《The Little Mermaid [HAVOK/ALEX SUMMERS] - ON HOLD》eleven


Alex and I continue to stare at both each other and the wet mess on the floor for what feels like five minutes. The water had fallen only moments before following the glass, though it still kept us both in a shocked trance. Neither of us knew what to say or when to speak up and to be completely honest, I didn't mind. The sound of anything other than my heart beating louder and louder through my chest would be too much for me and I would be afraid I would burst. Finally, after weeks of wanting and trying, I pushed through.

I knew the silent couldn't last forever and it began to grow awkward, and fast. I turned my head and looked over to Alex, my jaw still on the ground until I decide to pick it up and speak.

"I did it," was the only thing I can manage to spit out. He nodded with a vibrant grin spread across his face and took a few steps towards me.

"You did it." The large gap between us began to close and I wrapped my arms around his abdomen, his hands wrapping around my head and neck and burying my face into his chest.

"I can't believe it, I'm so happy," I mumble into him still squeezing him tightly. There was nothing else I could do or say that could explain my feelings other than that. The warm embrace lasted for quite a while, and neither of us chose to object until it began to grow not warm, but very hot. Both of us pulled apart and we continued to stand there with our arms to our side.

"Shall I go fetch Charles? Erik?" Alex asked me, signalling towards the door with his thumb.

"There's no need," a voice says from behind him, causing our heads to turn. Erik stood there with a large smile until he widened his arms, expecting a hug. "Well, kid, you did it!" He says and I laugh, pulling him into a hug that was much different to the one I only just shared with Alex. We pulled apart and he continued to grin whilst I did the exact same thing.

Soon after, everyone happily left the room to prepare for dinner whilst I cleaned up the wet mess. Using my hands, I very, very carefully pick up the few shards of glass lying on the carpet and drop them into the trash can before using a dirty shirt to soak up the water. As I leave the shirt there for a moment to absorb, I clean my room for a moment before picking up the shirt, dropping it into my laundry basket and dropping the whole lot off to the laundry room, where Sean was stood doing his daily chores of laundry.

Like most full houses (as we like to call the mansion), each of us were obligated to do our own chores, otherwise how else would we be able to survive in such a big house with such little parental influence, although all of us deemed Charles the mum of the house. Sean, as I previously mentioned, had the privilege of doing laundry, Raven was in charge of cooking our meals, Alex did the vacuuming and dusting of the house, and I was in charge of cleaning the pool, the dishes and much to my dismay, the toilets. Charles claimed that, because Erik, Hank and himself were always busy studying, preparing and being government officials (minus Erik of course), they did not need to do housework. The only reason we had agreed was because it was Charles' house we were residing in and Erik was just very persuasive.


I leave the laundry room with a smirk and a "good luck," to Sean before heading downstairs to keep myself occupied with conversing with one of my friends. It seemed as if everyone were outside in the garden other than poor Raven, who was preparing some stir-fry for dinner. I decide that because she looked very lonesome, I would sit with Raven in he kitchen, and if she is lucky, help her.

"Hey, Raven," I say to her, entering the room and causing her to jump just a little, turning her head to face me and smiling.

"Hey," she says, dragging out the 'y'. "How's your training been? Alex mentioned that he saw you finally controlling water!"

"The rumours are true," I joke, " but I don't know how I'm going to do it again though, I only did it by accident."

"You'll get the hang of it, don't you worry. Just be happy that you did it. I'm so proud of you, you've come such a long way," she says with big smile on her face, still looking at her frying pan rather than me.

"Thank you, Raven, it really means a lot to me that you'd say that," I walk over to her and hug her from the side as she laughs her one-in-a-million laugh and leans her head against my own. I begin to laugh along with her for no apparent reason. After all, that's what friends are for.

"It's no problem, you're always there for me so there's no reason why I shouldn't be there for you. You really are my best friend," she then says, causing me to inflate with happiness. I had everything I possibly wished for only months earlier as I was stuck in that wretched lab. I had a house, I had best friend and possibly the best thing out of it all, I had Alex. Though none of these things could compare with a home or my family, but it was more than enough and I was very thankful.

Raven and I continued our conversation until the food was cooked. I set the table with bowls and cutlery, fill everyones glass with tap water and plate up the food while Raven calls everybody inside. As I enter the dining room with my glass containing water and a straw, everybody was already sitting in their usual spots, waiting for me to take my seat. The floorboard creaks as I take a step and everybody looks up with grins on their faces.

