《Long Way from Home | A Daredevil Fanfiction》Chapter 10


Matt's POV

I stumble into my apartment, still drunk from the night at Josie's.

I walk into the kitchen and open up my refrigerator to grab out a bottle of whiskey.

Ever since Frank left, my refrigerator has still been filled with the things he bought from that day.

I open the bottle before taking a big swig of the drink, the substance burning the back of my throat.

'Hold onto them. Use two hands and never let go.'

That same sentence repeating in my mind over and over again.

'But what if letting go is the right thing to do?'

Ever since I was a little kid, I was told to not get close with people, but for some reason I couldn't do it and with Frank, the feeling of solitude faded away.

I walk over to the window as I hear the pitter patter of the rain against the glass. I sit down on the window seal and lean my head up against the glass. The Thunder roared as the rain became heavier. A large crack echoed throughout my apartment as the lighting returned the Thunder's call.

'I should've known that it wasn't going to work out from the beginning.' I think, allowing myself to get lost in my own thoughts.

'How could I be so stupid? I let myself get wrapped up into a something that never even existed in the first place.'

I reeked of whiskey and sweat, but at this point I didn't care.

I let my mind wonder and with each minute I found myself slipping into a deep sleep.


I wake up to the sound of knocking at my door. I sit up, feeling around the area and to my surprise I was in my own room.

'How did I get in here?' I think to myself as I slowly make my way out of bed.


"I'm coming," I mumble under breath as I rub my eye, the knocking becoming louder.

I rush out of my room and to the door to go open it.

"Hey," I say answering the door.

"Hi are you Matthew Murdock?" The man asks.

"Yes I am, how may I help you?"

"These flowers are for you." he says handing me the bouquet of flowers.

"T-Thank you. Do you know who there from?"

"They asked to keep themselves anonymous. There's a card attached though, maybe that could give you some type of hint."

"Thank you again sir, have a nice day."

"You too." He answered walking away.

I closed the door behind him and pulled out the card. It was small and made out of metal. I feel around the card, translating the braille into words

'Meet me at 49th and 12th on the top of Josie's Bar. Be there 12:00am sharp and don't be late.'

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