《Wreak Havoc ♛ Robb Stark》ONE


Hera sat in her chair inside her chamber at Winterfell. The chair was made of wood, formed into a beautiful structure. The chamber was dimly lit, the only source of light coming from the window. It was a pretty golden light outside, and it was still early in the day.

Hera's emerald eyes moved away from the small window, till the brush laying in front of her at her vanity. Her hand wrapped itself around the tiny handle of the brush, and she lifted it up to her hair. She softly led it through her straight chestnut hair. Brushing her hair brought a feeling of calmness over Hera's body. She didn't know how to describe it. It was like she was in her own little world, like nothing could hurt her.

When she had no more tangles left, it was time to braid her locks. She almost always wore the same hairstyle. She made it because it was easy to do and it removed her hair from her face. When she was outside all day, she often got annoyed when her hair was in the way. That's why it was so nice to braid it away. Today was no exception, and her hair ended up with three different braids pulling her hair back, while the rest of it hung down her back.

She was supposed to be in sewing lessions today with Arya and Sansa. Sewing had never been her thing. She preferred to fight with the boys and get a bit dirty. She knew that Robb and Jon would be teaching Bran how to use a bow today. He had tried using a bow before, but he always missed the target. Hera decided that she would join them. It wasn't like she would get in trouble for not sewing with the girls. Lord Stark knew that Hera preferred being with the boys, which is why he often let her do what she wanted.

When Hera got outside in the courtyard, she instantly spotted the boys. Robb and Jon stood beside Bran looking intimidating, while little Rickon was watching them from atop of a saddle. It was at times like these that she felt the hole in her heart hurt. When she looked at how happy the Starks were together, it reminded her of her own family. She missed them all terribly.


She often caught herself thinking about how her life would have been if her family had still been alive? Would she have lived at home, or maybe she would have been married? Would her brothers and sister have gotten married? Maybe they would have had children? It had been four years since her life was changed forever, and Hera was now eighteen years of age. Lord and lady Stark had been so kind to take her in to their home all those years ago. She was treated like family by them and their children.

She clenched her jaw when she realised she had been in her own world again. Shaking her head, she cleared her mind of every negative thought. Instead, she tried to focus on everything around her. The chilling air licked at her skin, causing goosebumps to appear. It was getting colder by each day, one step closer to winter. The sky was baby blue, without a single cloud on its surface.

Hera decided to make herself known to the boys by walking over to them. She watched as their eyes focused on her face, and she watched as Bran's eyes lit up, causing her heart to warm.

"Hera!" Bran exclaimed as he rushed over to her to greet her in a hug. Hera's lips instantly curled upwards, showing off her white teeth. A bubbly laugh left her lips as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

He beamed up at her, his chocolate colored eyes sparkling in the sun. "How is practice going?" Hera questioned, while still smiling. Bran cheekily smiled, showing off his small dimples.

"It's okay" his light voice responded.

"Well, let me see" she said hopefully. Bran nodded and resumed his position beside his brothers. Hera followed, and she got smiles from the rest as a greeting.

"You slept awfully long today" Robb commented as Hera stopped beside him.

"I'm aware" she jokingly said back, causing Robb to roll his eyes.

Jon softly pat Bran's shoulder, "Go on, father's watching." Hera looked up on the balcony behind them. Lord Stark and Lady Stark stood beside each other, smiling down at them. "And your mother."

Bran nodded before he pulled the bowstring back, releasing the arrow. The arrow soared through the air, but it sadly flew past the target. Jon and Robb erupted in laughter, while Hera patted Bran softly on the shoulder, to comfort him.


"And which one of you was a marksman at ten?" A dark voice sounded from above them. They all looked up at lord Stark who spoke. "Keep practicing Bran, go on."

Bran took a deep breath and pulled the bowstring back. "Don't think too much Bran" Jon commented as he bent down.

Robb studied Bran's stance, before he spoke as well. "Relax your bow arm."

Bran focused on the target, but just as he was about to release the arrow, another arrow flew past him. The arrow hit bullseye. Everyone, including Hera, looked shocked towards whoever shot the arrow. Hera's eyes settled on Arya Stark, a young girl with the wild personality of a wolf. She grinned at them, before bowing. Bran dropped his bow on the ground, before he took off after Arya, who instantly ran away.

Hera and the remaining Starks erupted in laughs. She laughed so much that her stomach started hurting, and her lips as well. Her lips spread into a smile so big, that she thought they would tear open. Laughter was a beautiful sound, sweet like honey. She didn't want the moment to end. It was like a break from her dark thoughts which corrupted her mind since the day her family was taken from her.


A deserter from the night's watch had been caught that same day. When you join the night's watch, you take an oath. You shall not abandon the watch. If you abandon the watch, it is punishable by death. As warden of the north, it was lord Stark's responsibility to pass the sentence.

Hera had gone with the Starks to the execution. It was Bran's first time seeing something like that, and she knew it would be hard for him. Hera wanted to be there as support, in case he needed it.

The deserter was brought forward, muttering things as he did. It was hard to hear what he said, his voice being very low. Still, Hera managed to make out something.

"White walkers, I saw.... White walkers." Hera felt her heart stop beating for a split second as the words sunk in. Her eyes widened as she stared at the deserter in shock. He seemed distressed, like he had seen something that haunted him. It made Hera believe that he was either speaking the truth, or he had gone completely mad.

White walkers had been gone for thousands of years. Most people even believed them to be a myth. Hera didn't know what she believed. She had never seen one, but she kept on open mind. You don't know what you can't confirm.

The deserter was stopped by the block, which would be used as a headrest for when his head would come off. He looked at lord Stark with pleading eyes.

"I know I broke my oath. And I know I'm a deserter. I should have gone back to the Wall and warned them. But I saw what I saw. I saw the White Walkers. People need to know. If you can get word to my family, tell them I'm no coward. Tell them I'm sorry."

Lord Stark looked at him with somber eyes, before he gave him a nod. He drew his sword out and positioned it in front of him, its long and sharp blade pointed towards the ground. "Forgive me lord" the deserter whispered with his eyes clenched shut.

Lord Stark bent his head over the sword. "In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, first of his name..."

Beside Hera and Bran, Robb and Jon stood. Jon bent over towards Bran, who looked nervous. "Don't look away, father will know if you do." Hera could see that the statement did not help Bran at all, so she softly placed her hand on his shoulder, as a way of comforting him.

"Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm, I, Eddard of the House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, sentence you to die." Lord Stark quickly swung the blade, its sharp edges cutting the head off like it was nothing. Hera didn't feel scared or disgusted by the beheading. She had seen far worse things.

"You did well" Jon said to Bran. He didn't answer. Hera sighed and looked down at the ground. Yes he did.

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