《The Little Mermaid [HAVOK/ALEX SUMMERS] - ON HOLD》eight


When Sean apologised to me the next day, I couldn't be happier. We had both been so stubborn and didn't utter a word to each other for the rest of the day yesterday, until he had decided to be the better person. I accepted his apology and apologised also. We hugged it out and forgot all about it.

Charles had told me during breakfast that today was going to be my first training day. I had tried to cover up how nervous I was but him being able to read minds, told me that it was going to be okay and we weren't going to do much practical work; he was only going to ask me questions and probably teach me hand-to-hand combat. I unsurely agreed and asked Alex how his training went yesterday afternoon. He said that he was going to need a lot more practice because it didn't go very well, and that mine won't be much worse than his. I smiled and went up to my room to prepare.

I get changed into some practical sport clothes and tie my dark hair up into a high ponytail. When I am finished, I head back downstairs and meet with Charles beside the swimming pool.

"You're just on time, Amelia," he said to me and patted the lounge chair beside him. I sat down and he began with questions. He started with easy questions like 'how old were you the first time you grew a tail?' and 'how long does it take after you touch water for you to grow a tail?'. After I answer each question, he writes down my answer in his little notepad and goes onto the next one.

"Okay, those were all of the questions," Charles closes his notepad and turns to face me directly, before speaking. "Hank spent a long time studying your blood sample yesterday afternoon and he didn't find anything out of the ordinary. Although, I have a theory. If the muscles in your tail are the same as the muscles in the rest of your body, you will be able to control it. All we need is a blood sample from your tail, to test the theory, what do you say?"

I takes me a minute to process the information he has just given me. I can control my tail at will, but I will need to give them a blood sample to test the theory? Easy. I excitedly agree and Charles shakes my hand. For the next half an hour he shows me the basic defence moves until Alex steps outside and patiently waits for his turn to train.

He sits on the lounge chair that I was previously on, intently flicking through an old newspaper. Charles throws two soft punches to my stomach, which I block without fault, and when my eyes flicker over to Alex, he chooses that moment to throw a punch to my face. Me, expecting another punch to the stomach move my hands to exactly there until I felt his hard glove collide with my left eye. I yelp in surprise and notice Alex look up from the paper, rising to his feet quickly. I look over to Charles and see him apologising over and over, stepping forward to examine my eye. Before I know it, the two boys are crowding around me.

"Amelia, please, I need to know if you're okay?" Charles eyebrows were furrowed and he looked very worried. I realised that I haven't said a word for at least twenty seconds since the incident occurred.

"Huh? Yeah, no, I'm fine, really," I struggle to keep my left eye open and feel a stream of water rushing from it. I cover my eye, not wanting them to think I'm crying.


"I'm so sorry, Amelia, I thought you would have expe-"

"Oh god, are you crying?" Alex cuts him off, softly pulling my hand away from my eye to examine. He keeps his hand on mine, and with the other, he brushes the tears away. I struggle to speak, not because of the pain but because of how close we are.

"N-no, seriously, I'm not. I just- I don't know what's happening," I say and they both start to pull me inside, claiming that I need to lie down. Alex, his hand still in mine, opens the back door, and pulls me in, Charles closely in front of us. They sit me down on the bar stool beside the island counter and Hank, who had a confused expression on his face.

"Amelia? What happened?"

"I don't know, my head hurts," I say, the words fumbling out of my mouth incoherently.

"Charles punched her in-"

"Accidentally! I accidentally punched her in the eye whilst we were training," Charles corrected Alex while he pulls out a bag of corn from the freezer. To my dismay, Charles grabs Alex's hand out of mine and shoves the frozen bag in it, before softly pushing it onto my eye.

"Alex, please take Amelia up to her room, I'll get some aspirin, I think its around here somewhere," he says and opens almost every cabinet in the kitchen. I wave goodbye to Hank as Alex guides me into the entry hall. We arrive at the stairs quicker than I expected and when I reach the first step, I trip over and almost face plant. If it weren't for Alex holding me back then I would have.

"Jesus, Amelia. Here, let me carry you," he says and leans down, about to scoop me up and carry me bridal style. Before he can, I quickly jump up a few stairs feeling woozy in my head.

"No, no, no, no, no, I'm fine," I continue to race up the stairs, skipping or two, and feel more lightheaded with every step. When I reach the top I turn around and raise my arms as if I had just won a race, cheering for myself. Alex only just reaches the top step and wraps his arms around my waist, lifting my feet up from the floor.

"C'mon, let's get you to bed," he says and I can practically hear the eye roll in his words. I don't say anything and just wrap my arms around him too, along with my legs. I know I will regret it when I recover from whatever is happening so I close my eyes and breathe in his scent and this moment. I feel him chuckle and I squeeze him tighter. We arrive at my door and he twists the handle open. He then closes it behind him and makes his way to my bed. When he sets me on my bed, he expects me to let go but I don't, I continue to hold him even when he had already let go.

"Amelia," he says and I notice something in his voice. I finally let go and look him in the eyes, saying his name. After a moment, he stands up properly, slips my shoes off and pulls my bed sheets back, picking me up and placing me inside. After tucking me in, he places the bag of frozen corn to my eye and sits beside me, looking around.

