《I'm Not An Emperor's Sweetie Pie! (BL)》Chapter 16


Emperor Song Longwei left Xiao Lin and went to the conjoined room.

Xiao Lin slowly got up, sulking. He deliberately took a minute or two to straighten up his costume and hair. He sullenly went to other room, finding the Emperor sitting at the table and pouring a cup of wine for himself.

This felt wrong! I don't want to dance anymore. My earlier enthusiasm is gone. Thanks to you! Xiao Lin complained in his head to the scary man sitting in front.

Xiao Lin just stood there awkwardly. He entwined his hands in front, fidgeting under the scorching gaze of the Emperor who leisurely took a sip of his drink.

"You look stiff. Come. Drink with Zhen."

Oh, yes! I'm stressed because of you!

Xiao Lin thought for a second. I guess a drink would help to loosen my nerves up a bit. No harm in it!

He nodded. "Ah, yes. Thank you, your Majesty." He approached the Emperor cautiously like he was approaching some predator. He sat down and looked at the single wine cup on the table.

"I should go and get a cup."

"No need. Use this one."

Xiao Lin opened his mouth to reject then thought better of it and poured a cup for himself. He made a disgusted face as the liquid touched his tongue before immediately smoothing his expression in fear the Emperor would find it rude.

What the hell is this thing! A wine or some medicine! Even this man's tastes are also bad, no wonder! Damn, if I refuse now, he'll be offended. What did I do to have such a bad day, oh heaves!?

He looked at the red drink before gulping it down in one go. But, in the end, he couldn't help but make a face, showing his dislike. His throat felt hot as the liquid went down. This thing was strong!


Song Longwei poured him another one.

Oh, man! Damn you!

This time, Xiao Lin didn't down it in one go, instead he took slow sips. The alcohol was working its magic. He felt his taut body relax. The alcohol made his lips redder and cheeks rosier making him appear more enticing and tempting.

Xiao Lin finished his second cup and the Emperor started pouring another cup. "Your Majesty, if I dran- Oh!" He cut himself off when he saw the scary Emperor drink it himself.

"Your Majesty, musicians have arrived." Came a voice of a eunuch from the outside the door.

The Emperor ordered them to sit behind the screen. So, they couldn't see whatever was happening in the room.

With the Emperor's permission, Xiao Lin stood up and told the musicians what to play since he often practiced with them, they knew what type of music to play.

Alcohol did good to Xiao Lin's body and mind, making him feel confident and relaxed. He stood in the center of room. Music flowed and his body with it. He danced unreservedly, not worrying about anything. His expressions were of enjoyment; provocation. The way his belly moved, his hips moved, his whole being moved was an art of seduction; sensuality; enticement. It seemed like music was coming out of his body, entrancing anyone who saw.

Song Longwei watched. The wine cup, which he had forgotten to take a sip from, got a crack as his hand unintentionally clenched around it resulting in spilling of liquid.

Throwing the broken cup away, he stood up, eyes not straying an inch from the tempting figure as he approached.

Xiao Lin had his back turned to the Emperor, so he didn't notice his approach. It was only when he spun around that he got badly startled and scared, making his step miss and foot slip. Before he could fall, he was already scooped up by strong pair of arms in bridle style. The sudden motion made Xiao Lin reflexively grab onto the Emperor's shoulder.


"Wha- Why?" He was again baffled by this new turn of events.

Longwei Looked at his concubine in his arms as he slowly walked towards his bedroom. "Never ever do that in front of anyone but I, your husband. If Zhen saw you tempt anyone like that, I would first poke that person's eyes out then kill him brutally. You won't escape punishment either. Understand?" Song Longwei said with serious face.

Xiao Lin, speechless, nodded his head vigorously.



Then, he was again thrown on the bed, second time in one day. But this time, Xiao Lin landed on the soft mattress face first. Immediately, he felt weight on his back, pinning him down followed by a hard-rock thing poking his ass. Then he felt hot breath and wet sensation at his neck; the Emperor licked the soft area before sucking it.

It was all too sudden that for a second Xiao Lin's mind went blank completely. At first, he didn't understand what it was that was poking his ass. As the truth dawned on him about the situation he was in, Xiao Lin blushed like a virgin he was. He panicked and struggled.

In his panicked state, his mouth moved own its own before his mind could register the words, "No, you can't! I'm not a girl!"

Song Longwei stopped, lifting his head up a little to look at the person under him. He grabbed Xiao Lin, easily flipping him with on hand so he could look at his concubine properly.

"Ah!" Xiao Lin felt like crying. "No...tha- that was... You- Your Majesty...I mean—"

"Oh, Really? Let Zhen see then." Song Longwei started to undo Xiao Lin's upper garment, revealing a pale flushed chest and two cherries, standing erect for attention.

Xiao Lin's hands were itching to stop the emperor and cover his chest. But he was a man! He didn't have boobs! Then why was he feeling so embarrassed like a girl, ah?! He had blurted the truth, so now he should embrace it like a man! Don't be embarrassed! Don't be scared! He chanted in his head. He looked anywhere, but at the handsome face above and blushed like a maiden.

Xiao Lin felt scorching gaze roaming his naked torso, burning him.

"Ahh!" Startled cry escaped his lip, he looked at the Emperor in disbelief, wide eyed. The man had grabbed his manhood! How shameless! Xiao Lin gulped, lips quivering a little. No one has ever touched him there before. But then, no one has ever licked or sucked his neck too! Or...! Xiao Lin's thoughts got interrupted when he heard the other one speak.

"Indeed, you are not a woman." The Emperor said, as if confirming. He moved next to Xiao Lin's ear before continuing, "But Zhen already knew that." He chuckled. The deep sound and hot breath hitting the skin sent electric shock through Xiao Lin's body.

Xiao Lin couldn't decide for a moment what was more shocking, that the Emperor laughed or that he already knew?

But...how? From when?


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