《IMAGINES ❤️》The Bodyguard [Part II]
My eyes immediately open when i heard a car stopped near us. I looked at Kendall who is on top of me sleeping. We are both naked under her blanket, "Kendall, wake up." She didn't say anything. "I- i think there's someone outside." Luckily our car is covered in snow, that's why the person outside can't see us.
"Kendall? Are you there?" I heard a familiar voice. Kendall's eyes went wide open when she realized her sister is the one who's calling her. We both sat and quickly put our clothes on.
I pushed the door because it's stuck because of the snow. We got out of the car with our hair is so messy. I saw Khloe and Kylie giving us a weird look, "Good morning ma'am." I greeted her sisters.
"Morning Y/N." Kylie said and gave me a wink. I give her a small smile.
"What are you guys doing here? Ken, mom is worried sick about you guys!" Khloe said to her sister.
"Our tyres got flat, we tried calling you guys but there's no signal and we tried asking for help but there is no car that driving this way. I'm so tired." Kendall said to her sisters while i was carrying all of her bags to Khloe's car.
"Why are you tired Kendall? You just sat there the whole time." Kylie said to her, containing her laugh.
"Nevermind. How did you guys knew we're here?" She asked.
"We heard a guy earlier that he saw a black range rover covered in snow, but when he asked if it's anyone is inside or if anyone is okay no one is answering. So we figured that you guys got stuck in here or whatever." Khloe said.
We got into Khloe's car. She insisted that she was the one who's going to drive because i look really tired. Yes i am so tired and that is because of her sister. I can't even looked at Kendall in the eye, i am so embarrassed. I shouldn't have sex with her, i'm afraid she'll think that i took advantage of her. But she's the one who kissed my neck, right? Ugh.
We arrived at the Ski resort. Khloe is right, her mom is worried sick, she thought Kendall was kidnapped or something bad happened to her. Me and Kendall are joining Khloe and Kylie on their penthouse.
"Okay, Y/N this is your room and Kendall you're room is over there beside Kylie's." I nodded at her sister.
"Y/N can you help me with my bags?" I just nodded. I saw Kylie and Khloe shared a look.
I put all her bags into her room. I was about to left her room when she kissed me on my lips down to my neck while she pinned me against the wall. "Kendall, your sisters are outside.." I said trying to resist all her kisses.
"So? I don't care." She said.
"Kendall, what are you doing to me? What, are we doing?" I asked her causing her to stop kissing my neck.
"What? Don't tell me you don't like what we're doing Y/N?" She said.
"I like it, i mean-- who doesn't right? But i don't wanna be your fuck buddy. Okay? This has to stop. I'm your bodyguard, let's not make it awkward between us." We stared at each other for a few seconds not saying anything. I opened her bedroom door and left.
I felt lucky because the supermodel Kendall Jenner wants to sleep with me, but i'm actually hurt that she thinks that i can be her fuck buddy. I'm not that kind of person, besides she just broke up with her boyfriend. I'm not going to be her fucking rebound. The whole day i tried to avoid my boss, she keeps on looking at me like she wanted to say something important.
I sat at the sofa while drinking my coffee because i'm still sleepy while scrolling on my instagram. Kylie sat beside me, "Hey Y/N." I smiled at her.
"Hi ma'am Kylie." I said.
"Ma'am? That is too formal Y/N. You can call me Kylie, Ky, i don't care. Call me whatever you want." She winked.
"Oh-- yeah sure. Why aren't you with your sisters? They are skiing."
"I'm tired of skiing, i was skiing since yesterday. I just want to relax for a bit and have a conversation with you." She said.
"Okay, what do you wanna talk about?" You asked her, and you sip your coffee.
"What's the deal with you and my sister?"
"Nothing. I'm just her bodyguard." She looks at you suspiciously.
"Really? Then why do have hickies on your neck?" You are shocked on what she stated.
"E-excuse me what?" You said and you quickly walk towards the mirror and you saw a three hickies on your neck. 'Fucking Kendall.' You thought to yourself.
"How can you say that this is from Kendall?" You shot back. You are trying to play it cool so you don't get caugh that you had sex with her sister last night.
"I just assumed that you fucked my sister. Kendall also got a hickey near her breast." She said to you smiling.
"What? H-how did you even know about that?" You are confused.
"I saw it. Don't ask questions. So, are you two fucking each other?" She asked.