"Look who it is!"

"You did it!"

"Pop open the champagne!"

All six of my friends cheered and clapped for me as I grinned wider than I had the entire day, though it seems impossible. We continued to converse over our delicious meal that was hand-cooked by Raven. We didn't end up popping open a bottle of champagne as Sean requested, as half of us were underage, though we did end up drinking hand-made lemonade. When dinner was over, it was, like every other night, my duty to clear the table and wash the dishes. With Alex's kind help, it doesn't take very long before I head into the living room to watch a cheery movie-musical with everyone (not including Erik who was 'too cool for musicals' and Hank who was busy making clothing that accentuates our abilities, which would come in handy when the time comes for us to defeat Shaw).


The movie soon ended and I head up to my room to take a long bath while I read a book. After drying off my tail, I then change into pyjamas and say goodnight to my household, giving Raven a long hug.

I sleep for an hour or so before waking up default at around two in the morning. I head downstairs, hoping that Alex is awake and smile, as I see his tall silhouette sitting on the island counter.

"Hello," I say, not knowing how else to greet him for the umpteenth time at this hour in the morning. He quickly spins around and greets me, patting the counter beside him, gesturing for me to sit beside him. I quickly (but not too quickly) walk around and sit. We begin to talk just as we normally do until it seems as if there is nothing else to talk about. Just as I start to grow semi-tired, he springs this on me.

"Charles says there isn't much time until we actually have to face Shaw. Less than two weeks."

"What? When did he say that?" I ask, incredibly shocked that my time at the mansion expired faster than I thought. Before I know it, I'll be back home with my family.

"Today," he only says.

"I'm a little scared," I admit. It was perfectly normal to be scared, I try and tell myself. I could die. I begin to regret that thought as I begin to overthink.

"Me too. But we'll get through this, I know we will. We all have each other."

I look up from our intertwined hands into Alex's eyes, and it seemed as if he were already looking at me. I smile at him for the millionth time that evening and nod my head, trying to forget the daunting conversation. He smiles back at me and for a moment I swear he is staring right at my lips. Although he doesn't notice, my eyes open in shock and my lips spread very slightly as I prepare for what I think is about to happen.

"Is it alright if I . . ." he didn't need to finish his sentence and I already knew what he was going to say. Is it alright if I kiss you. He leans in for a moment and and I do the same, signalling that I definitely want him to kiss me. He shortly chuckles before leaning in once more and closing the gap. Our lips touch but it isn't quite a kiss. Neither of us pout just yet, it is just lips on lips, forehead on forehead and hand in hand. The moment before we're about to take it one step further we hear a noise behind us, causing us both to pull apart and spin around.

"Whey-hey! If it isn't Havok and Siren," a deep voice jokingly laughs, using our 'code names' as the figure flicks on the light. Alex and I automatically use our hands to shield our eyes and let them adjust to the light before we begin to focus on Sean. "I thought I heard voices down here."

"Piss off, Sean," Alex says from beside me and I look at him as I blush. For some reason, I expect him to be mad at Sean, but instead, he was blushing the same shade of crimson as I.

"No, no, I think I'm a little thirsty," he replies and I start to grow annoyed. In fact, I was so annoyed that I had almost forgotten how embarrassed I was. Alex and I were about to kiss. Alex and I were about to kiss. The thought had given me the same amount of adrenaline as the almost-kiss itself. I felt like I could fly.

"Am?" Sean laughed. He had obviously said something but I was not paying attention.

"Huh? Sorry?"

"I said would you like some water? You look a little hot," he laughed once more. Alex fake laughed for a moment, his cheeks still flaming red.

"I'm going to sleep, 'night," he said, and Sean cackled.

"Sleep, or bed?" Sean winked, doing a dirty gesture with his hand, causing the two of us to look at at him disgusted.

"You are disgusting. I am disgusted," Alex stuttered and left the room without another word, causing Sean to laugh even harder than he previously was. When his laughing fit was over, he takes a sip of his water and breathes out, red in the face.

"Well, guess it's just you and me," he winks, "you can tell me all about your little moment."

I look over at him with furrowed eyebrows for several moments, before saying goodnight, hopping off the counter and leaving the room. As I walk up the stairs, I continue to hear his infectious laughter echoing throughout the entire house, no doubt waking a couple of our housemates.

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