《IMAGINES ❤️》The Bodyguard.


"Hey Y/N? Can you come up here?" I heard my boss said to me. She's upstairs, packing her things. Because me and her family are going on a vacation. But, her family is already there. We are just catching up because she just got here in L.A. She's always travelling for work, you guys knew already the routine of the supermodels.

"Yes boss." I said. I am her bodyguard, i graduated highschool and go to military school. I work my way to be a secret agent at the age of 25. But now, i'm here following orders from Kendall Jenner. Her mom hired me, at least that's what i know. After the incident of her alleged stalker forced his way into her house, she's always scared to be alone. Oh, and i'm also staying here at her house.

I knocked at her bedroom door three times, "Come in." I opened and the door and oh my god. I quickly turned away. I saw her in her undergarments.

"What do you need boss?" I asked.

"Why are you turning your back on me? You're also a girl, you also have this Y/N." Nope, i'm gay. As much as i wanted to look at her sexy body i decided not to. I'm scared that i'm going to be zoned out by looking at her body.

"Y-yeah. So, what do you need? We're going to be late to our flight Miss Kendall." I said trying to change the subject.

"You know why i hired you?"

"Because i've mastered self defense for three years, i am a sharp shooter when it comes to guns and i am a former secret agent?" I said.

"Well yeah, other than that. I hired you because you're a girl. I just want someone to talk to, but you've been living here for three months you've never even said a single word to me other than 'yes boss, okay boss, what do you need boss'." She impersonate how i talk and she looks funny.

"I'm just doing my job, boss." I teased her.

"Here you go again. Come on, talk to me about your personal life. You know i'm trying to be friendly here, i'm your boss and you should do as i say."

I turned around to face her, she's still in her undergarments. I looked at her body all the way to her face, "Put some clothes on, and on our way to vail we will talk." I said and i leave her bedroom.

That's what i like about Kendall, she's friendly, she doesn't treat me like i'm just her bodyguard. The reason why i can't talk to her is because i started to have feelings for her, i saw the real her while living with her in this house. She loves to eat junk foods, and fast foods, she loves to cook but she's terrible at that, she read books, a substantial books, i noticed that she doesn't look at herself in the mirror to check herself out or to tell herself how pretty she is but she looks at herself in the mirror like asking herself 'Who am i really?'. It's cool, she's natural. She is different than what the media is reporting about her.

Of course i don't have plans on telling her what i feel because she has a boyfriend. It's the NBA player, Ben Simmons. That's why i distanced myself to her, because i'm scared to fall for her even more than i already did.

"Okay, let's go bodyguard." She winked at me. I carried all of her bags, "All this for a weekend?" I asked.


"Yup." I carried all her loui vuitton bag on the car, her bag is fucking heavy.

I shouldn't be driving, i'm only her bodyguard but her driver is on a Christmas vacation with his family. I heard Kendall's phone is ringing, she looks irritated by something. "Aren't you going to answer that boss? What if that's important?" I asked looking at her at the rear view mirror.

"Nah, it's just my boyfriend. I'm so sick of him following me around. I just want my personal fucking space!" She yelled and answered her phone.

"What now Ben?"

"I don't care, do whatever you want!"

"You know what? I don't wanna talk to you right now, can you understand what i just said?"

"Yes i'm so tired with all of this Ben! I'm so tired."

"Am i really the one who's cheating?"


She ended the call, i glanced at her in the mirror. I don't want to say anything because i'm afraid that i might say the wrong thing and she'll get pissed at me. I drove to her private plane, god damn this family is hella rich. We got into a plane and she decided to take a nap. She's like this all the time, when she is pissed or upset about something she always took a nap. And when she wakes up, she a happy kid again.

When we land at the Colorado we have to drove for an two hours on our way to Ritz Carlton Penthouse. It's fucking snowy and i'm so cold. I got into the range rover that her mom rented, why is there no driver in it? I'm so tired of driving. I got surprised when Kendall hoped in to the passenger seat. We are on the road for thirty minutes but there is no one talking between us.

"You told me that we're going to talk. So talk." She said breaking the silence.

"What do you wanna talk about?" I said as i focused on the road.

"About every--" Kendall interrupted by the loud sound of our tyres. Our tires are making weird sounds, so i quickly pressed the break. "What the hell was that?" She asked.

"I- i don't know. Let me check." I said and i got out of the car. I saw our front and back tyres are broken.

"Shit! Fucking shit." I said massaging my temples. "Two of our tyres are fucking broken."

"Y/N we can't be in here till evening there's a snow storm coming.." She said, she quickly dialed her mom's phone but there's no signal. We are in a ditch. There is no cars that are passing by, it's already two in the afternoon. I'm sure there will be a car that will pass us and we can get help.

"Don't worry, we'll get help. It's just 2pm, try to contact your mom and yoir sisters." I said.

It's been an hour since our tyres got broken, me and Kendall are not talking. I looked at her and she looks scared and having an anxiety attack. "Hey boss. What do you wanna talk about?" She looked at me.


"What do you wanna talk about? I told you we're going to talk, so ask me questions.." I said to keep her distracted, it always help when you are talking about random things. She asked me everything about myself, i told her that my parents disowned me for not following their steps as a doctor. I don't wanna be one, i also told her that i'm gay and that she knows about it.


"How come i didn't see you dating?" She asked. She's trying to get her hands a heat. I held her hand and rub it with mine while i blow her hand to get some heat from my breath.

"I-- i already like someone, but she's taken and i don't wanna intrude to her relationship with the guy." I said. She frowned at me, and pulled her hand away from me.

