《Restrained Affection [Affection Series 3] {Completed}》Chapter 22


Jasmine could not believe what she sees as he stands in front, holding her and without thinking she jumps in his arms as she tries to control her shaking. She hides her face in his chest and breathes the familiar scent only he has, to calm herself.

Advin holds her tightly as she shakes and looks around the place to find the source, which spooked her. He could not believe he found her after so long. However, seeing her in this condition he gets worried.

"Baby, look at me! What is it?" he asks as he holds her face in his palm trying to know why she was scared so much

She shakes her head as tears spills down from her face so she desperately clutches his shirt looking around pointing her finger at the way she came from.

Advin looks at the way she points out but sees nothing and just as he tries to step away from her, she holds him back.

"No one is there baby, look!" he tries to turn her around but she refuses to.

"No it's there, I can feel it" she cries once again hiding her face in his chest, not wanting either of them to move away

Advin curses as he sees her so stressed out and gets worried so he tries to calm her before she is inconsolable.

"Ok, ok, let's get you out of here first" he whispers to her but she just nods and stand hiding in his arms so without further thinking he picks her up in his arms.

"Lex" Advin calls out not caring if anyone heard him besides Lex as he is of no use to see if someone is actually hiding around and watching him or her

As soon as he shouts he hears footstep coming his way and smiles to finds it is Lex.

"What...Jasmine?" Lex exclaims before raising a brow at Advin seeing her attached to him

"I will explain later, we need to get out of here soon" Advin informs to him

"Okay, well...but thank god she is safe" he sighs in relief patting Advin's arm before walking ahead of them


Lex opens the door of the car as soon as they reach it; Advin gets in with Jasmine on his lap still a bit shaken up. Lex looks at his friend in worry but Advin just shakes his head.

With the looks of thing, whatever Jasmine had seen has pretty much shaken her up bad and Advin swears the culprit will pay for this!

However, right now it is important he take her to somewhere safe and calm her nerves.

They drive back to the hotel where they were staying all the while Advin tries soothe Jasmine's fears.

As soon as they reach their room, he goes to put Jasmine on the bed but she clings to him. "Baby, I'm not going anywhere. I am right here okay, let go of the shirt so I can see you. Come on!" he speaks slowly to her.

He puts her down and sits beside her and once again she clings to his arm, hugging her to him, he lightly rubs her back not knowing what else he can do to assure her that she is safe.

"What is it? Tell me please!" he asks worried seeing her shiver more and more

"They are back!" is all she whispers in answer not wanting talk or think about it anymore


Advin covers Jasmine as she falls asleep after making him all kinds of promises to, not leave her. He kisses her forehead before leaving her in the room and meeting Lex.


"Hey buddy, how you holding up" Lex asks as he hands him a drink, which he is thankful.

"I'm fine just worried for her condition" Advin sighs after gulping the drink and sets the glass down facing his friend.

"Did she tell anything, what has her so shaken up?" Lex asks and Advin shakes his head no.

"All she told was they are back. I do not know whom; she refused to talk after that. Whatever the hell, she saw has pretty much messed her up...

I just hope after she gets a good sleep, she will open up" Advin sighs tiredly rubbing his face

This is not how he thought their meeting would be.

"May be being in her pack's land brought some bad memories to her" Lex points out only for Advin to frown on that part

"May be she saw something or someone, it must have freshen up some memories. Still we can't jump to conclusion before she explains exactly what she saw" he tiredly rubs his face

They both seat in silence deep in their own thoughts before retiring for the night. Advin enters the room slowly and goes to settles down besides his mate.


As soon as he lies on the bed Jasmine snuggles close to him making him smile sheepishly at her.

"You promised" she whispers as he holds her to him.

"I know and I won't break it. Just had to discuss few things with Lex, sorry" he whispers back.

After that, they both stay silent; Jasmine just lies with his arms around her with closed eyes while Advin waits for her to say something. When he realizes she will not say anything he tries.

"Who are they?" he asks holding her chin up so they can stare directly in their eyes

"Why are you here?" she asks instead.

Advin keeps staring intently in her eyes to see something even he himself does not know before he answers to her questions.

"Don't you know?" he raises his brow as he caresses her hair lightly.

She shakes her head no looking back at him for the answer. They both stay like that for a while until Advin speaks.

"Do you want me to tell you a story?" Advin whisper asks her not knowing where to start from and with her nod he begins

"You know there was this boy once, who was curious about a girl so he went in search for her when a scent hit him. It was so sweet and overpowering he thought, he will die, if he cannot get to the source. That's when he opened the door and at that moment his whole world changed" he tells playing along with her hair as she looks at him with sparkle in her eyes and silently asking him to continue.

"There was this little girl sleeping in the bed sucking her thumb and clutching her teddy and all he wanted was to take her in his arms and hide her away from the world! But then, he got scared, so...so scared that's when he turned his back to her as he ran away" he stops waiting for her reaction

"Why? Was he scared because of her past?" Jasmine asks lost deep in his eyes as well the story

"No, he never was scared of that but he was scared of who he was" he explains hoping if not anyone but she will understand like she always does

Jasmine looks in his eyes as she asks the question she always wanted an answer to.

