《Girl crush Monday (GxG)》Chapter Seven


♥Jenny’s POV♥

Throughout the week, everything went back to the way it was. Tyler took whatever chance he had to sneak a conversation with James. I don’t know why, but when around me they acted pretty normal but when alone they were like love struck preschoolers. It didn’t bother me though, as long that my two favorite boys were happy I could sleep at night.

On the other hand, my mother being the b*tch that she was, left the day after James came. Like always, her exact words were, “I’m sorry guys but I have this important business trip for a month. I’ll make sure your credit card has cash and there’s money on the table. Bye!” And she was out of the house faster than lightening.

James and I saw it coming but wow, how heartless could she be? I mean, she didn’t even stay one full day with us. With that settled, things calmed down at the end of the week. Surprisingly, Casey isn’t as annoying as before. She can be fun when she put her mind to it. Every chat we had I suspected that she wasn’t as innocent as I first interpreted.

Right now I was headed to her house so that we could go to the beach. Ty claimed that I wasn’t hanging out with my new friend enough and I need to take a day off so we can hang out. No matter how many times I told him that wasn’t necessary, he still insisted on it. Going behind my back, he invited her to the beach, saying that I told him so. That earned him a black eye and a kick in the nuts.

Parking my motorcycle on the side of the road, I hopped off and walked up her driveway. Knocking on the front door I waited patiently for an answer. After a few knocks, the door flew open and my breath was caught in my throat. Damn, she looked hot! Wait, no… What the hell am I thinking? Her clothes looked hot. Better.

“Oh my god I’m so excited!” She beams, closing the door behind her and swinging a little bag over her shoulder.

“’Hello’ to you too,” I say, smiling at her excitement and shaking my head. She quickly notes that she didn’t greet me, so she says, “Sorry, hey.” Her cheeks were burning red as we walked out of her yard and approached my ‘baby’. Now, what on earth was she blushing for?


Shockingly, she didn’t have a problem getting on. Not so acquitted as I thought! Taking off, she lets out a loud ‘yelp’ and grabs hold of me even tighter. I smirked because I really did think that she was more advanced in this field. Guess I was wrong then.

The drive to the beach wasn’t that long but all of a sudden I felt a little uncomfortable having her so close to me. Her cute little face was pressed against my back –even though the helmet was on, it still bothered me. The way her fingers were gripped to my torso had me shuddering. God, imagine if she was to touch me anywhere else…

Jenny, here you go again! Stop thinking about those types of stuff! Casey is a girl and you’re a girl too. Two ‘v’s does not make a double-u.

A matter of fact they do…

That’s not the point! The point is, snap out of it! You’re straight for crying out loud! That voice in my head was right. Why on earth whenever I was around her I always thought about her touching me or how tempting her lips looked? Gosh, I need to cut myself some slack!

“We’re here!” I announce because Casey was still holding onto me. It felt nice and all, but that was the problem.

“Oops sorry again, I didn’t notice we stopped. To be direct, I was scared! You drive so fast,” She says, hopping off my bike.

“It’s cool. I get carried away when I feel the wind on my face,” I reply honestly, hopping of my bike. I secured our helmets onto the motorcycle and then grabbed my wallet, sunscreen and stuff from under the seat.

We walked towards the shore and then Casey said that she needed to go change her outfit. She came here wearing a really tight tank top, really short shorts and flip-flops. Her hair was put in a messy bun. If I wasn’t lying to myself I would say she was rather attractive, but, I prefer lying so I say she isn’t.

At this beach, because it was private you had membership. The membership came with free food, a locker, beach chairs and refreshments. The price at the end of the month was pretty reasonable so I always abused my membership.


Getting things organized, I went along, signed in and had two beach chairs brought for us. I wanted a spot in the shade and I got that. In my locker, I always kept two towels in there so I took it and placed it on the beach chair along with the sunscreen. I figured that Casey was taking too long so I bought two chocolate ice-cream cones and headed to the changing rooms.

These people are smart! Everything else is paid for at the end of the month except for ice-cream. This meant that you needed to really use cash.

Walking up to the changing rooms, as I arrived at the entrance, Casey was just walking out. And like in those crappy movies, the wind took her hair as she removed it from the ponytail. Her white bathing suit with pink polka dots fit her really well. She was curvy… I could just run my hands all over her sexy body…

What the f*ck is wrong with me today? Sheesh!

“Yum, you bought ice-cream,” She practically squeals and I couldn’t help but smile while I handed her one. To be frank, I never knew she was this energized! “Chocolate ice-cream is the best!”

“I couldn’t agree with you more.” I say.

We turned and began our journey to our beach chairs. All of a freaking sudden, I felt someone’s hand in mine. I don’t know where it came from but I felt a few sparks here and there. Looking down at my hand, I notice that Casey was holding on to me while she gracefully ate her ice-cream. This may sound completely cheesy but her hands fit perfectly in mine.

If anyone saw us, we would look like a couple. Obviously I would be the male figure because I looked like a guy! I was wearing my favorite blue male beach shorts and a white V-neck. The only aspect of my body that verified that I was a girl was my boobs. Without them I would be screwed. Girls would be hitting on me left, right and center.

“Hmm and you told me she wasn’t your girlfriend!” I hear someone coo. Turning around, still having Casey’s hand in mine, I was face to face with a shirtless Andrew. Holly mother of muscle!

“Do you want a black eye on such a beautiful Saturday afternoon?” I question, flashing him an evil smile which read, ‘Try your luck big boy.’

Lifting his hands in surrender, he says, “I’m only kidding Jenny, ha-ha. Um…” Then he got all nervous, and raked his hands through his hair. Raising an eye brow at him, I question, “What’s the matter Drew?”

“Well I was wondering if you’d be able to go to the movies with me tonight. I understand if you don’t want to or if you already have plans for tonight. I can always stay home and-“

“Oh stop babbling about. I’d love to, pick me up at seven,” I say, doing a mental victory dance. His face immediately brightens as he says, “Seven it is. I gotta go continue my game with the guys, see you later Jen!” With that, he ran back in the direction he came.

Turning around, a smile was still plastered on my face. I could feel Casey’s grip on my hand loosen and I took a look at her. All of a sudden she looked down in the gutters. What could have gotten her upset or sad?

“Are you alright,” I ask and she nods at me. Seeing that I wasn’t convinced as yet, she gave me a smile which I knew was a fake one. Shrugging it off, I was too excited about tonight to think about her right now. That might seem a little harsh but, it’s only the truth.

“Okay then! Time to have some fun,” I shout, running along the beach, hand in hand with the girl I don’t fully understand as yet.





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