"No, we're not." You said to her.
You and Kylie talked the whole time about your career, your lovelife. You feel more comfortable around her, she's funny and calm. She made fun of you because she knew that you like her sister. You didn't say it to her, she just noticed it.
You are chasing her because she snatched your phone into your hand, when you stood up you accidentally spilled your coffee on the floor, "Oh my god! I'm so sorry Y/N."
"Nah it's alright. Don't you dare touch my phone." You warned her and head to your bedroom to change your sweatpants because your coffee spilled on you.
"I won't." She said to you laughing.
You are walking quietly behind Kylie trying to sneak up on her because you saw her looking something at your phone. She turned to you and you didn't noticed the coffee spill on the floor, you slipped and you dragged Kylie with you.
She's now on top of you while holding your phone. You were just looking at each other laughing, "You are so stupid Y/N." She said.
"I'm so sor--" Khloe opened the door, and Kendall is with her. Both of you quickly stood up.
"What happened to you guys?" Khloe asked both of you while laughing. Kendall frowned while looking at you. She looks like she wanted to kill you.
"I spilled her coffee and she slipped. She fucking dragged me to her." Kylie said while she's laughing still holding your phone.
"Then why are you holding her phone?" She said to her sister in her cold stare.
"Oh nothing, just looking for some nudes of her. Right Y/N?" Kylie said and she looks at you. You gave her a confused look because you are sure that, that's not what she's looking for. Kendall raised her eyebrow on you and walk away to her room.
"Good job Ky! It looks like she's jealous." Khloe whispered.
"Why did you say that? Besides i don't have nudes on my phone."--" And she's not jealous. Nothing is going on with me and you sister guys."
"Fuck yes she is. Kendall is a jealous motherfucker. Y/N don't be so naive. My sister likes you, everybody in our family knows about it." Khloe said to you.
"Oh come on. You guys are trippin' you know that?." You said to the two girls.
"We'll prove it to you. We are going to make Kendall jealous. I'm going to act like i'm flirting with you later at dinner, and you are just go with the flow. Okay? This is for you dude." Kylie said and she gave you a grin.
You didn't said anything to them, you just shake your head and head to your room to change.
You are at the car drving with Khloe, Kylie and Kendall, all of you are on your way to have a dinner at the Mountain Standard restaurant. Kendall is ignoring you, she doesn't even look at you, you don't know if her sisters is telling the truth about Kendall having a thing for you and stuff. She always on her phone, texting someone. Maybe it's Ben, you thought to yourself.
"Y/N you can sit beside Kylie." Her mom said to you smiling. You just nodded and sit with her, Kylie smiled at you.
"Wait-- where am i going to sit?" Kendall asked her mom.
"You can sit anywhere you want sweetie. You can sit with me if you want to." Kendall took a sit in front of you and Kylie. She's in between her mom and Khloe.
"We're going to make my sister jealous. Just go with the flow Y/N." She whispered at you.
All of you ordered some foor and everybody is having a conversation with one another. Kylie is being touchy with you, you just let her because she just told you to go with the flow.
"Y/N, i would like you to know that we are happy that you're here." Kim said to you smiling.
"Thank you. I'm happy to spend the weekend with you guys." You said.
"Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?" Kourtney asked you while eating her salad.
"I'm single, but i-- i got my eye on someone." You said and you looked at Kylie. The sisters giggles when you looked at Kylie. Of course it's an act to make Kendall jealous.
"That person you're talking about, is the same person who gave you a hickies?" Scott said and all of them looked at your neck. "Do we know her?" Khloe said.
"I-- i don't even know who gave me this hickies." You joked.
"A player! I like it!" Scoot gave you a high five. You glanced at Kendall and she's throwing dagger at you and Kylie.
"I-- i don't even know who gave me this hickies." She laughed when she said that. She kept on looking at my sister, did they have sex while all of us are skiing earlier?
"A player! I like it!" Scott gave her a high five while all of them are laughing. Kylie hooked her arm around Y/N's. My sister is being so touchy with Y/N, what the hell is going on? Why is she so clingy with her? I don't even know if my sister likes girls. I am so pissed right now.
I texted Y/N, her phone dinged. She read my text and looked at me. She just nodded. An hour had passed we are already going back to our penthouse.
"Y/N do you want to watch movies later? We can watch movies on my laptop?" Kylie asked her.
