《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 121 : Duanmu Shanquan


They could still hear the screams and shouts of the panicked people. Based on the voices he heard, Shanquan concluded many people must have been injured. Both minor and moderate injuries.

"If they had calmed down, there wouldn't have been any injuries. But apparently, people find it very difficult to understand such a simple thing." Shanquan sighed.

"Do you think the other uncles are currently looking for us or not?" Yingyue asked.

"They don't know you followed us here," replied Shanquan. "Maybe they're confused up there right now. Or maybe they've gone down to the ground floor but have a hard time finding us because we're hiding under the table."

"Are you going out now, Uncle?"

"No! I don't want to risk being pushed, falling, or even trampled by other people! We're just hiding here for a while. Let's just say we're practicing patience."

"Do you believe in destiny?"

"Of course. Why do you ask that?"

"This isn't the first time the two of us have been trapped somewhere. And I have a feeling it won't be the last either."

Yingyue's words were exciting. Shanquan remembered the first time they met. They had to share a cramped phone box to avoid the rain. Then deliberately trapped in the elevator to escape the pursuit of criminals. And now, hiding under the table so as not to get hurt from being bumped or trampled by the panicking mob.

Maybe this girl is right. After this, I don't know what kind of strange situation we'll be in together!

"Uncle, are you afraid?"

Shanquan laughed. "Of course not. Why should I be afraid? Instead, we should enjoy things like this every second. One day, events like these will become unforgettable memories."

"If, one day, we experience more strange events, what if we put those experiences into a book? For example, a memoir."


"Actually, the six of us already had such a plan. After leaving our hometown, we gained a lot of life experiences. We had promised that each of us would write a memoir. Everything we experience will be an integral part of the memoir we will write. Some of us have even started writing them. We don't know when we will publish the memoir. We don't even know whether the memoir will actually be published. If we do have the opportunity to publish the memoir, we don't know whether we will distribute it to the general public or only to close family and friends. But whatever the outcome, we're determined to record everything we've been through."

"Wow! That's amazing." Yingyue's voice sounded so cheerful. "But, apart from memoirs about Uncle's life experiences, what if Uncle someday also makes memoirs about the things we went through? I mean, the things we both went through."

Shanquan laughed. During the decades of living life, for the first time, there was a girl who asked him to write a book together.

"Alright! I agree. Later, when Xinxiu returns home safely, we can start writing our story!"

"Hurray!" Yingyue cheered after hearing Shanquan's answer.

Shanquan hugged Yingyue even tighter. The two of them hugged tightly in the darkness. Shanquan took a deep breath. Being trapped together in such a strange situation really wasn't such a bad thing.

They were in that position for a while. Shanquan didn't know how long they had been under the table. This kind of situation was hazardous. Moreover, the two of them could not see. But strangely, Shanquan didn't feel any great fear. He was just worried that he wouldn't be able to get home in time to receive a call from Xinxiu's kidnappers.

Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound. The hum grew louder and louder.


"What's that sound, Uncle?"

"I don't know. The past few days' events weren't followed by something like this."

The news they saw and heard about the explosion of light did not mention the existence of a buzzing sound that disturbed their hearing.

The buzzing sound was getting more and more painful.

"My ears hurt, Uncle," Yingyue said.

"Try covering your ears," said Shanquan.

Shanquan sighed. When he ran out of the restaurant upstairs, he just ran. He forgot to bring the small waist bag he brought from home. He put the backpack on the table. Shanquan remembered that there was a pair of earplugs in the waist bag. Since he had it about four months ago, he hadn't even used it yet. The earplugs were a gift from Zhengyi. If he hadn't been in a rush to run outside, he could now use the earplugs.

Right away, they both let go of their hugs. They needed both hands to cover their ears. However, it turned out to be not enough. Covering their ears with both hands was unsuccessful in reducing the pain in their ears. Annoyingly, the buzzing didn't stop. Their ears hurt. Earplugs would be much more useful to help them. Unfortunately, no one brought earplugs. No one knew something like this would happen.

A booming sound then followed the buzzing sound. The booming sound had a regular rhythm, much like the sound of the beat of a drum instrument. But in contrast to music that gave a happy and exciting effect on the listeners, the booming sound made people feel uncomfortable. Every time that boom was heard, Shanquan's heart trembled violently.

This is terrible. Maybe there really is a severe problem with my health.

"I feel dizzy, Uncle!"

Shanquan also felt the same way. In addition to the annoying vibrations, he also felt nauseous and had a headache. Shanquan didn't know if the booming sound that came crashing down was also accompanied by a low-frequency sound that had the potential to cause anxiety. But clearly, he and Yingyue felt that way.

The screams and shouts of the people didn't stop either. Instead, they screamed and shouted even louder. Obviously, the booming sound affected not only Shanquan and Yingyue but everyone else presented.

Besides the pain, Shanquan's head felt heavy. In such a situation, covering both ears with both hands was no longer useful. Shanquan hugged Yingyue again. He grabbed Yingyue into his arms. Shanquan could feel that Yingyue was also extending her hand. The girl wrapped her arms around Shanquan's neck.

"I really wish we still had time to write our memoirs," Yingyue whispered.

"Don't despair. I'm sure, one day, we'll be able to finish our memoirs," Shanquan said quietly.

Yingyue's head drooped limply on Shanquan's chest. The headache that Shanquan was feeling was also getting worse. At some point, the heaviness in his head multiplied. It was as if a quintals sack of rice was placed right above his head. Shanquan's neck couldn't hold his head. Slowly, Shanquan's head began to droop. Quickly, Shanquan lost consciousness. In the end, he couldn't take it anymore. Shanquan's head drooped completely.

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