《Lover of Mine • Little Women》Five


Chapter Five:

Elouise stumbled down the wooden steps, crashing into a figure before she met the cold ground. She sat up, finding the laces of her boots to be untied. Her face burned as her clammy hands attempted over and over to retie them, when she completed that task, a face greeted her from above.

A boy stood above her, looking down with concern. "Are you alright, Miss?"

He held out a hand, which she ignored as she pulled herself up. "I am deeply sorry, sir. I should have watched where I was going."

"Don't apologize.'' He smiled, "Though you seemed to be in quite a hurry, is everything okay?"

Elouise nodded, meeting his green eyes. "This is my first party. I have learned quite quickly that I am not a fan of crowded rooms or older fellows asking to dance."

"I'm not a huge fan of them either, you are not alone."

He lifted a hand and gently brought it to her hair, she held her breath as he revealed a small leaf. "Laurie."

Her brows furrowed, "Pardon?"

His eyes widened, dropping the leaf. "My name. My name is Laurie Laurence."

Elouise took a deep breath, the name Laurence striking a cord in her mind. "You live across from the March's?"

"That would be me, yes." He chuckled, "Are you the extra figure I keep seeing around?"

She nodded, "I am staying with them for a few months until I can continue my travels."


"My dream is to travel the world." Elouise stated, "Before it is my time, I need to see everything."

Laurie nodded slowly, "So, travelling woman, what can I call you?"

"Oh," She mumbled sheepishly, having forgotten to introduce her own self. "My name is Elouise Myer."

He smiled, he seemed to do that a lot. Good thing he had a nice smile, his pearly white teeth a contrast to the dark curls atop his head. His lean figure took a step towards her, "Your skin is awfully pale, why not take a seat over on the steps?"


Elouise agreed, walking beside the boy as they took a seat next to each other. "I don't recall ever seeing you around before?"

"I stayed with my grandmother, she lived in the middle of the forest by the river."

He suppressed a laugh, "The shed? I always thought that place was haunted."

"And you were correct. Haunted by the ninety year old who lived within the four walls." She couldn't help but smile, "Though, it was quite frightening that the roof caved in the day she passed."

His face fell, alarm dancing in his eyes. "Oh, I apologize for speaking ill of your grandmother's home."

Elouise felt herself calm down, raising a brow at the boy. "Not to worry. I speak ill of her most of the time, it is all in fun and memory."

"I hope you don't mind me saying, Miss Myer, but you do look beautiful this evening."

"You look quite handsome yourself, Mr Laurence."

His face scrunched, "Please, call me Laurie."

"Then you call me Elouise."

Laurie smiled yet again, "May I call you El? Since, I do hope we are friends now."

She nodded, "I've never had a nickname."

A new song played from the house, this one upbeat and quite catchy. Laurie made a face, eyes widening with glee. "I do love this song."

Elouise turned towards him, feeling much better. Though, the corset was still digging into her lungs. "I've never heard of it."

His eyes seemed to go wider, "How have you never heard this masterpiece before? Where are you from?" He jumped up, tapping a polished shoe to the beat.

"Prince Edward Island."

"Canada?" He offered her his hand, "How interesting. Care to accompany me a dance to the best song you shall ever hear?"

Elouise accepted and carefully stood up, her lips forming a line. "I'm afraid I don't know how."

Laurie grinned, "I've always believed I would make a terrific dance instructor."


He grasped her other hand and placed it on his shoulder, keeping the other gripped in his hand. He placed a delicate hand on her waist and stepped to his left, telling her to follow. After a few tries Elouise had gotten the hang of it. "May I be honest, Laurie?"

"Of course."

"This is quite boring."

He gasped, stepping away but keeping his hands on her. "Boring?" He paused, "I know."

Elouise laughed as he let go of her waist and began to spin her, him jumping around her like a mad man. When he stopped she tried to catch herself, but her mind was spinning as she began to topple over. Arms wrapped around her waist and brought her in close, clutching her tightly.

"Are you alright?"

Elouise continued to laugh, one that her father had always deemed to loud and obnoxious while her mother gave it the title 'un-lady like.' But they were not here, and Elousie couldn't help but laugh as if it was the last time she would, she was having fun. "You must stop asking that question. I am always alright, Laurie."

"I don't think I believe you."

"Well, that may be a good thing." Her laughs died down as she pulled herself away from him. "As I am a terrible liar."

Laurie watched her, how her cheeks were a bright red against her fair skin and darkness of her freckles. Her dark hair fluttered in the wind, already in a state of array from the spinning. Her brown eyes shone a gold in the porch light, reminding him of honey and the colour amber. A baby blue was the colour of her dress, but he believed a deep emerald would suit her more.

"Are you alright?" Elouise questioned, watching his unblinking gaze.

"Y-yes." He stumbled, "Would you look at that, you've stolen my question."

Elouise rolled her eyes, not caring how she looked or would be preserved. She felt comfortable around this boy, and no longer wanted to pretend. She didn't feel the need too.

"In all honesty, I did not believe I'd enjoy myself tonight." Elouise beamed, "But I'm glad I was mistaken."

Laurie smiled, "As was I. Perhaps we will see each other again, after this night?"

"I would hope so—"

"Elouise!" Jo's familiar voice floated towards her, "Elouise!"

She turned to see Jo holding Meg as they carefully took the stairs. Meg looked to be limping while her sister propped her up. Elouise rushed to Meg's side, placing her other arm around her own shoulder. "We must get her home." Jo said.

"I've sprained my ankle." Meg sighed, "I'm sorry to cut your night short Elouise."

"It's not problem. I only hope you can walk as far as your home lies."

"Take my carriage!" Laurie's voice sounded, dashing towards them.

"We cannot, Mr Laurence." Meg said, "It's far to early for you to leave—"

"I insist!" He said again, following them as Meg tried to get them away. "You simply cannot walk on a sprained ankle. I leave parties early all of the time, don't fret. Please."

Meg eventually gave in, agreeing that walking on her ankle most likely was not the best idea. They were told to stay put as Laurie disappeared, off to fetch the carriage. Within a few minutes his carriage came around, he opened the door and carefully helped Meg in with Jo, leaving Elouise out and waiting. When he returned, he gave her a smile.

"I suppose we will be seeing a lot of each—"

"Elouise!" Jo shouted, causing her to jump. She laughed quietly, looking up at Laurie. "Thank you so much. And yes, we will be."

She bounced up the steps and flopped next to Jo who was fussing over her sister. Elouise flashed Laurie a smile as he closed the door, seconds later they began to move.

Maybe choosing to stay with her grandmother just proved to be an even more brilliant idea than she first thought.

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