"Your room is cool, it's different to mine," he says, studying the two books sitting on my bedside table. To Kill A Mockingbird and The Great Gatsby, both I haven't gotten around to reading yet. I shut my eyes closed and make a 'hmm' noise. After a few minutes of utter silence, I open one eye, tilting my head to the left of my bed. He was still there, sitting on my bed with a straight face. He opened his mouth like he was about to say something before closing it and standing up. I shoot up in my bed, ignoring the pain in my head.


"Alex, where are you going?" I say. He turns around slowly when he reaches the door.



"Because you need rest, and I have a feeling you'll find it hard when I'm in the room," he then walks over to me, feeling my head and softly pushing me back into bed.

"But-" I can't seem to find a reason for him to stay so I shut my mouth and close my eyes. For a few more moments there was silence. Then, there was a shuffling noise and the door opened and closed.

I wake up with a start. I could feel sweat on my forehead and my eye was aching so I sat up on my bed. After flicking the light on beside me, I check my watch on the bedside table. It was 2:47, and I have a feeling it wasn't in the afternoon. Slipping out of my bed, I notice that I still have my work out clothes on and a now loose ponytail at the top of my head. I pull my hair-tie out and slip on some comfy clothes. Trying not to wake anybody up, I exit my bedroom and make my way downstairs to the kitchen. Every step I take causes my head to spin madly.

After searching through the kitchen cabinets for aspirin, I give up and curse under my breathe. I sit on the counter for a moment before grabbing a glass and filling it with cold tap water. I take small sips from my glass while looking out the window, admiring the moon. It was full and seemed to be closer to the earth than usual. I hear footsteps behind me and then a croaky voice.

"You're up early," he joked. I spin around and almost spit out my water at the sight in front of me. Alex was standing in the doorway, barefoot and shirtless. I don't say anything for a moment and avoid looking at his torso, staring directly into my eyes. "You 'right?" he then asks, taking a few steps forward and standing behind the island counter separating us.

"Uh, yeah I think so. My head's still sore," I tell him and look back to the moon, feeling butterflies in my stomach. I hear him shuffle around the room and then running water. I turn back to him and see him gulping down a glass of water. I try not to stare at him but I can't help it. The moon lit up almost the entire room, giving me a full frontal of his toned abdomen. It wasn't too muscular, just the right amount, and his biceps flexed as he chugged down the last drops of water. I feel the heat rush to my cheeks as I notice he was looking at me, and I hoped that he couldn't see my face since my back was facing towards the moon.

"Wh-" he doesn't finish his sentence when he walks over to me and grabs my face in his hands. My heart races for a moment until I realise he wasn't looking at my lips, but my left eye which I had almost forgotten about. He brushes his thumb over my eyelid before letting go and searching through the cabinets, just as I was before.

"What are you doing?" I managed to breathe out.

"You have a back eye. I'm looking for some aspirin," he says, before pausing and looking at me, "did you take the aspirin on your bedside table? Raven left it for you earlier."

"Aspirin? No, I didn't know there was asp- Where are you going?" Before I can finish my sentence, Alex was out of the room and running up the stairs. I roll my eyes and smile, before continuing to sip on my water and look at the moon. He comes back in a matter of minutes and snatches the glass out of my hand, filling it up with tap water once more and passing it to me with the aspirin. I swallow it down quickly, chugging the water down and pass the glass to Alex, who places it in the sink and sits behind me on the island counter.

"The moon look's pretty tonight," he says. I can tell he's trying to make conversation. I smile.

"Yeah, it is," I then say, walking over and sitting beside him. I feel his eyes on me and I look at him.

"What?" I say, furrowing my brows and making it seem like my cheeks weren't red.

"What?" He then pretended like he wasn't looking at me. I shake my head and look at the floor awkwardly. This wasn't like him, he's never awkward or nervous. Thoughts start to rush through my head and I wonder if he hates me. I jump of the counter and turn around, starting to walk away.

"Where are you going?" He asks me, to which I tell him I'm going to bed. "Why?" He then asks, to which answer with, "this conversation isn't really going anywhere." For a second, I wonder if that sounded rude but I forget about it and continue to look at him

"What do you mean? I thought we were having fun," Alex jumps off the counter and stands in front of me, crossing his arms.

"Oh well . . ." I think about what to say next but nothing comes to mind so I shrug my shoulders and walk over to the counter. He then sits beside me and sighs.

"You don't have to stay, I'm not forcing you or anything. I just thought you'd like to spend a little time together because, well," he doesn't finish his sentence.

"Because what?" I ask eagerly. It sounds as if he is about to confess his undying love for me, but I try not to think about it and get my hopes up when he says something else. He sighs once more before looking me directly in the eye.

"I like you. And I thought you liked me too but now I'm not too sure." I feel the heat rise to my cheeks viciously and I try to hide the small smile on my face.

"Oh. . . I don't really know what to say,"

"So you don't. . . like me?" he asks sadly.

"No. I mean no I don't not like you. I do like you," I continue to stumble with my words but stop when he grabs my hand.

"That's great," he says and I can hear the smile on his face. We continue to talk for the rest of the night and don't go to bed until the sun starts to rise.

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