"Why are you and you boyfriend always fighting?" She looked at me, "Oh, sorry. I know it's personal-- sorry."

"Ex. He's my ex boyfriend, i broke up with him earlier. I caught him cheating on me. I was thankful for him because he did that.. I'm not happy with the relationship anymore, and i got my eye on someone."

"Well that was fast, don't you love him anymore?" I asked.

"I didn't love him in the first place, i mean when we started dating he made me happy. But that just it, i don't feel loved and wanted. I'm just bad at breaking up, that's why i waited for him to cheated on me before i called it quits." She let out a small laugh shaking her head.

"You're beautiful, but sometimes you are stupid." I chuckled.

"Yeah, i'm stupid because i think i'm in love with a person that i just met three months ago." Yeah, i mean you don't have to tell me that? It hurts Kendall.. "And that person barely even talks to me."

I just smiled at her because i didn't know what to say to her. An hour had passed but there's still no cars driving our way. Kendall looks like she's freezing in cold. She got out of the car and she got into the backseat. It's an awkward silence again. A few minutes had passed and i saw a car driving our way, i quickly got out of the car and signaled for help. The driver just drive past me, fucking asshole.

"Fuck!" I yelled and kick the tyre. I checked the time it's already 5pm. It's getting dark. I got into the car again, looking frustrated.

Okay i just admitted that i love her, well i kinda admitted? Because i didn't said 'i love you' to her, but i was hoping that she'll know that the person i'm talking about is her. I don't know if she feels the same way, but i noticed how she looked at me. Maybe i'm assuming, but she always made feel secure, safe. She barely spoke to me but whenever i see her, i feel happy. She always made me feel better when i'm having an anxiety attack, just like earlier.

When she held my hand i felt butterflies on my stomach, i've never felt this way before. Not even with Ben. I felt different, she's different.

"Fuck!" She yelled outside, i just looked at her. She kick the tyre and i couldn't help but to laugh at her. I know there's a storm coming, but i'm just happy that i'm stuck with her here. I know that nothing will bad happen when i'm with her.

"Y/N? Can you get the weighted blanket on my bag? On the black one." I asked. She gave me my blanket and i quickly cover myself in it, i'm so fucking cold.

"Are you okay?" She asked me and i nodded.

It's already dark outside, i'm sure my family is worried about me. I'm pretty sure my mom is panicking right now because i should've arrived at the resort two hours ago. I noticed that Y/N is getting cold, she started blowing her hands to give it a heat.

"You can join me here, if you want to. My gravity blanket is thick." She looked at me, "No it's okay boss. I'm okay here." Oh come on Y/N.

"Y/N i want you to come here, i can't survive all by myself if you freeze there to death." I lied, i just want her to hold me.

"Are you sure? It's okay if you're not comfortable--"

"Just get over here." I ordered her.

She got in to the backseat and we're both under my blanket. "Oh my god you're so cold. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Y-yeah, i'm just a little cold.." She touched my feet and she looked at me.

"You're not cold, you are freezing boss." She quickly remove her hoodie and her shirt. I gave her a puzzled look, because she's on her sports bra.

"Uh-- What are you doing? Why are you half naked?" She rolled her eyes at me.

"Body heat? Are you familiar with that? It's already 6pm Kendall, the temperature is changing. It's getting colder, we don't have a heater in here."

"So, what do i have to do with you naked beside me?" I asked her smiling.

"Lean your back on me, and i'll wrap my arms around you. Well, it's up to you. If you're not comfortable, then i'm not--" I removed my hoodie and my shirt. I'm only wearing a bra, i saw her jaw dropped and she looked away.

"I know what body heat means, i just want you to explain it to me bodyguard." I leaned in to her, her body is so hot. I mean not like that, but okay.. She's hot, but it's a double meaning. She put her arms around me, i can feel her breath on my neck that caused me to have a goosebumps.

It's dark and quiet outside, i couldn't hear anything beside my heart is pounding on my chest. There's something about her touch that makes me go crazy. I can feel her heartbeat, and i smiled at the thought that her heart is also racing like mine. I buried my face at the crook of her neck. I can feel her body tense up. I started giving her light kisses on her neck, she gulped but still not moving.

"B-boss, w-what are you d-doing?" She asked me while she's stuttering.

"Giving us a real body heat Y/N." I said as i continue kissing her neck. She let out a quiet moan, i knew from that moment she likes what i'm doing. I looked at her in the eyes but she can't look at me. I caress her cheek and smiled at her.

"What are you doing Kendall?" She asked me again.

"Just-- just stop talking and kiss me." I said and she slammed her lips into mine. Our kiss is more passionate. Her warm tongue slid against mine, and i was so lost to all rational thoughts. I needed to taste her, i want her to be inside me, and i want her to own me. I want her to make my body scream, as her fingers touches me, caress my breast, my stomach, my legs and more. I want her tongue to taste my body. I can feel my body is already burning because of the heat that she made me feel the way she touches my back and my waist while kissing me.

I sat at her lap while we are making out. She started leaving wet kisses on my neck, and it made me weak. I leat out a moan in her ear. She's kissing my neck down to my collar bone. She unhooked my bra, she gulped while looking at my breast. I gave her a smirk. I kissed her on the lips, and she's slowly going down to my breast her kiss takes my breath away, makes my skin tingle with electricity and it made me feeling dizzy and drunk.

There's a snow storm outside, but we're here inside the car sweating profusely and moaning.


Do you guys want part 2? If you guys want, you can suggest or give me ideas.

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