《I'm Not An Emperor's Sweetie Pie! (BL)》Chapter 24


"What did I tell you about letting other men touch you, hm?" The deep voice rang in the silent and mysterious woods as the Emperor asked before turning to look at his scared little concubine.

Xiao Lin tried to swallow the lump in his throat; his body feeling cold.

"Come here," The Emperor beckoned. "Come on your own and I'd lighten your punishment."

Xiao Lin's heart had been running a marathon since this darned man appeared. He twisted his hand with the other one, eyes darting around anxiously. It was clear he'd not be able to escape. Brother Chen was no match.

Light punishment...!

Xiao Lin took the bait. "There won't be any pain?" He tentatively asked.

The Emperor gave a light nod, "There won't be any torturous pain."

Light punishment if I go over. Harsh punishment if I don't. Nonetheless, I'm not escaping punishment! Ugh!

Completely focused on whether there would be any pain or not, Xiao Lin didn't pay much attention to the Emperor's words.

Deciding, he took a hesitant step forward when a hand grabbed his wrist. "Don't—"

Crackle! Zap!

Chen Yu groaned in pain, reflexively taking a step back and looked at his burnt hand.

Xiao Lin also looked in horror at the burnt-black hand from which smoke was literally rising. The smell of charred skin made him nauseous. His lips trembled, eyes glistening with moisture.

"Come, Xiao Lin. Don't make me angrier than I already am." The Emperor ordered calmly and finally stopped leaning on the tree trunk and stood straight.

Xiao Lin looked at the injured hand one last time before lowering his head. "Sorry," he whispered out before taking a faltering step forward.

"Xiao Lin, you don't have to—"

"Brother Chen, please. You don't know...I've to... It's my fault. I shouldn't have gotten you involved. Please, take care of my sister." He finished before taking a deep breath and walked over to the man whom he unsuccessfully escaped from. He didn't dare to raise his eyes and kept looking at the ground littered with the amalgam of colorful, dead, and alive leafage.


He couldn't escape. Even this far, he was found.

He stopped in front of the other's chest. There was a good enough height difference between the Emperor and him. He could only reach the other's chest.

A hand grabbed his shoulder and pulled making Xiao Lin's face smack against the hard chest. Then a heavy arm was wrapped around his shoulders, fixing him against the broad chest.

The prisoner held in place became stilled, not daring to move.

A very familiar buzzing and the crackling sound were heard. Electricity? Xiao Lin frowned and looked to his right. His brows going up. It was indeed electricity. Unnatural purple-colored electricity was crackling, buzzing around the Emperor's hand.

When the hand was raised towards the direction of Chen Yu, Xiao Lin became alarmed.

"No, Don't!" He shouted. But it was too late. A bright flash made by it momentarily blinded him.

Chen Yu used his strongest defense barrier and made an attack of his own to lessen the power of the masked man's attack. But his barrier was easily shattered and the attack easily devoured. The purple-electricity tore through the obstacles and hit squarely at Chen Yu's chest. The impact threw him hard against the tree-trunk behind. The front of his robe staining red as he coughed up blood.

Xiao Lin was horrified, eyes filling with tears. He hurriedly grabbed for the Emperor's arm which was still raised, trying to bring it down. "Please...don't. He'd die. My mistake...won't run away again. I'd do anything, please...stop." He pleaded, tearfully.

Song Longwei Looked down at the boy. He grabbed Xiao Lin's chin, making him tilt his face up, before bending down to whisper in his ears. "You begging and crying for another man makes me want to kill him even more."


Xiao Lin's body shook with the coldness of the other man. His mind, chaotic, desperately tried to think of something to calm this psycho angry Emperor. So, in desperation, he decided to use a different tactic. Before the Emperor could move away completely, Xiao Lin circled his arms around his neck, stopping him and did something which he never thought he'd do in his life.

His soft bruised lips landed onto the Emperor's, giving him a quick kiss. Only a peck.

But the Emperor stilled, burning gaze boring into Xiao Lin's pleading one who was scared by such a look. "I'd listen to you, Your Majesty. He's just like an elder brother to me...But my mistake...shouldn't have escaped. I'd listen to you. Please forgive me. Please..." He pleaded and looked up then, meeting the red-burning gaze boring into his pleading one.

Song Longwei looked at the tear-stained scarlet cheeks. Looked at the wet big pleading-eyes red from the earlier crying. Looked at the still bruised lips from his earlier punishment-kiss, feeling oddly satisfied. His heart felt uncomfortable. And desires awakened. He wanted to see his little concubine cry. But only for him. Under him. The corners of his lips quirked up.

Putting an arm under Xiao Lin's bum who stiffened, the Emperor rose to his full height, easily lifting Xiao Lin up in a seated position so that both of Xiao Lin's legs were on either side of his waist.

And, they disappeared.

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