《IMAGINES ❤️》The Baller. [AU]


I am a senior at Sierra Canyon High. All of the students here knows who i am because of my sister Kim Kardashian. Yup, she's my sister. Half sister actually, but i love all of my half sister's like i love my full sister Kylie. I'm walking with my friends and my sister at the hallway, there's an homecoming game tomorrow with the basketball girls. I'm so excited i'm going to see her play.

Who is her? I'm talking about Y/N Hutcherson. She's the captain of the basketball girls team, i have a crush on her since we were in sixth grade. She's just so cool and funny. But no matter what i do, she just ignore me. I'm also a famous head cheerleader, i don't know what's wrong with me? Why can't my only crush ignores me all the time? It's like i never existed to her. All of the students here wants to date me, take me to prom, and to a homecoming dance.

"Yo guys! I heard Y/N and Cara is already dating." What? Huh?

"What? Since when?!" I said to my sister in surprise. All of my friends looked at me for a few seconds and laughed.

"Oh my god! You should have seen your face Ken. I'm joking you idiot." I slightly slap my sisters arm.

They know about how i have a crush on Y/N since we were sixth grade. She had one girlfriend, and that is Kaia. But they broke up after she learned that Kaia is cheating on her. We were on our way to our class, we had the same class together and i never skipped that class that's the only class i have with her. I saw Y/N is putting some books on her locker and she looked at me and Ben.

"Hey Ken, do you wanna have some dinner with me later?" Ben asked me. He is a jock, a basketball player too. But i don't like him, besides his a fucking jerk.

"No, thank you." I said and i walk by past them. All of his friends teased him on how he's game is weak when it comes to me. He stopped me by holding my arm and his grip tightened. "Don't play hard to get Kendall."

"Ouch! Let go off me Ben!" I said.

"Let her go you dick!" Hailey said to him.

"I won't, until you said 'yes' to have dinner with me later." His grip tightened.

"Harassing a girl to go out with you doesn't make you cool Simmons. It makes you a complete asshole, you're proving to everyone in here that you are weak when it comes to girls. So let Kendall go." She said in her calm voice not bothered by how tall this jerk is.

"Let her go bud." She added and Ben let my arm go. Y/N started to walk away and she gave him a smirk.


"You're going to pay for this Hutcherson!" He yelled. She stopped on her tracks and looked at Ben again.

"Oh what? Are you going to cry to your mom again.. cousin?" What?! They're cousins? Wow i didn't know that..

"Fuck off!" Ben stormed out with his friends and everybody is laughing at him. She shook her head and head to our class.

Who does he think he is? He thinks he can grab a girl and he can go out with her whenever he wants to. Such an idiot! That's my cousin, my mother and his mother are sisters. We didn't want the school to know, because-- i don't know. He doesn't want to, because he thinks he's so cool and he is so above me. I just let him because i honestly don't care about him either.

The girl he grabbed? That's Kendall Jenner, my crush and my first love. Yup, she's my first love. I am in love with her since freshman year. She's my classmate, but whenever i looked at her i noticed that she can't even look at me. I don't know why, maybe because she' doesn't want to be friends with me or that she doesn't like because i'm gay? I know i've been ignoring her, i acted like she didn't exist to me because i'm afraid that she don't like me. I don't like rejections.

I took a sit, and i was surprised when Kendall sit beside me. "Hey." She said smiling.

I looked behind me, is she talking to me? "Who are you looking at?" She asked.

"A-are you talking to me? S-sorry i didn't know." She let out a small laugh.

"Silly. Of course i'm talking to you Y/N."

"Y-you knew my name? Wow, that's cool." Why am i nervous? Stop being nervous me.

I looked at Kylie, Gigi and Hailey are looking at us giggling. Kendall looked at them and they stopped laughing. "Don't mind them. So hey, thank you for saving me back there."

"Yeah, no problem Kendall." I smiled at her.

The teacher came to the room and lecture for one in a half hour. It bores the fuck out of me, i fucking hate math. I really hate math. I was just doodling at my notebook and stealing glances at the girl beside me. Thank God she didn't notice that i've looking at her the whole time. The bell rang and all the students stood up in their sits except me and Kendall.

"Ken, let's go. What are you waiting for?" Her sister asked her. She gave her sister a sign to go out of the room. I stood up and put my bag behind my back.

