《I'm Not An Emperor's Sweetie Pie! (BL)》Chapter 4


Rong Empire was flourishing tremendously after Song Longwei - the current emperor - took the throne. Xihua was the capital of Rong Empire which was also the tourists attraction as it not only showed the rich culture but also the breathtaking scenic beauty of the city.

It took 3 whole days for Xiao Lin to reach the capital city's gate.

Horrible! He felt horrible and sick beacuse of the long journey. But also relieved that he had finally reached his destination.

The city walls were huge and majestic. But Xiao Lin felt too sick to enjoy the view fully.

The first thing he did, after paying the entry tax to soldiers at the gate, was to look for a cheap inn.

"Are you feeling okay? Can you continue walking?"

"Don't worry, sis–, I mean brother Ling. I'm good," Xiao Lin replied, feeling nauseous.

"But you don't look good. Maybe we should rest a bi–"

"No, pls," he interrupted. "I'll rest once we get there."

Looking at his stubbornness, brother Ling reluctantly acquiesced, supporting him a little while walking.

Brother Ling was actually a female who disguised herself as a male. Why she did that? Xiao Lin didn't know. He did ask her but was ignored. He thought she must have had her reasons, so he didn't bother asking her again.

She was also a friend Xiao Lin made during this journey. Their encounter was a rather embarrassing incident which accidentally revealed sister Ling's gender. She didn't even tell Xiao Lin her real name. So, in front of other's and even in private, he called her brother Ling because she strictly forbade him to call otherwise.

Sister Ling dealt in textile business and had a small shop in the capital. Xiao Lin felt lucky to have already made a friend who was this city's resident. Even if that friend was a bit weird and mysterious.


"We're here," she informed.

It was a small inn. 1st and 2nd floor had rooms for renting purposes while ground floor was for eating and drinking. Many people sat there eating and drinking. It was very boisterous.

After paying and renting a room for one, both went upstairs to the 2nd floor.

As soon as they entered the room, Xiao Lin went straight to bed and collapsed on it. It was a hard mattress. But as long as there is something to rest on.

"Thank you sister Ling," he mumbled before slipping into slumber.

Sister Ling chuckled lightly, went towards bed and covered Xiao Lin with a blanket. She also placed a bowl of water on the nearby table.

Then, as if remembering something, she went outside only to come back after a moment and placing a piece of paper on the table, leaving the room quietly after that.


Xiao Lin woke up the next day feeling much better. He asked the room service boy to prepare bath water for him. He paid the boy extra for that. Bathing in ancient times was really hard; Xiao Lin really missed his showers at home.

After cleaning himself up, he ordered his breakfast to his room. Thankfully, they provided this survive without extra charges, so he ate his breakfast in peace.

He looked again at the paper on the table which sister Ling left.

This is my address. If you need any help, or anything(even if you don't). Just come & see me.

Since he came to this new world, everybody have been helping him out. Xiao Lin didn't want to bother anyone else no more. Though, he planned to visit sister Ling later to thank her properly. He had already planned out what he gonna do to earn money fast.


It's dancing. Yeah, that's what he thought. That's the only skill he can think of which he could use in this era. Not only it was easy for him but he also quite enjoyed it. He knew ballet, sword dancing and some other dance forms.

Xiao Lin also knew cooking since his 2nd oldest sister in his previous life was a chef. But he wasn't much confident in that. Neither did he enjoy it as much as he did dancing.

Now, I gotta go outside and collect some info. He thought with a silly toothy grin.

Motivated by his own thoughts, he quickly finished his meal and enthusiastically went outside.

*Few hours later*


Xiao Lin slammed the door, scowling, and went to sit at the table. Anger, disappointment and a little sadness flashed across his face. He sat there, scowling at the table.

Brothel! Are they kidding me!

Of course, things can't go totally my way, now can they! He frustratedly thought.

Xiao Lin, look at the bright side. What if he had to work at the brothel. He grimaced just thinking about that. It's not like he was gonna sell himself. He just had to work there as a dancer.

It would be just a stepping stone. His aim was to be the special dancer at the big banquet which was going to be held at the Imperial Palace after 3 months.

He had heard from the people how Emperor handsomely paid those who performed at such events. And, if some performance caught the Emperor's eyes and he liked it, he would personally reward them. That meant, rare treasures and more gold! Xiao Lin giggled, eyes sparkling at the thought.

Eyes filled with determination; he started to plan ahead.

"Ah," came a sudden realization.

Although this body was slender and strong, it was not flexible. Xiao Lin needed to first practice dancing with this new body of his and get it flexible enough. The forms of dancing he was familiar with required that a lot. He was pretty sure he would get cramps and sore muscles as soon as he started training with this body.

He suspected it would take some time. But he didn't have that much time or money.

Whatever, I would just start and see how it goes.

Deciding, he went out to buy some female robes, makeup - just in case he needed it - and a veil to hide half of his face. Yes, he decided to disguise himself as a female dancer.

After done with everything, he felt hungry. He had skipped lunch so he had dinner early and went to bed, feeling tired.

I would start practicing from tomorrow onwards. He thought before getting lost into dreamland.


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