《Long Way from Home | A Daredevil Fanfiction》Chapter 7


Frank's POV

"Matt! it's me Karen, are you coming to work today?"

Matt groans in frustration and pulls himself away from me.

"You should go get that." I say sitting up.


"I'm gonna go... hide in your room," I say chuckling.

"You go do that. This time try not to drop anything."

"I'll try Red."

Matt's POV

"Matt! Matt! Open up are yo-"

I yank open the door, stopping her from knocking any longer.

"What Karen."

"H-hey Matt me and Foggy were wondering if you were coming to work today. There are a lot of clients there and we could really use your help." she asks.

Her hands were twitching and her breathing was unsteady.

"You and Foggy or just you Karen?" I ask leaning up against the door frame.

"Just...me. We really miss you at the office," she says reaching out for my hand "I really miss you, Matt."

"I'm sorry Karen but I can't come in today. I couldn't sleep all last night and I'm exhausted." I reply moving my hand away.

"Well what should I tell Foggy, he thought you were coming in?"

"Ya know Karen, if you had actually talked to Foggy you would know that I called this morning and told him I wasn't coming in today. So, what do you really want?"

"I miss you Matt! I know I said that I didn't want to be with anymore, but I-I realised how much I love you..."

"I'm sorry Karen...but we're over. You made it very clear that you didn't want to be with me and I understand."

"But Matt I didn't mean it. I take back everything I said, just please Matt come back."

"I'm sorry Karen but we're over, now please leave."



All of a sudden I felt a hand wrap around my waist and another under my arms.

"He said no, get it through your head. Grow up and go home."

Frank pulled me close to him and shut the door with his foot.

"Matt! Matt, who was that? Matt."

Frank let go of me but still stayed close.

"Is she gone?" he whispered.

I nod and turn around to face him.

"Thank God, she was starting to get on my nerves."

"Thank you."

"No problem. Now let's go to sleep cause you look horrible.

I laughed and led Frank into my bedroom.

"You can sleep in here, I'm gonna hit couch." Frank states.

"Can you- forget it, it's stupid."

"What do you need Red?" Frank asked

"I don't know."

"You gotta use your words Red. I can't read your mind."

"Can you stay..?"

Frank doesn't say anything, instead he just stands in front of me. His heartbeat was faster than usual and his breathing was unsteady.

"Please..." I added.

It took him a few seconds to until he lets out a sigh.

"Fine Red," Frank said getting in the bed "Climb in."

Frank opens his arms and waits for me to climb in. I stand there in disbelief.

'Is he serious?' I think to myself.

"Don't leave me hangin' Red."

"O-oh sor-" Before I could finish Frank pulled me into the bed and wrapped his arms around me.

"A little warning next time."

"Nah, that's boring." Frank replied as I laid my head on his chest. He hugged me tight as I listened to his breathing.

"Hey Frank?"


I look up and see that he was drifting off to sleep, his eyes barley open.

"Thanks, for everything." I say snuggling up closer to his body.

He sleepily nods, his eyes slipping closed.

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