《I'm Not An Emperor's Sweetie Pie! (BL)》Chapter 1


Xiao Lin slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times to get his bleary vision to cleared up. He was met with the sight of thatched roof. He looked at it, dazed, feeling completely disoriented.

What the!?

Then memories came flashing back. He tried to sit up hurriedly but stopped as a sharp pain shot through his already throbbing head making him shut his eyes tightly. Placing a hand on his head, which he found bandaged, he waited for it to pass. Then he slowly sat up.

Looking around this run down, unknown and strange place, dread gripped his heart. It was a small but clean room containing nothing much.

Where is this place? He thought, looking around once more. Didn't the building fell on me! So, why am not in a hospital? The more he thought the more scared and confused he became.

"Brother, you awake? How are you feeling now?" Suddenly, a young girl's voice laced with concern asked, startling the poor Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin frowned, turning his ahead towards the direction of the voice. What brother!

It was a beautiful young lady around 15 or 16 wearing traditional but worn out clothing and holding a bowl of something which she then placed beside Xiao Lin.

"Brother, please eat something. I've brought you some soup. Please have some." She looked weary and sad. Why? But, nonetheless, smiled at her one and only sibling.

"I'm sorry but who are you and where is this place?" Xiao Lin asked, straightforwardly. The situation was making him more fearful.

Zhao MeiXiu looked at her brother, taken aback by his question. Her dear brother forgetting his most precious person brought tears to her eyes.

"Brother, you don't remember me?" She asked, sadness in her voice and tears ready to spill any moment now. "I'm your little sister, Zhao MeiXiu and this is our home." She paused before adding "You fell while fixing uncle Lee's roof and hit your head badly."


That made him cold sweat. What little sister! I never had one! Where are my parents and real sisters?

He didn't like how things were turning out. He just wanted to go home to his real family.

"I asked Uncle Lee for some medicine. He was kind enough to give me some for free. Have it after soup." Zhao MeiXiu went out of the room to bring her brother medicine.

Giving the bowl of soup a perfunctory glace, Xiao Lin looked at his fidgeting hands in his lap only to notice they weren't his. The hands in front were pale and looked soft with slender, long fingers. He was pretty sure he never had such pale, beautiful and feminine looking hands.

Blood drained out of his already pale face. He placed his hands on his face; it was smooth and soft, no facial hair.

But when he checked his hair, they were long, really long. He pulled a little to see if they were real. Ouch! Indeed they were. Is he in female body? Feeling cold sweat dripping down his spine, he placed his hand on his chest, flat, then grabbed his crotch. Yup, definitely a male body. In spite of being in this bizarre situation, he still felt a little relieved to find at least something still remained the same.

So, what? Have I transmigrated to another world and body? Oh no, such things don't happen in real, only in fictions. What're you thinking, stupid Lin. He reprimanded himself.

Hearing the footsteps, he attention diverted to the teenage girl who placed another bowl containing some ugly looking almost black liquid beside the soup bowl.

"Brother, you haven't eaten the soup yet? Please brother, here, hold it." She grabbed the soup and placed it in her brother's hands.

Looking at the girl's pleading eyes, Xiao Lin drank the bland tasting soup and also the ugly looking and bitter thing called medicine.


You sure, girl, this won't kill me instead! Yuck!

Heaving a sigh of relief, Zhao MeiXiu collected the dishes, smiling at her brother. "Brother, please have some more rest and try to sleep. I'll come by later. I'm going to work now." She stood up, pausing to look at her brother, before turning around and leaving the room.

Xiao Lin laid down. He refused to think anything else, deciding it's better to sleep it of and believing everything would go back to normal when he wakes up. He was an optimistic person, most of the time. It was probably because of medicine that sleep soon took over him.

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