"What is she to him?" she barely completes the question dreading to hear what she does not want to and Advin smiles kissing her forehead in assurance


"That little girl name is Jasmine summers and the boy's name is Advin Martin and they are soul mates. Two hearts, two bodies but one soul" he explains and just like that Jasmine can't stop the tears that falls from her eyes as she hears those words.

Advin wipes the tears as they fall from her eyes one by one, like they are testing his patience and loyalty. Finally, when she stops crying and gives him a bright smile that glows her face and clutches his heart he breathes in relief.

"Can you not cry about everything because it really breaks my heart" he demands making her pout

"What about all those times you broke my heart?" she asks suddenly mad

"Will sorry work for all those times?" Advin tries adding a big smile but she does not fall for it

"No" she shakes her head

"Darn and here I thought accepting you as mine will do the trick" he grumbles to himself making her giggle

"I was always yours so think of something else" Jasmine states pinching his nose lightly

"Did you know I promised to tell you first about us being mates but till I found you I literally announced the whole world before I did to you?

So, guess I am very bad at keeping promises especially when it comes to you, huh?" he looks at her sadly before laughing as Jasmine's stomach grumbles at the exact moment making her blush and she hides her face in his chest.

"Gosh baby, I'm a very, very bad mate to you. Let me feed you before I kill you from starvation on our very first night as mates" he grins boyishly as he pulls the phone beside the table

Jasmine devours the food as soon as Advin sets the plate in front of her, he watches her in amusement as she eats it all.

"I skipped the lunch" she answers as she sees him watch her and he nods as he passes her a glass of juice.

After their late night dinner, Advin gets her some of his clothes for the night. Jasmine takes a shower before putting his clothes on which are big for her small frame.

Not knowing the effect she has on him she walks out of the bathroom clutching his boxers tightly with her hands as it keeps slipping from her waist and all the while Advin holds his breath as he sees her struggling in his clothes.

"Advin, this keeps falling down!" she complains as she tries to hold on the boxer he gave her.

If that was not torture enough for him, she pulls the shirt a bit higher so she can see if there is any string, she can bind so the boxer will not fall off her.

Looking up she finds him just standing there with his eyes closed so she walks to him before pulling his shirt to get his attention.

"Advin...Advin!" she calls but he still stands with his eyes closed.

Therefore, standing on her tiptoes, she pinches his nose and finally he opens his eyes startling her as he holds her to him and she wobbles as the boxer falls off her as when she goes to hold his arm to stand still.

"Advin!" she shrieks when he looks at her feet.

"Don't look...Advin!" she shouts at him again as he doesn't stop staring

Advin savors the moment as once again as she calls his name. He gets down and pulls the boxer up much to her embarrassment, as she turns red.

"I promise I didn't look" he smiles and to her relief his eyes are closed.

"You need to button it!" he advices as he turns around with a smile

She moves as fast as she can to the bathroom and close the buttons of the boxer before coming back, still clutching it.

"It still keeps falling" she complains to him

Advin pulls out the belt from his pants and wraps it around her waist just above the boxer she is wearing.

"Well that will definitely hold it in place" he grins cheekily at her

She hits him on his chest not finding it funny before she realizes why she was mad at him on the first place.

"Why were you standing there with your eyes closed when I called you?" she demands, "Because you called me" he simply states pinching her nose.

"What?" she looks at him in irritation

Advin quietly pulls her up in the bed and covers both of them before he starts.

"It may seem nothing to you but that's the first time you called my name" he replies tugging her close to his chest as she nods in understanding.

With a laugh, she sits up and puts both her palms in his face as she starts chanting.

"Advin, Advin...Advin...Advin" she keeps chanting his name as she kisses all over his face while he smugly smiles as she calls his name again and again with the bonus of her butterfly kisses.

"It may seem nothing to you too but that was the very first time I let myself to say your name too!" she clears out using his words.

Suddenly all the playfulness leaves Advin's body as he stares back at his mate and feels a pang in his heart as he realizes how much she has suffered because of him.

He holds the back of her neck as he pulls her closer to him as he whispers against her lips

"I love you Jasmine Summers, more than I did before and I promise I will keep loving you for the rest of my life, please find in your heart to forgive what I did to you" and with that his lips comes crashing on her.

Jasmine stays still for a few seconds before she closes her eyes forgetting everything except him and their kiss. She follows everything he does and moans as he bites her lower lip. His growls of satisfaction makes her purr and hearing her moan he feels satisfaction as he always wanted to bite her lip every time he saw her nibble on it.

"Open" he groans wanting more as he kisses her

However, this being her very first kiss she does not understand what he exactly wants her to open. When she does not open her mouth, as he demands he cannot help but let out a groan of frustration.

"Open" he demands once again before she pushes him a bit in irritation

"What exactly do you want me to open?" she asks not knowing about it

Advin stares at her for a mere second before chuckles at his naïve mate who will not be so naïve when he will be done with her.