"Uh Ken?"

"Yeah?" She looked at me.

"Are you going to watch the game tomorrow?" I asked her.


"Of course i'll be there. I'm the head cheerleader, remember?" She chuckles.

"Yeah, right. But-- do you wanna go out with me after the game?" I asked.

"Of course Y/N, i would love to. I thought you'd never ask." She said to me smiling.

OH MY GOD! Y/N asked me out, she asked me out!" I yelled in the car in excitement. I saw my sister is rolling her eyes on me.

"Yes Ken! You've said a hundred times. Focus on the road before we hit another car!" She said.

I couldn't sleep because of excitement. But there is one thing that i forgot, i face palmed myself for forgetting to get her number. "Are you sure you don,t have her number?" I asked my sister.

"Ken, we barely even talked to each other. Of course i don't have her number." She said.

Me and my sister arrived in our school. I am really excited to see Y/N in her basketball uniform. "Who are you looking for?" Hailey raised an eyebrown smiling.

"Oh girl, you know who it is. Her Y/N." Gigi said and they laugh at me.

After a few minutes we saw Ben and his friends walked inside the school. They are laughing at someone in their back, we couldn't see because they are tall as hell. He looked and winked at me, i made a disgust face. I heard my sister and my friends gasped. "Oh my god." I quickly walked to her.

"Y/N what happened to you?!" I asked her. She has cut on her lip, and it's still bleeding.

"It's that asshole. He pushed me to my skateboard." I looked at Ben who is smirking at us. Oh i fucking i want to smack your face.

"Come on, let's get you to clinic." I said holding her arm.

Y/N continued to play in the homecoming basketball game. Our team is down to five, i'm cheering her and yelling her name. She's doing the best she can to win this game and i'm so proud of her. She was about to lay up then one of the rival team pushed her while she's on air. She landed with one foot, and she twisted her ankle.

"Oh my god!" I yelled. I was so shock, all the people are looking at her. Her teammates run to help her while she screams in pain and agony. She's holding her ankle.

Her bestfriend Bella help her to stand, and put her to stretcher. "I'll be back." I said to my sister who is also a cheerleader.

"Ken where are you going?!"

"To her!" I said.

I barged in to the clinic and i heard Y/N groan because of the pain that she felt in her ankle.

"Ken? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Are you okay? I know you're not. Stupid me." I face palmed myself. She didn't said anything, she just smiled at me.

After a few minutes, the nurse put a bandage in her ankle. I stayed by her side, and i chose to skip the game. I'm sure my coach will never be happy about it, but i have to be with her. The nurse left us in the clinic to go to the gym. She told us that she needed there in case someone gets injured.

"I'm okay now that you're here." She said smiling.

"Are you flirting with me Hutcherson?" I asked. She let out a small laugh.

"Maybe?" She said. "I know you probably won't believe me, but i like you Ken. Since freshman year, i've always had my eye on you." My heart starts to beat faster. I couldn't speak, i just looked at her.

"W-what? I- i thought you and Kaia?"

"Oh that? That is just a fling, nothing serious." She said. "I've always liked you. I just couldn't have the strength to say it because you can't even look at me. I'm sorry, i shouldn't be saying this."

"I can't even look at you because i'm afraid that you don't like me Y/N. You act like i never existed you idiot."

"Because i thought you like my cousin, and that fact that i'm gay scares you or gross you?" I let out a laugh.

"What are talking about? I'm gay Y/N. You think i would've said yes when you ask me out if i'm not gay? And what do you think i'm doing here with you? I skipped the game for you, because that game is nonsense when you are here injured. I like you Y/N, you are the reason why i'm still not dating anyone. Because i'm waiting for you.." I confessed.

"R-really? Wow! I should've done this a long time ago. I'm so stupid." She said to herself.

"Yeah, you kinda stupid. But i still wanna go out with you. Not now because your condition, but maybe next--" I asked her.

She slammed her lips into mine, it wasn't a rush kiss, it was gentle and it looks like she's taking her time. She is a good kisser, i feel like my heart is going to explode.

"I'm still going to take you out later Ken." She winked at me.


This is sucks, but i hope you guys like it. You can request to me. Thank you for leaving a vote guys!

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