《I'm Not An Emperor's Sweetie Pie! (BL)》Chapter 2


Xiao Lin opened his eyes but still met that thatched roof sight.

Sighing, he sat up. He was feeling much better and clear headed today. He decided to check his new place and find whatever info he can get. So, he got up, and wandered around his new home, surveying and examining things nearby.

They're really poor, he concluded. Oh, Lin baby, this new life gonna be so challenging. He thought with depressed look.

While surveying another small room, he came across a hand mirror. Curious to see his new self, he went over and grabbed it, looking at himself in the mirror.

Pale skin, big round black eyes, plump pink lips, small pointy nose and black silky hair.

Wow! I'm so pretty! I might even start dating myself! He thought, grinning to himself.

But that soon disappeared. Which girl would date him if he looked more beautiful than them? He laughed at the thought, shaking his head. Silly Lin!

"Have you finally gone mad?”

Started by the man's voice, Xiao Lin turned around to find a handsome man around 22 or 23 and taller than him, standing there raised a brow while smirking.

Tsk! Who is this chap now?!

Xiao Lin looked at the man with a blank expression, who started to strut towards him.

They both stared at each other for a minute or two.

Chen Yu sighed. "So, it's really true you don't remember us. Little MeiXiu was crying her eyes out complaining to me that you have forgotten her." He narrowed his eyes, looking at the boy in front.

Xiao Lin started to sweat profusely; a drop sliding down the side of his face. But he still tried to kept a poker face. What if this man realized he's not the real one. He had read in history books the cruel punishments of witchcraft. What if he thought he's some kind of sorcerer?! Ancient people were superstitious. Oh God! He haven't even gone outside to collect information about this new world.



"Brother Chen, so you're here!" Zhong MeiXiu exclaimed cheerfully.

Chen Yu turned his head, smiling back at her. "Oh yes, I came to visit Xiao Lin."

Xiao Lin breathed a sigh of relief for interruption.

"Brother, you both sit and chat. I'll go and make some tea."

"No need. I'll go now. I have some work do to."

Chen Yu looked at the boy behind, patting his head while smiling. Then he walked towards Zhong MeiXiu.

"Little MeiXiu, don't worry. I'll send uncle Lee to check on him. He didn't even recognize his favorite brother Chen. Tsk! Tsk!" He looked at Xiao Lin disappointedly.

"Probably some kind of side effect of head injury." He mused to himself. "So, don't worry too much." He smiled reassuringly at little MeiXiu, ruffling her hair on the way before leaving.

"Brother, I'll go prepare bath water for you. Then let's have breakfast." Zhong MeiXiu said before turning to leave.

"En." Xiao Lin replied, lost in his thoughts.


"Here are your two bowls of noodles and a fish soup. Enjoy!" Xiao Lin said, smiling. Then went away to another table to collect the dishes.

He was working at a small restaurant in the village. The same restaurant whose roof he was trying to fix and fell from, getting a head injury in return.

Unfortunately, he didn't receive his host's memories but it was a lucky thing that he got hit in the head and everyone, including the physician, thought that his memory loss was because of that and would eventually return, within a month, at least.

Xiao Lin can't afford to live here for long and make everyone suspicious of him. Not only that, he can't live this life in poverty in some small village. He needed a plan to improve his and his only family in this world, his little sister's, living conditions.


Little MeiXiu had a talent in medicine and art of healing. But the young girl was working with aunt Hong and selling vegetables. He needed to earn enough so he could send his sister to school. She could even become a scholar; the girl was talented.

So, he couldn't do anything in this small village where there weren't much opportunities to begin with. Aside from that, it's a small communal village and everyone knew almost everyone who lived here.

He couldn't start showing his skills and modern knowledge here otherwise it would lead to everyone being suspicious of him. A head injury wasn't capable of making someone a completely new person with previously unlearned knowledge or skills. Tsk! Tsk! He can't take the risk or these people would really execute him for being a sorcerer and possessing this body.

So, he had decided, he needed to get out of here. He had planned to travel to the capital which was pretty far from this place. A good thing! Also, he had heard that the capital was very rich with numerous opportunities to earn extra money. Not only would he be able to stay away from villagers' suspecting eyes but will also be able to earn good money. He was grinning just thinking about it.

The only problem was that he needed some money for expenses like travelling, eating and staying. It's a capital so of course it would be a little expensive. And his savings were almost nonexistent. He wouldn't be able to get job as soon as he arrived there. He was not stupid to be that optimistic. He sighed while cleaning the table.

A/N: There might be some mistakes; I apologize for that. I wanted to complete at least 5 chapters in a week. So, will be posting 1 more today!


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