Devil Wears Prada.

"Good morning Miss Jenner." The employee greeted and she just looked at her and continue to walk.

She is walking your way, you just smiled at her in the distance. "Good morning boss." She stopped her tracks in front of you, and lowered her sunglass.


"Where is my latte?" She asked not greeting you back. You always thought that she is rude and too over herself. You followed her inside her office and slowly closed the door.

"Already in your desk boss." You said.

"I need you this weekend, we have a lot of paper works to do." You frowned because it's your grandmother's birthday this weekend. "What? Do you have a problem with that?" She raised an eyebrow on you.

"Uh no. It's just.. it's my grandmother's 90th birthday so i--" You said as she walked out on you and took a sit on her chair. "Have you-- uh, read the manuscript i gave you last week?" You asked.

"Yup, it's terrible Y/N. I wasn't impressed." You just bit your lips your inner lips instead of cussing her and put her into her place. "And also, did you call-- what's her name again? The one with tge ugly hands?"

"Oh, Janet. Yup, i called her yesterday and i told her if she didn't gave her manuscript on time she won't get a release date. You have a call from immigration yesterday and you have a staff meeting at 9 and--" She cuts you off.

"Cancel the call, push the meeting until tomorrow. Get ahold of PR and have them starts drafting because Frank is doing Oprah." She said while she's busy looking for something in her desk.

"Oprah? Wow. Nicely done." You said heading out of her office.

"Wait. Who is Kaia? And why does she want me to call her?" You stopped on your tracks and looked at her nervously. Kendall showed you what is written on her cup, the barista girl wrote her number on your cup and you didn't noticed.

"Well, that was originally my cup." You gulped.

"And i'm drinking your coffee, why?" She asked while still looking at the barista's number.

"Because your coffee spilled." She nodded and took a sip.

"So you drink unsweetened cinnamon chai lattes?" She said raising her eyebrow on you waiting for a good answer.

"I- i do. It's like Christmas in cup."

"Is that a coincidence?" She smiled at you.

"Incredibly, it is. I mean i wouldn't possibly drink the same coffee that you drink just incase yours spilled. That would be pathetic." Her office phone rang again, "Morning. Miss Jenner's office."

"Hey bob." You said on the line. You looked at Kendall and she just gave you an approved sign. "A-actually we are heading to your office right now." You said and you hung up the phone.

"Why are we heading to Bob's office?" You asked your boss. She gave you a knowing look, it means she will going to fire the guy. You head out to her office and slowly closed the door behind you. You quickly send a message to all your co-workers that the witch is on the broom. So they can go back to work and stop doing anything that doesn't related to work.


While you and your boss are walking on your way to Bob's office whike talking and convincing her to publish the manuscript or the novel you gave her, she saw your friend with a coffee spill on her polo. "I do think you ordered the same coffee as i do just incase you spilled mine, is pathetic."

"Not gonna say a word."

You arrived at Bob's office, you are nervous because you feel like shit's about to go down today. Kendall is firing one of the respected co-editor in the building. "Kendall Jenner, the fearless leader in her league. Please, do come in." Bob said to your boss.

"Wow. This is a nice painting." She said and Bob gave her a smile. She cleared her throat, "Bob, i'm letting you go." Bob looked at her and frowned. You just look down because it's going to be an awkward situation for you.


"I asked you a hundred times to get Frank to do Oprah and you didn't do it. You're fired." Kendall said to her co-editor. You closed the door so it won't hear the other employees outside that Kendall is firing another editor. Again.

"I told you, that is impossible. Frank hasn't done an interview in ten years." Bob said.

"Well, that is interesting because i just got off to phone with him and he's in." You are standing at the corner looking and listening to both of them.

"E-excuse me?" Bob stuttered.

"You didn't even called him, didn't you?"


"I know, i know. Frank can be a little scary to deal with for you. Now, i will give you two months to find a job. Then you can tell everyone you resigned. Okay?" Kendall looked at you and you followed her outside the office leaving Bob in awe.

"How does he look?" Kendall asked you.

You looked at Bob, he looks like he is going to snap. "He's moving, he has crazy eyes." You and Kendall continued walking.

"Don't do it Bob. Don't do it." She said in her lower voice.

"You poisonous bitch! You can't fire me! You don't think i can't see what you are doing sanbagging me on the Oprah thing so you can look good to the board?! Because you are threatened by me!" Bob yelled in front of many employees. "And you are a monster!"

"Bob, stop.." Kendall looked around trying to stop his co-editor.

"Just because you don't have a semblance of a life outside of this office, you think that you can treat all of us your personal slaves. You know what? I feel sorry for you, because you know what you are gonna have on your death bed? Nothing, and no one!" Kendall let out a small laugh, walking towards Bob.

"Listen carefully Bob, i didn't fired you because i feel threatened. I'm firing you because you are lazy, entitled, incompetent and you spend your time cheating on your wife than you do in your office. And if you said another word, Y/N here is going to have thrown out on your ass." Bob was about to say something and Kendall cuts him off.

"ANOTHER WORD, and you are going out here with an armed escort. Y/N will film it in her phone and post it on-- that internet site. What was that again?" She said looking at you.

"YouTube?" You said.

"Yup, is that what you want? Didn't think so. I have work to do." Kendall said as she walked out on Bob.

You called your parents, explaining yourself why you can't go home again for your grandmother's birthday. You are looking forward for a promotion that's why you've been kissing your boss's ass for three years now and also you don't want to get fired.

"Mom, please try to understand. I have so much work to do this weekends."---"No i don't want to quit my job."

As soon as you saw Kendall you pretend that you are talking to some of her clients, "Yup, okay. We will get back to you. Thank you." You hung up the phone.

"Is that your parents? Let me guess, they ask you to quit your job?" She said in a poker face.

"Yes, every single day." You said and you answered the phone.

"Miss Jenner's office?"--"Okay, yup."

"Morgan and Kane wants to see you in his office immediately."

"Ugh! Okay, come get me in ten minutes. We have a lot of work to do."

"Okidok." You said as you watch her leave. You find yourself looking into her ass, you always thought your boss is hot. But you also think that she is Satan's wife, because of how strict and cruel she can be. You are just staring at her walking towards her office until the phone rings again that made you back to your senses.

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