《I'm Not An Emperor's Sweetie Pie! (BL)》Chapter 22


The next day, Xiao Lin felt refreshed and much better.

He removed his robes to take a bath. All thanks to brother Chen and Su Ming who prepared the bathwater for him. He undid his hair before gathering them into a bun when they got pulled by the chain around his neck. "Ow!" He untangled the hair from the pendant's chain. Clutching the pendant into his hand, Xiao Lin deliberated over removing it or not. He was now in his village, safe and sound, far from the capital city. The Emperor wouldn't be able to find him here, right? So, why keep wearing it? He brought his hands behind, fingers searching for the clasp.

"Brother Lin, don't take too long. Breakfast is almost ready." Came Su Ming's voice from behind the screen which started Xiao Lin into bringing his hands back.

"Okay." He said, before quickly taking a bath.

After the bath and breakfast, he thanked brother Chen, then went to see his sister and surprise her. Su Ming stayed behind because he wanted to go explore the village with brother Chen.

Thinking about his this-world sister, he couldn't help but remember his own elder sisters. In the other world. He wondered if his family had moved on.

Zhong Meixiu, his younger sister, was learning medicine from the village's doctor. So, he went straight to uncle Lee's small clinic.

Zhong Meixiu was arranging herbs in the back room when she heard the door open. Thinking uncle Lee has come in she turned around but froze on the spot.

"Brother?" She whispered in a daze.

Xiao Lin smiled seeing the disbelieving surprised-expression on his sister's face. "Little Meixiu, how have you been?"

Eyes sparkling with unshed tears, she hurriedly placed the herbs in her hand on the table and went straight into her brother's opened arms.

Xiao Lin patted her head, feeling emotional himself. "There, there. Stop crying, crybaby."

"These are tears of happiness. I was so worried. You suddenly stopped replying to my letters."

"Ah...that's because...I got busy with work."

"What work? You never told me about what you did. So, I couldn't help but worry more." She complained.

How could I have the face to tell that your brother danced wearing women's clothes in a brothel!? Embarrassing to death, ahh! I rather die than tell you or anyone that! No, not die, that's pretty painful too!


"Stop smearing snot and tears on my new robe." He grabbed her shoulders, pushing her away. "Let me look at you properly." With his sleeves, Xiao Lin cleaned the tears from his sister's face.

"There's no snot, only tears." She corrected, pouting.

"Yeah, yeah. Why haven't you grown taller?" He joked. She had actually gotten taller, probably ate those bamboo-shoots or such herbs.

Meixiu gave his brother a light smack on the chest. "It's you, brother, who haven't gotten any taller. I think I'd be taller than you in a year or few months." She gloated, looking confident.

Xiao Lin felt a sudden crisis because she was right. Why did she get taller and I didn't?! How would I get a woman if I remained a shortie, ah!?

"Which herbs did you eat to get that tall? Tell me about them too." He urged, genuinely curious.

Zhong Meixiu laughed heartily. "So, for how long you're going to stay, brother?"

"You already want me to go back?" He raised a brow.

"Of course not!" She almost chirped, laughing.

"I guess...I would stay for a few months."

She nodded, grabbed her brother's hand, and dragged him out of the room. "Come brother. Let's go. I've so much to talk about."


From that day on, Xiao Lin started living with his sister like in olden days. Su Ming also went back to his hometown after a week. Their old house really needed some repairing, so with the little money Xiao Lin had saved up, he used some of it on the house.

The nearby town was only a short distance away. Many villagers went there to work or sell stuff. Some picked up wild herbs from the mountains and went to the town to sell them. Some would open up stalls early in the morning in the town to sell vegetables and fruits.

Xiao Lin also started working in the town-restaurant as a waiter and a small chef. With the modern-world knowledge, the pastries, pancakes, steamed-buns, etc., he made were well-received and became a little popular too. Though he didn't earn as much as he did in the Capital city as a dancer, he was satisfied.

"Meixiu, what do you think about moving to the town?" Xiao Lin asked one day after reaching home.


Zhong Meixiu was sewing a child's robe. She did small jobs like mending or sewing clothes, going to the mountain to pick wild herbs, vegetables and fruits, and knitted sweaters to sell in the winter to earn some money. Although his brother had said to stop working and focus completely on her studies, but she couldn't bear to burden his brother.

"Brother, you want to move to the town?" She looked up then.

"Yes. You can't learn much in the village. The town school is good. I also find traveling every day wearisome."

Zhong Meixiu tilted her head, thinking. "Okay. I don't have any objections."

"Brother Chen has helped me find a good one. The rent isn't much. Ahh!!" Xiao Lin smacked his head. "I totally forgot to go to the pawnshop again today to get our ring back!"

His sister smiled. "That's okay. There's still time. They won't sell it yet."

Moving started soon after. They didn't have much luggage to begin with so moving to a new place was rather easy. Thus, began a simple life of two siblings in the town.

Just like that another week and a half passed. Xiao Lin was walking home after work. The sky was dark. Street-lanterns illuminated the way. Some shops were still open. Some had already closed up. And some were in the middle of being closed. Everyone was busy with their lives. It would soon be a month, he thought. Time sure flies by.

"Ah, I still haven't gotten the ring back." He thought aloud, regretfully. Gotta do that the first thing in the morning!

So, the next day, he first went to the pawnshop, got the ring back then went to work. When he was near finishing and going home, someone came.

"Xiao Lin?"

Xiao Lin turned around. "Oh, brother Chen, you're here. There's still 30 minutes until I'm done."

"No problem. I would be waiting outside."

The day before yesterday, Xiao Lin had invited Chen Yu to have dinner with them. That's why he was here today.

"Xiao Lin, upper-floor. Table 5. They've ordered our special local wine." His colleague informed.

Xiao Lin nodded. "Okay."

Upper-floor was decorated well and looked sophisticated. No rush. It had a quiet ambiance. The tables on the upper-floor were expensive. Hence, only people with money could book a table on the upper floor.

Xiao Lin was carrying a jar of wine as he went to the upper floor. But when he reached there something didn't feel right. His brows furrowed as he looked around. There were almost no customers.

It was easy to spot table five in this near-emptiness. A single man sat there. His back was turned towards Xiao Lin.

He walked over. "Sir, your win—"

The words got stuck in his throat as his eyes landed on the man. He froze, a cold shiver ran down his spine as his hands, still holding the jar on the table, trembled badly enough to almost spill the wine.

That can't be! There's no way it could be him. Other people wore masks too. Yeah...no big deal.

He calmed himself down. "Do you want me to pour a cup for you, sir?" He asked the masked man. The mask worn by this man was somewhat similar to what was worn by the Emperor. Half-covered face. Eyes showing. That's why it gave him a scare. A really bad scare.

The masked-man didn't look up but nodded quietly. After filling the cup, Xiao Lin took a few steps intending to leave when he heard a question from behind.

"Where are you going, Xiao Lin?"

Poor Xiao Lin stumbled from the shock and fright; his eyes going wide with horror. There was no doubt. He knew this voice! Hearing the drumming of his heart in his ears, the flight reaction kicked in and he ran straight for the exit door, towards the stairs thinking this must be how the rabbit felt when faced with the wolf, before being killed and eaten.

How? Why?

"Heh, is this how you should greet your husband?" The man said in a sweet and leisurely tone.

Xiao Lin's heart almost stopped hearing that dark laugh. The next second, he hit something hard. Not a hard-as-the-wall thing. As the strong arms wrapped around him, he realized, it's someone's chest.


"Caught you, my little concubine." Whispered the devil in his ears.


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