《Last Chance For Redemption (Chara x Male Reader)》Meeting the Heroine


You were now thinking about how would you survive Undyne, sure, you did fight her before, but you were so determined to kill everyone that you didn't even care how hard it was

(Y/n): Dude... I... Wait... We'll soon meet her...

Chara: Ready?

(Y/n): No... I don't remember how we fought her

(Y/n): Great... This will suck

You enter the tall grass right after the waterfall of rocks and suddenly hear a voice

???: H... Hi, Undyne! I'm here with my daily report...

(Y/n)'s thoughts: I'm screwed now, ain't I?

Chara: You're screwed

Undyne: Yes? Papyrus? Please start your report!

Papyrus: Uhhh... Regarding that human, I called you about earlier...

Undyne: Did you fight them?!

Papyrus:... Huh? ... Did I fight them? Y-yes! Of course, I did! I fought them valiantly!

Undyne: Did you capture them?

Papyrus:... What? Did I capture them...? W-w-well... No. I tried very hard, Undyne, but in the end... I failed

Undyne: Tsk... Then I'll have to take the human's soul myself

Papyrus:... What? You're going to take his soul yourself... But Undyne, you don't have to destroy him! You see... You see...

Undyne: He's what is stopping us from freedom Papyrus! I WILL TAKE HIS SOUL!

Papyrus backs off and looks straight to your eyes, then looks back at Undyne

Papyrus:... I understand. I'll help you in any way I can.

Papyrus then leaves the place and you don't hear anything

(Y/n): Phew!

Undyne hears you and walks straight to where you are, looking at the grass from above with a spear in hand

(Y/n)'s thoughts: please don't see me, please don't see me, please don't see me...

Undyne then walks away from you and disappears, as you see this, you run out of the grass and starts to breathe heavily

???: Yo... Did you see the way she was staring at you...?

A kid walks out of the grass right after you

???: That... Was AWESOME! I'm SOOOO jealous! What'd you do to get her attention...?

(Y/n): Honestly? I don't have a single clue!

Chara: Yes you do! We are humans!... Well, you are

???: Haha! C'mon! Let's go watch her beat up some bad guys!

He then runs away and trips, falling straight to the ground, then he gets up and runs again

(Y/n): Why doesn't he have arms?

Chara: Why does a skeleton drinks ketchup?

(Y/n): Fair point

You said as you followed the boy, walking, you found a small gap of water, and just jumped it like it was nothing and soon enough, you found a buff seahorse

Aaron flexes in!

You look at him and flexes too

Aaron: Flex contest? I'm in!

You flex again and he flexes twice as harder

Aaron: Nice! I won't lose tho

(Y/n): Okay, I don't really care

You flex, and Aaron flexes so hard that he flexes himself out of your way

(Y/n): Okay?

Chara: don't do that again, that was embarrassing to watch

You kept walking and jumped another water gap, then, suddenly your phone rings


Papyrus: Hello! This is Papyrus!!!

Y/n: Hey dude... Wait... How did you get my number?

Papyrus: How did I get this number...? It was easy!!! I just dialed every number sequentially until I got yours!!! Nyeh heh heh heh!!

Y/n: Oookay? That's... Different... And... Kinda rare...

Papyrus: So... What are you wearing...?

Y/n: What?

Papyrus: I'm... Asking for a friend... She thought she saw you wearing a Jacket and some cargo pants

Y/n: It is the same thing I was wearing when we hang out, so yes, I'm wearing this outfit

Papyrus: So you are wearing this outfit... Got it!!! Wink wink! Have a nice day!

Y/n: You too paps

He hangs up.

Y/n: What was that?

Chara: I think Undyne DID see you back there... I guess you'll need to change your clothes

(Y/n): Well... That sucks... I don't have any spare clothes

Chara: Your backpack...

(Y/n): They're dirty now

You then walked to a room that was full of shining rocks at the ceiling, looking at the room you saw a sign on the wall

Y/n: "Wishing room" huh? I wish Undyne doesn't kill me...

You said in a silly voice but with a bit of hope in it, then you began walking again until you stumbled up upon a very weak wall, you decided to slightly punch it and it opened up, revealing a bridge for you to walk without getting your feet wet.

Y/n: huh... Nice

You then noticed several signs on the wall, it had ancient writing, but you can just make out the words

Y/n: "The war of humans and monsters... Why did the human attack? Indeed, it seemed that they had nothing to fear. Humans are unbelievably strong. It would take the soul of nearly every monster... Just to equal the power of a single human soul... But humans have one weakness. Ironically, it is the strength of their soul. Its power allows it to persist outside the human body, even after death... If a monster defeats a human, it can take its soul. A monster with a human soul... A horrible beast with unfathomable power."

The last sign had a drawing of a horrible creature

Y/n: That's why Asgore didn't absorb the souls, he's afraid of what he's gonna become

Chara: Yeah... What Asriel and I became... It really wasn't pretty...

(Y/n): Makes sense...

You walking to a small piece of wood which sent you to the other side of the river

Y/n: But, if that's what happens to them, how is the monster going to free themselves from...

Suddenly a spear passes barely missing your face

Y/n & Chara: WHAT THE...?