"No, she can't. We have something to do.." I said to my younger sister.
"Ken, can't you give Y/N some rest day? I'm sure she's getting tired of following you around and taking orders from you." Oh this bitch.
"Kylie if you want someone to watch movies with you until midnight or until morning, you can get your own bodyguard or something." I snapped.
"Whoa guys. Chill out. Ken what is up with you? You are not yourself earlier. Are you on your period?" Khloe asked me and i rolled my eyes on her.
"No, i'm just--"
"Jealous?" Kylie said. I looked at Y/N who is looking at me at the rear view mirror and she looked away.
"What? I-i don't know what you're talking about.."
We arrived at the penthouse. I gave Y/N a look that i'm going to wait for her in my room.
"Goodnight Y/N." Kylie kissed Y/N on the cheek and my sister looked at me. "Night night Kenny." She said and i just nodded.
"Goodnight guys! I'm done for tonight, i'm so tired." Khloe said.
I head inside my room and change my clothes. I removed my make up, i was just sitting on my bed when i heard a knock. "Come in." I said.
"H-hey boss. What did you want me to come here?" Y/N said to me. She closed the door behind her.
I stood up and quickly pushed her to my bed. She looked so surprised, i crawled on top of her and i pinned her wrist against the bed. I slowly leaned to her face, "I- i thought we're going to talk Kendall?" She said.
"Who gave you that hickey Y/N?" I asked her. She frowned.
"What? You know--" I cut her off by kissing her on the lips.
"Who. Gave. You. That. Fucking hickey?" I asked her again. I'm started getting pissed at her. "Is it my sister? Did you and Kylie had sex?"
"Kendall you are. You gave me all of this hickies."
"Those three are mine, but where did you get this? You didn't answer my fucking question Y/N." I pointed the hickey on the right side of her neck.
She slightly pushed me against her, and stood up. "I-it's non of your business Kendall. Does it matter to you if this is from your sister? We're not even together, so why bother asking me those stupid questions?"
"Because i'm jealous Y/N! Fuck. Do you think i would've slept with you if i don't have feelings for you? You stayed here all day with Kylie, you are getting touchy and clingy with my sister in front of me." I stood up facing her.
"Are you numb? I like you. No-- erase that. I love you Y/N. You are the person that i'm talking about yesterday. I feel stupid because you barely even talked to me yet i'm falling in love with you. Even when i'm with Ben, all i ever think about is you. I tried asking you to watch movies with me, eat dinner with me, have lunch with me outside but you're always ignoring me and i always caught you looking at other girls or models.. I want you Y/N, i don't know what you did to me but you are making me crazy. You are the only person who made me feel this way.." I confessed because i couldn't help it anymore. I feel like i'm about to kill my Kylie for flirting with Y/N.
"R-really? Y-you love me?" She stuttered.
"Wow. I made that heartfelt and sincere speech then all you're going to ask is if i'm in love with you? Do you like my sister? Because if you like her, then get out of my ro--" She cuts me off by kissing me.
"No, nothing happened with me and your sister. This? This is just a make up." She rub the hickey and yeah she's right. It's just a make up. "Kylie made this, she talked to me about making you jealous so you could admit your feelings to me. I didn't believe them at first, but it turns out they're telling the truth.." She smiled at me while she caress my cheek.
"I've seen a lot while living with you. I mean-- not like that.. You are the only person i saw that spending too much time in the pool area than in her actual house.. I've seen that you're one of three people in world that likes pizza flavored chips, you're always reading books in your free time, not a sweet romantic books. But you're reading substantial books. Whenever you are leaving your house, you grab the doorknob and you turn around ready to leave but you don't, you stop and you back up and turn to the mirror and you stare at yourself. But it's not-- you know 'i'm so hot' type of stare it's more like 'who am i really?'. You-- you ask yourself that, i mean it's so cool. I-- i'm only looking at you." She said while looking straight into my eyes. I just stared at her because i don't know what to say.
"That's either the creepiest.. or the sweetest thing i've ever heard." I put my arms around at the back of her neck, our face are inches apart. I can hear her heartbeat, i know she can hear mine..
"I love you too boss." She said to causing me to smiled and blushed. She pulled my body close to her. She's looking at my eyes, and in my lips while biting hers. She grabbed my face gently, she slowly leaned in and kiss me.
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