《IMAGINES ❤️》She's all yours.


"" You said while talking your ex on the phone.

You and Kendall broke up four months ago, but after two months she already replaced you with some model chick. You don't mind because you are the one who broke up with her, you are tired of arguing, fighting and trying to understand her job. One time you are at the café in Beverly hills, it just happened that both of you are in the same place.

"Hey stranger." A girl said to you. You are busy reading a book while drinking your caramel frappe. You looked at the girl who greeted you and you are shocked because it's your ex girlfriend Kendall Jenner.

"Oh- hi! How are ya?" You asked.

"I'm good. Can i sit down with you? You look pretty occupied there." She said looking at the book you are reading.

"Yeah sure. I got bored in the studio, so i came here." You said to her smiling.

You and Kendall talked for hours, catching up with each other's lives. Both of you knows that there's a bunch of paparazzi outside the cafe, taking picture of you and her. You don't really care because you are not doing anything wrong with your ex, you guys are just talking.

"So, is this okay with Cara?" You asked her.


"With your girlfriend. She might get pissed because you are hanging out with your ex, and you know how the tabloids work Ken." You said to her smiling.

"Yeah, i'm sure she's okay with it. We are hanging out in the cafe for godsake. We are not doing anything wrong." She smiled.

"Alright, if you say so.."

Both of you exchanged numbers again because you deleted when you broke up with her and she did the same thing to you. Kendall's name on your phone is "" and you didn't know that your name on her phone is "". Yup, it's her brother's name, because she knew that Cara will be pissed and mad at her if her girlfriend saw your name on Kendall's phone.


"Why would you hang out with her?! So you just called her and meet her at the cafe?!" She yelled in the living room while i am at the kitchen getting myself a water.

"Babe, i told you already i just saw her in the café and i said hi. We just hang out there and catch up. That's it."--"There's nothing wrong with that Cara, it's just old friends hanging out. I said to her.

"Old friends? Kendall she's not your old friend. She's your fucking ex! Let me see your phone." Are you fucking kidding me?

"What? Why?"

"I'm going to delete her number. I'm sure you you already saved hers." She snatched my phone into my hands and i just rolled my eyes. "There is nothing in there, i didn't get her number. Alright?" I pulled her closer to me to calm her down. I'm really getting tired of this..

"W-why? Why didn't you?" Actually i did, but i saved her number under my brother's name.

"Because i know you will get pissed, and i don't have plans on talking to her again babe. We just hang out, that's it. Stop worrying, okay?" I gave her a kiss on the lips and hugged her.

Two weeks had passed, me and Y/N are always talking on the phone non stop. I know it's wrong to talk your ex while you are taken but i just can't help it. She's all i think about, and she is still driving me crazy. I also told her that me and Cara are just doing a PR stunt, that's why i can't be seen with her. I don't know where all this lies could get me.

"So, what are you doing here at my house?" Y/N asked me smiling.


"Nothing, i just want to see you." I said to her.

"Aww. That is so sweet of you. But Ken, you do have a girlfriend.." Yeah, but so what?

"I told you a hundred times on the phone, me ans Cara are not together like together together. It's just a stunt." I said to her hoping she would believe me. She just looked at me in my eyes, oh my god..

"Can you promise me that you're not lying to me?" Holy mother of God.

"Y-yeah, i-i'm not lying. I promise Y/N." I said to her.

"Alright, come in." She smiled at me and let me in to her house.

After that night me and Y/N got back together. I started getting cold towards Cara. There is so many times that i wanted to tell her that i want a break up, but i don't have a strength to say it to her. Me and Y/N are already dating for a month now. Yes, i am cheating on them both. Fuck i know i am a horrible person, but i'm not in love with Cara. I'm not in love with her in the first place, i just made her my girlfriend to make Y/N jealous..

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