《I'm Not An Emperor's Sweetie Pie! (BL)》Chapter 15


"Yue Jiejie, look what your great plan to embarrass the new concubine has done! Instead of being punished, she's sitting with His Majesty and serving him. Now, look! His Majesty is also letting her eat with him!" Li Na lamented.

"My plan was perfect, Nana." Li Yue gave his younger sister a side glare before resuming her elegant smile. "I also don't understand why she wasn't punished. I'm sure his Majesty did get angry. But, his reaction was strange." Li Yue mused. "Why am I even surprised. His Majesty does a lot of things we don't understand."

Unbeknown to them, imperial concubine, Kang Biyu, who wasn't sitting that far from the two noble consorts, clearly heard their whispering.

Li Na snorted and went back to drinking her tea. It was then she heard the conversation between the two Emperors. Emperor Qing requested to see the new concubine's dance one last time before his departure for his home.

Emperor Song Longwei acquiesced.

Xiao Lin internally sighed in relief to be finally released from this stifling environment. Just sitting with the Emperor made one feel really uncomfortable. Doesn't he know how his stoic, unsmiling face makes other people uneasy!

Since it was a special request from the other Empire's Emperor; the performance should also be special, Xiao Lin decided. So, he went to wear the second dress he had the royal-tailor made.

He always wore his custom-made underwear to hide evidence of his manhood so he didn't have to worry about this new fitting costume. These ancient folks probably haven't seen many dance forms. But today, he would show them; his awesome belly dance!

Heh! I wonder how they would react! He giggled just thinking about it. His mood made better by the new thoughts, Xiao Lin felt excited. He hurriedly got ready. This body, although male, didn't have excess hair. Probably because it was still young. But, what little he had at some places, he had already removed them earlier by this era's razor or should he call it a knife? Since he was disguising himself as a female. So, all the exposed body parts looked clean and flawless.


Qing Jinhai was talking to some official. A small peculiar sound of small bells caught his attention. Being a powerful Emperor, his hearing and sight were better than other folks. He unmindfully turned his head to look, finding an incoming figure which was still a bit far away but he could see, clearly. His usual smile, which he always carried, immediately fell.

Xiao Lin was wearing a red costume which he had specially designed for the belly dance.

It had a thin skirt up to his ankles which was cut vertically at the two sides at the front, hence exposing his flawless, smooth legs up to mid-thighs whenever he took a step forward. Because of the fitting, his perky buttocks moved seductively.

As for the torso, since he was a male, he had the upper-part designed in a way that covered his chest well; only shoulders, arms, and belly were exposed. He also added some clothe to the chest area to give a little volume, it still looked somewhat flat. Better this way, perhaps the Emperor would dislike flat-chested concubine and send her away. He shrugged to himself.

(Pics for imagination purposes.)

The way he walked; what he wore; the exposed skin; overall, he looked seductive.

The tinkling, clinking sound became louder as Xiao Lin moved closer. He attentively looked ahead, anticipating the gathered people's reactions.

Their attention also caught by the sound; the audience turned their head to look.


A strong wind made them close their eyes for a moment. When they reopened, there was nothing except one little red-veil lying on the floor. And, they found, Emperor Song has gone missing. Where did he go? They all thought.


Song Longwei looked at his alluring concubine splayed on his bed. Skirt astray. Naked legs and arms spread. Disheveled hair. He took a moment to appreciate the view in front.

Xiao Lin didn't understand what had happened. First, he felt a strong wind; next, he felt someone grab him and then he found himself being thrown harshly on something soft. Although soft, the impact still left his head shaken.


His bewildered eyes wide open looked at the beautiful and unfamiliar ceiling above. A room? From hall to some kind of room in seconds? He was so confused that his mind went completely blank for a moment.

Wha...?! How? Supernatural phenomenon?! This world has superbeings? Not a normal world?

His mind was bombarded with numerous questions that he didn't realize when the Emperor got on top of him, placing himself in between Xiao Lin's splayed legs.

"Eeeeeh!" An embarrassing startled scream escaped his lips as a foreign hand was placed on his leg which brought him back to the present. His eyes finally focused on the handsome face above him. The scary Emperor!

Ah? Holy sh*t!

That's when he realized their scandalous positions. Danger bells rang. Xiao Lin immediately tried to get away from under the Emperor.

But, of course, the Emperor was a step ahead of him as he swiftly and facilely grabbed Xiao Lin's both wrists in his left hand, pinning them above his head.

Xiao Lin struggled but in vain. The strength difference between them was huge.

What the hell did he eat to get this big and strong!? Oh, tsk! Forgot! Of course, how can I even compare when he's a superhuman! Oh, heavens, what is this?! Why am I in this predicament!?

Now, this made Xiao Lin really scared. His heart beating fast. Throat dry. Looking into Emperor's dark-red eyes which seemed to be slightly glowing made him more scared. So, he looked at anywhere but those eyes. He gulped, tried to.

The insolent hand started to glide upward on the Xiao Lin's smooth skin, stopping at his half-exposed thigh and caressing the inside of it with a thumb. The flesh under it trembled.

"Sir- I mean yo–Your Majesty, wh–what are you doing?"

"This," the Emperor started, caressing Xiao Lin's leg up and down, then moving his hand to caress the naked belly and waist, tracing its contours "this," he continued, enjoying the little trembles of the small body underneath him. Then, his hand traced Xiao Lin's both arms and shoulders, "and this," he spoke again, referring to each part as he touched them. All the while, he looked dead straight into Xiao Lin's frightened eyes who refused to meet them. And lastly, the big hand cupped Xiao Lin's cheeks, patting it twice, forcing Xiao Lin to look into his eyes, "all mine. Your whole being is mine. Belongs only to Zhen. For Zhen eyes to see only. And you dared to show what is mine to other men. This is your second offense today. You, Zhen's concubine, be ready for punishment." He finished.

Eh? What's the first one? Scared Xiao Lin was dumbfounded but he dared not ask that question aloud.

I knew it! This Emperor's head is not normal! How crazy! Ahh! He's also a pervert!

"Wait, wait, wait! Your Majesty! Please! You misunderstood! I– I wasn't trying to show my body to other...other men. I was going to do a special dance. And... and, it required this clothing! I'm sorry. I didn't know I can't wear it. I ask for your Majesty's forgiveness. I'm a poor village b– girl, didn't know all these things!"

Song Longwei moved towards Xiao Lin's ear making Xiao Lin's body to go stiff. "Zhen will complete the ritual soon. And the markings will show, letting the whole world see who you belong to." He promised before releasing Xiao Lin and getting up.

Stunned, Xiao Lin didn't understand what he meant.

"Get up. Zhen will see this special dance of yours now." The Emperor commanded.


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