《I'm Not An Emperor's Sweetie Pie! (BL)》Chapter 23


The dread Xiao Lin felt he had never felt before. Because he was two-hundred percent sure he'd not be found. He didn't expect it. So sure. He was very far away. There was no way.

With a hysterical mind, he started shouting at the top of his lungs as he tried to struggle free. "Help! Somebody! A pervert! Attacking me! Killing me! Hel—mmphh!!"

Xiao Lin's eyes opened wide. The rest of the shout was swallowed by the other person.

Song Longwei had grabbed the back of his hair and pulled, making Xiao Lin's face up. Then, his lips were captured in a brutal, punishing kiss, making him shut up.

Poor Xiao Lin's lips were bitten, his tongue wasn't shown any mercy either and the rusty flavor, mixed with saliva, spread within their mouths.

Xiao Lin pushed hard against the strong chest, wanting to free himself so he could breathe. Does the blasted man want to suffocate me to deaaath!


Suddenly there was a flash of light followed by a strong hot gust of wind and blasting sound.

Without even looking, Song Longwei raised his hand and deflected the sudden attack as he pushed Xiao Lin away who landed a few distance away. He calmly looked over at the intruder then with his dark, bottomless eyes.

Finally released, Xiao Lin instinctively and hungrily took in the lost oxygen which was again knocked out of him as his butt landed on the hard floor. He groaned. Then took long breaths to fill his lungs with enough oxygen.

What happened?

"Xiao Lin, are you all right?" It was the anxious voice of brother Chen.

He looked over then. In front of the Emperor, a few distance away, stood brother Chen looking angry and worried.

Xiao Lin surveyed his surroundings. Most of the tables and chairs were broken, turned into debris. The left side of the room was burning, the rest of the tables and chairs within. The Emperor stood on the same spot, unruffled.


Brother Chen did this?! He, too, had an ability? Xiao Lin thought, surprised, and amazed.

His Majesty is in disguise, surely because he doesn't want his identity to be discovered. Thinking this, Xiao Lin decided to take advantage of this fact. He got up while massaging his aching butt and ran straight to his rescuer, brother Chen, and grabbed his arm.

Looking at how his concubine ran towards the other man and grabbed his arm, Song Longwei narrowed his eyes dangerously, displeased.

"Brother Chen, please save me. This pervert is attacking me!"

Where does one get a chance to call an Emperor a pervert? Only when he's in disguise and playing a different role, heh! Xiao Lin thought since he's already screwed that the devil has found him, insulting the man before his(Xiao Lin) imminent demise didn't feel like a bad idea. There was no hope for life. He ruefully thought.

Chen Yu patted Xiao Lin's head before draping an arm around his shoulders in a protective manner to comfort him. "Don't worry. I'm here now." He said before turning his attention to the masked man. "Who are you? How dare you do such an improper thing to Xiao Lin!"

Song Longwei glanced at that arm and chuckled darkly. "Improper? He's mine. I can do as many improper things as I want." He replied in a low and calm voice, with a hint of danger and provocation.

Xiao Lin's face turned crimson. How shameless! It was one thing to be seen while being kissed by another man but another when that said man was blatantly saying such shameless things out loud.

How much embarrassment in one day, ahh!

Visibly troubled, Chen Yu looked at Xiao Lin. "You...do you know him?"

"No," he shook his head, looking very innocent and troubled as he continued, "He's just a weird stalker. Probably a serial killer of prett—handsome boys too."


Chen Yu felt speechless.

Song Longwei looked at his concubine wearing a brave-façade and being insolent. The corners of the lips quirked up which sent a shiver down Xiao Lin's spine.

Why is he smiling? What's wrong with your head, Your Majesty, ah!? If I'm caught this time...! Heavens have mercy on me. He looked over at his rescuer. Maybe the heavens have finally sent me a knight! Please, brother, you're my only hope.

Song Longwei started walking towards the duo. His every step was calm and confident and spoke of his high status and strength even if he was in disguise. A monarch of this Empire.

Both Xiao Lin and Chen Yu became alarmed.

Chen Yu pushed Xiao Lin behind him and erected a high, invisible barrier around them. The other party made him feel uncomfortable; made him feel inferior and pressured. His warrior instincts warned, but he didn't listen. He brought forward his fist and opened it. A sigil appeared briefly in his palm. And a big fire dragon was formed from the thin air which flew straight towards the masked-man.

This was the first time Xiao Lin saw such a scene. Amazed and awestricken, his eyes sparkled with wonder and excitement. But the next second, his heart felt uncomfortable. What if the Emperor really di—! Before the thought could be completed, Xiao Lin was dumbstricken.

Just with a wave of the Emperor's hand, the dragon...disappeared, no, dispersed. Just like that!? That easy?!

Song Longwei was not looking at the Chen person. His eyes were on his concubine, taking in his every expression, no matter how quickly they changed into a different one. Observing.

Chen Yu looked in disbelief as one of his strongest attacks was dealt like a puny one. But it was only for a second. As a warrior who had experiences in fighting, he was quick to react. He threw another attack, intending to distract, carried Xiao Lin, and made a quick escape. No common man could deal with an attack of such a level just like that. He looked at the person in his arms. Xiao Lin has attracted a really troublesome problem. What has he been doing in the capital? He thought.

Xiao Lin felt an arm around his waist when brother Chen had grabbed him then there was strong wind slapping his face. He squinted his eyes, trying to open them but the wind was just so strong. He could only glimpse the flashes of blurred scenery.

When Chen Yu finally stopped, they were in the woods. He put Xiao Lin down. "We're far enough," he panted out. "He can't catch up—" He cut himself off, face turning grim when his eyes caught something ahead.

Xiao Lin also looked, inhaling sharply. His hopeful expression turned miserable. In the shrubbery ahead, a tall tree stood. Leisurely leaning against the big trunk of that tree was the masked-man they've tried to escape from.

Unlike Chen Yu, the Emperor showed no signs of exhaustion.

"What did I tell you about letting other men touch you, hm?" The deep voice rang in the silent and mysterious woods as the Emperor asked before turning to look at his scared little concubine.


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