Then, the same armored figure showed up throwing several spears in your direction, some of them almost hitting your head or chest, you then started running as your life depended on it, because this time it really did. You kept running and running, barely dodging the spears that were being launched at you, you then saw more tall grasses and runned to it to try and hide in them. The spears stooped for a while. But you heard stomps on the ground but you kept hiding on the grass, Undyne was face to face with you, she was about to grab you and you prepared to die, but when you looked up Undyne was holding that kid from before, she tosses the kid to the ground and walks away from you two. You walked out of the grass and the kid ran up to you again


MK: Yo... Did you see that!? Undyne just... TOUCHED ME! I'm never washing my face ever again...! Man, are you unlucky. If you were standing just a little bit to the left...! Yo, don't worry! I'm sure we'll see her again!

You were just too shocked to ever respond to him, you were shaking and shivering but the kid was super excited, he ran off and fell face straight to the ground again. Getting a moment to calm yourself down, you started to walk again and found a crystallized cheese on top of a table, after attempting without any success to move the cheese, you stumbled upon Sans right next to a telescope

Sans: Hey dude, I'm thinking about entering the telescopes business, it's normally 50000G to use this special telescope, but since I know you, you can try for free, what do you think?

Y/n: Thanks, dude... But I can see right through your prank, you know?

Sans: Heh, guess you're really a smart guy heh?

Y/n: Don't worry, you almost got me

Chara: He did? That's so obvious

Walking a little more you found a little kid that looked like a snack

Snack kid: what's a star? Can you touch it? Can you eat it? Can you kill it? Are you a star?

Y/n: erm...

You slowly walked away from the kid and found a little glowing lake and started walking in a bridge on the lake, walking on, you got kinda lost in the place's beauty

Until your phone rings again

Y/n: Yellow

Papyrus: Hello! This is Papyrus!!! Remember when I asked about your clothes?

Y/n: Yup

Papyrus: Well, the friend who wanted to know... Her opinion of you is very... Murder.

Y/n: Okay

Chara: Told you

Papyrus: But I bet you knew that already!

Y/n: Uhum

Papyrus: And because you knew that... I told her what you told me you were wearing!

Y/n: Right

Papyrus: Because I knew, of course, after such a suspicious question, you would obviously change your clothes! You're such a smart cookie! This way you're safe and I didn't lie!!! No betrayal anywhere!!! Being friends with everyone is easy!!!

He then hangs up again

Chara: You are really screwed now, I hope you don't die now

Y/n: Me too... Wait... What did you say?

Chara: Just continue your friggin adventure

Walking some more, you found another sign

Y/n: "The power to take their souls. This is the power that the humans feared." Huh... What a shitty reason to start a war, it was obvious that the monsters didn't want to attack... Geez

You kept walking and out of the water a giant tentacle rose up, then another, then a giant... Onion?

???: Hey... There... Noticed you were... Here... I'm Onionsan! Onionsan, y' hear!

You ignore him and starts walking again

Onionsan: You're visiting waterfall, huh! It's great here, huh! You love it, huh! Yeah! Me too! It's my Big Favorite.

You started walking again

Onionsan: Even though, the water's getting so shallow here... I have to sit down all the time, but... He-hey! That's OK! It beats moving to the city! And living in a crowded aquarium! Like all my friends did!

Y/n: Go after them, you won't be lonely anymore

Onionsan: The aquarium is full, a-anyway, so, even if I wanted to, I... That's okay though, y' hear! Undyne's gonna fix everything, y' hear! I'm gonna get out of here and live in the ocean! Y' hear!

Y/n: Yeah buddy, I hear you

Onionsan: Hey... There... That's the end of this room. I'll see you around! Have a good time! In waterfallllllllllllllllllll

Before you could answer, he vanished in the water, after that you started walking again and found a piano, without thinking much, you played some notes but nothing much and the wall opened again, you just glanced at it but did care about that, so you kept walking and found more signs

Chara: that song...

Y/n: What about it?

She goes back to the piano and you sit on the chair

Chara: Can you play it again?

You start to play the song again

Chara: whe... Where did you heard this from...?

Y/n: it's written in the wall... Why...?

Chara: that's... Asriel's song... He... He used to play this song when we were alive...

Y/n: I'm...

Chara: It's alright... Let's... Let's go...

You both kept walking quietly and you read the sign

Y/n: "This power has no counter. Indeed, a human cannot take a monster's soul. When a monster dies, its soul disappears. And an incredible power would be needed to take the soul of a living monster... There is only one exception. The soul of a special species of monster called a 'Boss Monster'. A Boss Monster's soul is strong enough to persist after death if only for a few moments. A human could absorb this soul. But this had never happened. And now it never will." Geez...

After a while, you found a broken statue, it was raining on it, but the structure at its feet seems dry, feeling kinda bad for it you tried to stop the rain, but to no avail, you moved on and found a basket full of umbrellas, you rapidly took one and placed the umbrella atop the statue. Inside the statue, a music box begins to play... Chara starts to feel a lot of emotions coming to her and her eyes start to get watery and she started sobbing a little. But you don't know why. You both stayed there... Listening to the song

It sounds like memories


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