《Wreak Havoc ♛ Robb Stark》Summary


Hera's family was murdered in cold blood by their enemies. Hera got away and went to Winterfell where the Starks lived. She knew she would be safe there, because Ned Stark and her father were close friends. Now, years later, she still live there. The Starks have treated her like family, and she couldn't be more grateful.

As a war starts, Hera is introduced to a darker side of herself. Her more vengeful and warrior side. Can someone pull her back into the light before she disappears into the darkness?

After all, her house words are Blood must have blood.





Disclaimer: I do not own Game of thrones, its characters or plot. All rights go to George R. R. Martin. I do however, own Hera and her plot. I also own any other characters that's not in the show or books, and their plot.

Warnings: This book contains sexual themes, violence, death, foul language, sexual assault and depressive themes. Read at your own risk!

English is not my first language, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes that might appear.

Thank you for reading!

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