《Wreak Havoc ♛ Robb Stark》TEN


Hera sat at a table in the great hall, her hands holding a piece of bread which she ate as she listened to Robb and Theon talk. She chewed, keeping her eyes on the table. Her mind was occupied with thoughts about what she did yesterday. She killed a man, and she couldn't help but wonder why it was so easy for her to do it. Sure, she had killed a man before, but those kinds of things aren't something you just do without blinking.

Robb kept looking at her, as if waiting for her to speak, but she didn't. She knew that he wanted to speak to her after the incident yesterday, but she had avoided his company. She didn't want him to question her about why she took it so lightly.

Theon grunted out a laugh as he nearly spit his porridge out of his mouth. He covered his mouth as he laughed, causing Hera to finally look up with an eyebrow raised. She lightly shook her head at his way of eating.

"So yesterday was quite eventful" Theon stated while trying to start a new conversation, trying to bring Hera into it. When no one spoke, he decided to speak again, this time looking at Hera. "I didn't know you had it in you."

Hera looked up at him, shooting daggers at him. She opened her mouth to snap at him, but was interrupted when Maester Luwin came walking into the room. As he approached the table, she brought the bread back up to her lips and took a bite.

Maester Luwin had a sorrowful look on his face as he handed Robb a letter. Robb stood up as he opened the letter, his eyes narrowing into slits as his eyes scanned the words which were written. Hera and Theon had both stopped eating, and were looking at him curiously.

When Robb had finished reading, he looked at Maester Luwin, disbelief written all over his face. "Treason?" he exclaimed in question. "Sansa wrote this?" That caused Hera's eyebrows to furrow in confusion. Her hands yearned to grab the letter and read the words for herself.

Maester Luwin nodded. "It is your sister's hand, but the queens words." Hera always had the suspicion that the queen was manipulative. Now that was confirmed. Hopefully Sansa didn't let herself be manipulated by the queen anymore after this.


"You're summoned to King's Landing to swear fealty to the new king" Maester Luwin voiced, causing Robb's eyes to turn hard. Hera knew he would never swear fealty to the king after what he had done to his family.

"Joffrey puts my father in chains, and now he wants his ass kissed?" Robb had venom in his voice, not that Hera blamed him.

"This is a royal command by Lord, if you shall refuse to obey..." Maester Luwin didn't get to finish as Robb interrupted him.

"I won't refuse" Robb spoke as he read over the letter again. "His grace summons me to King's Landing, I'll go to King's Landing." Hera felt dissapointed in his words. She had hoped that he would be smart and not swear fealty to a ignorant boy who happened to be king. She didn't know what she hoped he would do to be honest, but it was certainly not that.

Robb closed the letter, a thoughtful expression on his face. "But not alone" he finally spoke. His words caused Hera to perk up as she stared at him in confusion. Robb then looked at Maester Luwin with no trace of humor on his face.

"Call the banners"

Those words were enough to make Hera's eyes widen and her body freeze in shock. She had never expected that he would go to war! She couldn't help but feel slight relief at his words. He was finally taking action and getting his family back. And she would stand with him through it all.

"All of them my Lord?" Maester Luwin asked, shock evident on his face.

"They've all sworn to defend my father, have they not?" Robb instantly answered.

Maester Luwin nodded slightly. "They have."

"Now we'll see what their words are worth." Robb told him, the Maester nodding in respons. He didn't look happy with Robb's choice, but he knew that he couldn't refuse his Lord's command. With a sigh, he left the three teenagers alone in the room. Robb sat down, his expression troubled.

"You afraid?" Theon asked him.

Robb lifted his hand, which were shaking. "I must be."

"Good" Hera spoke up, causing both boys to look at her.

"Why is that good?" Robb asked confusedly.


"That means you're not stupid."


The banners had been called, and to celebrate that they were going to war and get Robb's father and sisters back, they had decided to hold a feast at Winterfell. It was also to do something fun together before they went to war. Robb sat at the end of the big table, where the Lord usually sat. Theon and Hera sat further down on another table, Bran sitting beside Hera.

"For thirty years, I've been making corpses out of men, boy." Greatjon Umber spoke from his seat at the same table as Robb. He held a proud smirk, while his hands were spread out as he boasted about his talent.

"I'm the man you want leading the Vanguard." Greatjon spoke, confident in his words. Hera wanted to go up to him and hit him on the back of his head. It was not wise of him to speak so highly of himself.

Robb was having none of it. "Galbart Glover will lead the van."

Greatjon looked at him in disbelief. "The bloody Wall will melt before an Umber marches behind a Glover!" he exclaimed, swallowing down a gulp of ale as he did so. "I will lead the van, or I will take my men and march them home."

Hera could not believe how stupid this man was. Now he was threatning Robb? She could see that Robb was getting angry, and he was now sending daggers at Lord Umber. He clasped his hands in front of each other.

"You are welcome to do so, Lord Umber." He stood up from his stool, keeping his eyes on Greatjon. "And when I am done with the Lannisters, I will march back north, root you out of your keep and hang you for an oathbreaker."

Lord Umber let out a mocking laugh as he stood up in rage. "Oathbreaker is it?" he roared in anger as he threw his goblet to the floor. "I will not sit here and swallow insults from a boy so green, he pisses grass!"

Lord Umber's hand went to his sword as he got ready to draw it. Without wasting a second, Hera and Theon both stood up and were about to draw their swords. Robb's direwolf, Grey Wind, seemed to beat them to it. He jumped on the table and ran towards Lord Umber, growls leaving his mouth as he did so. He jumped on top of Lord Umber and bit onto his hand. Hera's eyes widened as he screamed, but she knew that the direwolf would not kill him.

Everyone watched as the wolf retreated from Lord Umber, leaving him laying on the floor.

"My Lord father taught me it was death to bare steel against your liege Lord" Robb spoke as Greatjon stood up. He huffed as he clutched his bloodied hand, which were now missing a couple of fingers.

"But doubtless, the Greatjon only meant to cut my meat for me." Robb said, not taking his eyes of Lord Umber. Lord Umber glanced around the room, at all the guests who were watching his every move. He would not dare to do anything else, because he would be stopped before he could even take a step.

He kicked his stool to the side, the sound echoing through the room. "Your meat..." he started to say, before his face broke into a grin. "Is bloody though." He held up his hand as he broke into laughter, which caused the other Lords to erupt into laughter. Robb chuckled, as did Theon. Bran didn't find it funny, and neither did Hera.

Soon, the whole room was filled with laughter. Hera watched everyone laugh in shock. What she just witnessed screamed madness. Nevertheless, she didn't say anything, and instead drank some ale.


Hii! Did you like this chapter? I realise that things might not be that exciting at the moment, but I promise that things will spice up VERY soon!

Also, I recently published a rant book. I've wanted to have a rant book for a very long time, and I finally decided to make one. I know that most of you probably don't care about it, but it would be very cool if you checked it out.

Thanks for reading! ❤️

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