"Your mouth baby" he informs making her blushes before she initiate their kisses this time making sure she opens up properly to him

After their first make out session, is a done Jasmine smile touching her lips, which looks swollen by his biting, and sucking on it.

"Now I know why everyone always keeps kissing when they see their mate" She sighs satisfied

Advin raise a brow in question watching his mate who cannot stop smiling at him at all before she totally surprises him as she jumps on his lap.

"It's so fun kissing, I want to kiss you every time. Breakfast time, lunch time, dinner time, free time, break time, happy time, sad time, sleeping time, waking time" before she finishes Advin stops her but he can't stop laughing at her explanation.

"Ok, ok, I got it baby" he says as he pecks her.

"You know, what more fun than kissing is?" he asks and she shakes her head. He smiles devilishly at her before answering

"Mating" hearing it she blushes red and stares down on his chest biting her lip.

"Oh now you shy out on me, it's so fun teasing you" he laughs at her reaction while

"Not funny. Not funny at all!" she pouts as she folds her arms and shakes her head.

"I know baby. However, what can I say, you just make me so happy. I love you" he confesses once again making her smile.

"I love you too like a fat kid loves his cookies" she says making him laugh even harder. "Where did you get that from?" he asks her amused.

"I heard one of my customers telling that to her boyfriend" she blushes as she shrugs her shoulders

"Oh my baby is growing up" he teases as he cannot help but pinch her cheeks before kissing her once again.


The next time Jasmine wakes her she once again finds herself all alone in the bed, rubbing the sleepiness from her eyes she looks around to find Advin missing but just as she is about to call him she hears him in the bathroom.

Walking closer to the door, she hears him coughing harshly, worried about him she slowly taps on the door.

"Advin is everything all right?" she calls out for him

Advin stiffens mid cough as he hears his mate worry itched voice, cleaning the mess he created in a hurry he gurgles his mouth before steps out of the bathroom.

"Did I wake you up?" he asks pushing her away from the door

"No, I...are you all right?" she asks searching his face for any sign of distress

"I am good" he smiles tightly before walking her to the bed

"You were throwing up as well coughing hard, it didn't sound like all right to me" she frowns checking him all over again to see if he unwell

"It must have been something I ate this morning, nothing to worry about" he covers up tensely

"If you say so" Jasmine slowly agrees still looking at the bathroom door

"Where are you going?" Advin asks as he watches jasmine moving away from the bed

"Um...bathroom?" she states as a question to him

"No" Advin jumps in front stopping her in her tracks

"I mean, the flush isn't working as well the shower head" he points out not letting her use it

"Okay, but I was just..." Jasmine looks at him suspiciously

"Let's go to Lex's bathroom, yes that's what we are going to do from now on. We will use his bathroom" Advin hurriedly drags her away from the door and bangs on Lex's room door

"What...?" Lex yawns as he opens the door but stumbles back with the force Advin gets in with Jasmine

"We are here for midnight bathroom" he announces as he once again drags Jasmine

Advin smiles as he leaves Jasmine in front of the bathroom door and closes the door at her stunned face.

"Um...what the hell do you think you are doing?" Lex asks confused at what is happening

"Sorry, I just couldn't let her use the bathroom in our room. As I am sure she would have smelled the blood" he sighs in relief as he explains to Lex

"Damn and here I thought your wolf will be doing Hakuna Matata dance once Jasmine is back" Lex shouts before Advin closes his mouth

"Ssh, not so loud" he hisses dragging his friend away from the room

"Man you should tell her about your condition it seems to be getting worst and worst, if her being close to you isn't the medicine then we need to hurry the fuck up and do something to save your wolf...

I don't want loose you" Lex states getting emotional before he goes for a hug from Advin

"I messed up bad Lex, I have been ignoring my wolf pleads for so long I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later" Advin pats his friend's back touched by his love and support

"What was bound to happen?" Jasmine voice startles both of them

"Me getting horny" Lex shouts at once before he hits on his own forehead at his stupidity

"He was missing his mate and all, so you done? Let's go" Advin smiles awkwardly as he throws a glare towards Lex

"Why do I have a feeling you are hiding something from me?" she asks as she walks away from Lex room with her mate

"What, no...why would I hide anything from you? There is nothing to hide; you must be extremely tired so hallucinating" Advin laughs it off as he once again drags her to the bed

Advin visually relaxes as soon as Jasmine sleeps, he rubs his face tired, as he can't believe as he was so close to get caught by her.

He had just found her back and he does not want to stress her more. She is already in stress by the events on going and adding his problems was not something she needs from him.

She needs his love and support and that is all he is giving her, no more tears or hurt from him and only his love that she deserves.

He will explain his condition once he is sure she is ready but not before that, he does not want her to feel bound to him. If she knows about his condition, he knows some how his mate will end up blaming her self and that is something he cannot let happen.

Kissing her forehead lightly, Advin tries to fall asleep, letting the worry about tomorrow at the back of his mind.

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