《Wreak Havoc ♛ Robb Stark》NINE



Hera, Robb and Theon sat on a bench, watching Bran ride around on a horse with his new saddle. A huge grin were spread across his face, his eyes shining bright. A smile was on Hera's face as she watched him have fun. It had taken some time for the saddle to be made and for the horse to be teached to respond to the reins and Bran's voice, but it was finally done.

"Not too fast!" Robb told Bran, his protectiveness shinig through his though demaneor.

Bran slowed down a bit. "Come on Dancer."

From the corner of her eye, she saw Theon looking at both Robb and her. "When are you gonna tell him?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed. Hera sighed and bit her bottom lip. She knew excactly what he was talking about. A couple of days ago, they had recieved a raven from King's Landing. Jaime Lannister had attacked Ned Stark and his men. He killed Jory Cassel, the captain of the guards of House Stark, and put a spear through Ned's leg. The thought of it made Hera angry. They did not deserve it, because they were both good and honorable men. She thought Jaime Lannister was a coward of a man.

"Not now" Robb mumbled, careful to not let Bran hear.

"Blood for blood" Theon said, his eyes moving to Hera. Hera couldn't help but slightly agree with him. She had practically grown up hearing those words. Blood must have blood. It were the words of her house, therefore she didn't take them lightly. Still, they couldn't do anything for justice when there was a chance that it would result in the death of Ned, Arya and Sansa. And Hera would be damned if that happened.

"You need to make the Lannisters pay for Jory and the others" Theon said, his face stoic as he looked at Robb.

"You're talking about war" Robb exclaimed quietly.

"I'm talking about justice" Theon replied.


"He is right Robb" Hera commented, making Robb's eyebrows lift in surprise. "The Lannisters need to pay for what they have done. If we don't do anything, they'll just keep hurting innocent people. We can't let that happen, but we also need to be smart about this. Going to war is risky and should not be taken lightly."

Robb sighed as he glanced between Hera and Theon. "Only the Lord of Winterfell can call in the bannermen and raise an army."

"A Lannister put his spear through your father's leg. The Kingslayer rides for Casterly Rock where no one can touch him" Theon spits out Jaime's title. Kingslayer. Of course he would ride for Casterly Rock. There he would have his father's protection. He was smart, but how long would it last?

Robb looked flabbergasted. "You want me to march on Casterly Rock?"

"You're not a boy anymore. They attacked your father. They've already started the war. It's your duty to represent your House when your father can't." Theon's words were making an impression on Robb, Hera could see that. She just hoped that whatever he choose, he would be smart about it, and not start a war that he couldn't win.

"And it's not your duty, because it's not your house" Robb nearly snapped at Theon. He looked around, his eyes suddenly widening. "Where's Bran?"

Hera felt her heart rate speed up as she realised that Bran was nowhere to be seen. She hoped that he was just joking with them, and that he would appear with a big smile on his face, but he didn't. All three of them jumped down from the bench.

"I don't know, it's not my house." Theon retorted, before walking away from both of them.

Hera stared after him, shock written all over her face. She took a deep breath, before turning towards Robb. "I'll help you look for him."

Robb gave her a grateful look, before turning around. "Robb" Hera said, causing him to turn around and look at her curiously. "Be careful."


Robb would have smiled, had it not been for the panic he was feeling. "You too." his reply was short, and he left as soon as the words escaped his lips.

Hera breathed deeply through her nose. Please let us find him, she thought. Her feet started moving, and seconds later, she was sprinting through the big forest.

The forest was covered in a thin layer of fog, which made it impossible to see more than a few meters ahead. The ground was muddy, and Hera's boots sunk into the mud with every step she took. She hadn't seen Bran, Robb or Theon for a while, and she was panicking on the inside. Who knew what could be lurking in these woods. There could be wild animals just waiting for someone to come in and be their perfect lunch, or wildlings who wouldn't hesitate in killing you and taking everything you had with you.

She skiddled to a stop as she heard distant voices. For a couple of seconds, she was sure that she was hearing things that were not there, but as she got closer, she started to see the silhouettes of people. When she was close enough to see them clearly, she gasped quietly.

Bran was held by a wildling, a knife to his throat. Panic was written all over his face, and his eyes were glued to Robb. Robb held his sword to a female wildling's throat, and behind them laid a dead wildling. Hera knew she had to do something. But what could she possibly do? Hera felt anger bubble up inside of her. How dare the wildlings attack Bran? They wouldn't get away with it, that was certain.

She didn't have time to think, as she heard the male wildling force Robb to put his sword down. The wildling was distracted, which gave Hera the perfect opportunity to attack. Without a second thought, she pulled her sword out of its sheath. She had always been light on her feet, which she thanked the gods for in that moment. She softly walked up behind the wildling, and no one saw her coming.

She was right behind the wildling just as Robb put his sword down on the ground. No one knew she was there. Without wasting a second, she thrusted her sword forward. A sickening crunch sounded as her sword sliced through the wildlings skull, his blood splattering onto her face. As she withdrew her blade, she heard people gasp, finally realising what had happened.

The wildling fell to the ground, revealing Hera standing there, a bloodied sword in her hand and blood on her face. She let out a breah she didn't realise she had been holding in, before she looked at everyone's shocked faces. Hera thought she would have felt remorse or guilt for killing the wildling. But she didn't. He was hurting the people she cared for, and she had to stop him.

Theon came running towards them, before he stopped beside Hera, his eyes wide in shock at the scene in front of him. He instantly walked over to the wildling woman, an arrow pointed at her so she wouldn't try to escape.

Robb let go of her hair and rushed over to Bran. "Are you all right?" he asked, his eyes landing on the fresh cut on Bran's thigh.

"Yes, it doesn't hurt" Bran answered.

"What about her?" Robb asked as he glanced at the wildling. She looked panicked, her eyes staring at him with a crazed look in them. She clasped her hands together as her eyes glazed over.

"Give me my life, my lord, and I'm yours."

Robb seemed to debate it for a couple of seconds before he nodded slightly.

"We'll keep her alive."

The wildling woman fell forward as a cry of joy escaped her. Hera would definitely keep an eye on her.

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