《I'm Not An Emperor's Sweetie Pie! (BL)》Chapter 20


As the two spies watched Xiao Lin get under the carriage; the taller one frowned while the shorter one's shoulders shook with muffled laughter as he said, "There's no way he could escape like that. Doesn't he know that the guards at the gate aren't just any guards; they can sense his presence."

"He probably doesn't know." The taller spy added.

After a few minutes, the taller spy touched his forehead as the shorter one burst out laughing again when they watched Xiao Lin falling down.

As Xiao Lin was busy vomiting and feeling dizzy, the taller spy stood behind him in a flash and put his hand on Xiao Lin's head, making him lose consciousness instantly. Carrying him then both spies disappeared from the sight.


Su Ming, unbeknownst to Xiao Lin's circumstances, continued to drive forward. Reaching the front gates, the anxious Su Ming showed the guards pass.

"What's in the carriage?" The first guard asked.

"M-my master is sleeping in there. He had too much to drink today. That's why I'm driving."

The other guard checked the carriage and the 'master's' condition. Then nodded towards the first guard.

"You can go." Just like that, Su Ming who was sweating buckets, was finally released; his heart bursted with relief, excitement and happiness.

After he was some safe distance away, Su Ming alighted from the carriage and excitedly called for Xiao Lin. "My lad- brother Xiao Lin, you can come out."

He waited then. No response. Su Ming frowned. Since it was still a night-time, the area was remote. Su Ming got out a small oil-lamp from his bag, lighting it then bent down to look. All the color left his face. There was no brother Xiao Lin! Panicked, his eyes frantically looked around in darkness. Where did he go? With the lamp in one hand, he walked around, surveying. Maybe he fell down? Su Ming thought.


Someone groaned which made Su Ming jump. He then walked towards the direction of the sound. Moving the lamp closer to the person lying on the ground, he saw the familiar face feeling relieved.

He shook the unconscious Xiao Lin's shoulder. No reaction. Su Ming shook again; this time harder. "Brother Xiao Lin, wake up. Brother! Brothe—"

"Quiet down! I'm awake, awake! Stop shaking!" Xiao Lin grunted out.

"What happened? Did you fall down?! Doesn't matter. We finally escaped! Finally!" Su Ming informed in an excited but not so loud voice.

Xiao Lin sat up, then looked around. "We...we are outside?" He asked, confused.


"How? Didn't I..." Xiao Lin thought aloud, befuddled. "I lost my grip and fell down in the Palace."

"How could that be? We are outside the palace now. You just fell down after we escaped."

"No. I fell down in the Palace! How could I be here? Outside!?"

"Are you sure? Maybe too much shaking has made your head bad." Su Ming asked, looking very concerned.

Xiao Lin's mouth twitched, wanting to smack that head again.

"Let's go!" Xiao Lin stood up. "We have to move to some safe place as soon as possible. There'll be a search soon for sure. And if we are caught...we will be killed; no question asked!" He made a throat slitting gesture.

Su Ming gulped while Xiao Lin doubted if he himself would get an instant death. After all, His Majesty's concubine has run away; throwing ink of shame on his face. Haha, thinking about this way, it felt good! Xiao Lin gloatingly thought. But if caught, that Emperor would definitely do something worse! Xiao Lin shuddered at the thought.

That was my payback to you! Mr. Powerful! Pervert King! Hah! He mentally patted himself on the back, giving strength to himself with positive thinking.



The Palace

During the morning court, the chief eunuch's face, who was standing behind His Majesty Song Longwei, went immediately pale as the messenger whispered something in his ear. He asked the messenger a few questions before going forward to relay the information to His Majesty's ear.

Hearing the news, the Emperor's eyes turned deathly cold; a hint of red flashing in them. The subjects present in the court-hall suddenly felt immense pressure. The blood-thirsty aura released was hard for the people present to bear. The poor man who was reporting on some matter immediately became frightened, thinking he somehow made His Majesty angry. He was about to kowtow and ask for forgiveness when the Emperor stood up.

"The court is adjourned." The chief eunuch announced as Emperor Song Longwei reigned in his anger and dark aura before making his way to his study. There he listened to the whole report.

"Increase the city's border security. Check every person who leaves the city. Search the whole Palace grounds and the city. I want them found immediately." He narrowed his eyes dangerously, continuing, "Investigate how they were able to escape." He ordered the captain of the guards.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After the captain left to carry out orders, Song Longwei was alone in his study. He looked outside of the window, at the clear-blue morning sky roamed by birds. What bothered him more was the fact that he couldn't track his concubine; something was hindering him. Who would dare? What if someone stole what's originally his? He clenched his left-hand into a fist. The air in the study became turbulent. Cracks on the wall started to appear.

"Calm down, Your Majesty." The voice came before the door of the study was opened.

Fu Liwei entered; his eyes instantly landing on the other's forehead. Yes, it was happening what he feared. A small intricate-marking had become visible in the center of the Emperor's forehead. And the color of it had turned another shade darker from red; going towards black.

He made a sigil in the air. Then, walking forward, put his two fingers on the Emperor's forehead -not quite touching it- where a small intricate pattern was.

"The seal is already weak. Your Majesty, you can't afford to lose your temper. You have to keep hold of your emotions."

"I can't find my concubine."

Fu Liwei looked up at his cousin's cold face whose eyes resembled a frozen lake on a moonless night. He had known him from childhood; he knew how dark his personality could be.

"You can't?"

After a moment of silence, Song Longwei chuckled darkly; the corner of his lips slightly turning up in an imitation of a smile which clearly bore no good.

Fu Liwei's back felt cold; his heart shivered.


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